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Hurriedly, I pulled on my trunks as I practically ran through the door and out the building but with each step further I just wanted to head back in there, wrap him in my arms and never let him go.

Why was I feeling this way? I've never felt this possessive before. Maybe hormonal yes and maybe he was just there that's why I slept with him but I had no clue as to why my body was constantly in heat and heated but I was glad the boy was at least gay and wanted me.

I headed back to the bleachers and grabbed my bag, slipping my clothes on quickly before trying to make it to my computer science class. It wasn't that I'd pay attention but I felt the need to put as much distance between me and the boy I knew nothing of. I entered the building and took a detour to one of the empty staircases in hopes of not running into anyone but just as I turned the corner, at the head of the stairs, I bumped into Cathy.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I avoided eye contact.

"Caleb, wait." She counters and her soft hand grabs a hold of my upper arm.

"I'm late for class."

"We really need to talk." She stresses and I suppress my annoyance.

Turning to face her I withdrew my hand and met her at eye level. "There is nothing to talk about.'

"You met him, didn't you?!" She accused and my annoyance with her was quickly replaced with confusion and curiosity. "I smell him on you."

"Excuse me?"

"You guys had sex?!"


"He bit you?!" She demanded as she invaded my personal space and I was then drawn to the blood dripping from the open bite wound on my neck.

"What? Wha- how did you know?" I too demanded and grabbed her hand as she tried to pull away. "Who is he? What is this?"


"Ms. Martins."

We both turned to see our English lit professor staring at us from the end of the hall. "I think it's time you went to class."

Cathy yanked her arm away from me quickly and before I could stop her she was rushing down the hall. Mr. Andrews turned towards me and my anger came back full force.

We never broke eye contact as he walked towards me and I stepped back as he too invaded my personal space. Pulling my chin, he inspected the bite before sighing and releasing me.

"Now really wasn't the time for you to be mating-" He started. "-and he didn't even have the decency to close the wound." He shakes his head subconsciously and I glared at him.

"How did you know I was with a guy? Were you watching us?"

"I can smell his scent on you. He's marked you as-"

"What is with you guys and smelling?!" I cut in. "First Miranda, then Cathy and now you? What is this?!"

"It's not really my place to say Caleb... but deep down... you know."

"How the hell am I supposed to whatever this is when all everyone has ever done, is lie to me."

"Look, Caleb, I'd love to stay and discuss things, like your rage and aggression and the full moon and your birthday which is almost upon us but-"

"How do you know about my birthday?"

"It's a very important event for our species-"

"Our species?"

"Like I was saying, I'm late for a class. I'll see you soon enough."

He turned to leave me but I was so done with people keeping secrets from me and so I grabbed his hand, jerking him back roughly. Mr. Andrews was apparently faster and stronger because seconds later his hand was out my grasp and my body was slammed roughly into the wall, hard enough for the wind to be momentarily knocked out of me. I gasped aloud as his hand pressed against my neck and his face came too close to mine. A low growl emitted from him and I saw his canines extend as his eyes turned bright yellow moments before he was pulling away.

"What the hell are you?!" I demanded but made no move to approach him.

"You should talk to Miranda."

"I'm talking to you!"

"You might be important, but right now, you're getting on my last nerve and you wouldn't like me angry." He snapped once more and I immediately backed down.

With one last look of his once more dark eyes, he walked off, leaving me to stand frozen against the wall.

Deciding that it would be a far better move to leave school instead of raising hell on my supposed family and my lecturer with the elongating canines and changing irises, I hurriedly headed for the exit in search of my belongings and something that could cover my neck bite.

Neck bite! Hah.

I shook my head at how ridiculous I sounded and tried my best to cover the still bleeding wound. In no time I was back home and I placed one of the bandaids found in the cabinet, onto the wound.

The house was unsurprisingly empty since it was only after ten in the morning and I decided to make a meat sandwich and swallow it down with an energy drink before settling down and doing my own research.

I might not have a lot to work with but I definitely knew who would be on my list of 'suspicious people'. Miranda and Justin were somehow connected to me, Cathy and my professor were probably part of the same cult and who knew how many other persons.

I grabbed my laptop off my desk, closed and locked my bedroom door to ensure privacy and began my research into, not only my family but, the entire area we now populated. I needed to know more about these people; where they came from, their backgrounds, any and all ties to witchcraft, cults or any such evil and what their ties were to me.

I probably spent a full hour or more going through google search on any and all websites, chat rooms and where ever else would give me knowledgeable intel about the changing of irises, elongating canines and people being able to 'smell' someone. Full moons, sacrifices, mood swings and whatever else came to mind.

Suffice it to say, I had some really strange responses and most of them were too bizarre to be real, I just settled on two options. Neither of them sounded good to me but for some reason, they both sounded plausible.

All I had to do now was wait on them and I swore to myself, that by the end of the night, I would get answers.

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