Introductions, Introductions

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As both Mike and Jeremy kept staring at Vincent, the awkward silence was soon broke by a females voice. "So um, Mike and Jeremy right." Mari asked them politely, as they both nodded quickly to her statement rather than a question. "Well come on then guys, since you both think it's funny to snoop around out here quietly to see who I was talking to. You now get to meet her and go all quiet? She won't bite, honestly. Just please actually open you're god damned mouths and say something to her, instead of standing around not saying anything like a bunch of idiots and just staring." Vincent spat those words hastily towards them as they were acting very rude and antisocial.

"Well do you think, you can give us all five or so minutes alone Vincent?" Mike asked curiously as he felt uneasy with Vincent being here, especially after what he thought he witnessed Mike and Jeremy doing. "Fine fine then, I can tell when I'm unwanted and wanted. I'll give you three some time alone to chat without me interfering. But I swear if any of you two make Mari upset or anything, I will not be amused. Got it? Good." Vincent said with a devious smirk plastered over his face, before eventually walking to the guards room to go find something to do while they all talked.

Once Mari made sure Vincent was out of sight and ear shot, she looked at the two males as she smiled sweetly at them. "So Mike, Jeremy, tell me a little bit about yourselves. That is, if you don't mind that is."

It took a couple of minutes before one of them spoke up to answer her question. "Well I suppose I'll start off, since one of us won't answer a simple question." Mike said as he gave Jeremy a slight glare from the side of his eye sight. "Anyway... well my names Mike or Michael Schmidt, I'm 21. Been working here... hmm let's see... that'd be about what, maybe a year now. So yeah that's me... or well a very quick over view of who I am." "Well it's very nice to meet you Michael." Mari stated happily as she held out her hand to him. "Oh please just call me Mike." He said back to her as a small blush crept on to his face, as no one had ever called him by his full name. Apart from his family of course. He then reached his hand out, as he firmly grasped hers as they shook hands.

"Ah yes... um what about you Jeremy?" Mari said as she averted her gaze from Mike to Jeremy now. "Um w-well i-i-I'm not very a-amusing to learn a-about really." He spoke very shyly as he stuttered so much while blushing from embarrassment. "Heh come on Jeremy, I'm sure you're just as amusing to learn about as much as Mike." He took a deep gulp and breathe at what she said as many didn't bother to get to know him. As most shrugged him off as a stuttering shy twit. "W-well my n-name is j-Jeremy as y-you know. I'm 19 y-years old. I s-suppose I've been working h-here for m-maybe a couple of m-months now. So y-yeah I'm f-fairly new h-here, as o-oppose to Mike here." He ended his sentence with a smile to her, which she quickly returned to him.

It was quiet for a good few minutes until Mike suddenly spoke up. "So what's you're story then Mari?" Mike asked her with full curiosity in his tone of voice.

"Ah yes my story... well its both sad and happy I suppose." She smiled at them, Mike was about to say something but Mari spoke up again very fast. "But not to worry, I'll tell you my life's story. Now where to begin? Well I suppose the beginning huh? Well it all began back in 1986. I remember it as if it were yesterday. Me and my son were standing just opposite this very restaurant. I was on a pay phone, trying to get someone to come and pick both me and my son up. Though when I was on the phone, I never payed any attention to my son as he tried getting my attention or focus on him... but I never. He got so bored in fact that he it turns out he made his way to this restaurant in order to do something and pass the time by..." she looked down as guilt washed over her mind and body, as if it were drowning her in it.

"A-and what h-happened to h-him?" "Well him and a couple of other kids were lured to a secret room in this restaurant. Away from everyone. Security. The whole works. When he was sure that no one followed or saw him do so... he proceeded to stab in to them horrifyingly."

Tears began to stream down her face as she remembered that day all to we'll now. "Wait if you weren't there when it happened, then how do you know if they died like that, and also in that way?" Mike asked as he looked at her and saw Jeremy just comforting her. "Well let's see... I got a phone call from the morgue at the hospital that night to come in and identify one of the children's bodies. Let's just say... I found his body... knife marks puncturing every place where a vein could be found. It looked almost as if he tried fighting back against the killer.... After his funeral, I fell in to a deep state of crippling depression... I shunned everyone away from me as my depression got progressively worse. I soon then was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and having bipolar, as I kept on switching moods and feelings on the dime... my depression got so bad in fact that I started to harm myself to make the pain stop... After a while I took my very own life in 1989 on December 24th. I couldn't bare having another Christmas and New Year without him... After all... I had failed my very own child."

Things fell quiet very quickly as soon as Mari finished telling her story. Both Mike and Jeremy didn't know how to respond to any of this as they felt utterly sorry for her. Jeremy hugged into Mari tightly as he rubbed his hand in circles on her back for comfort. She didn't say or do anything as her face was swimming and drenched in tears.

"I-.... I'm so sorry... you've obviously had the worse experience a mother could have." That was all Mike said until he asked another question. He knew now was mostly not the time to be asking her questions. "Um Mari... If you don't mind me asking... how exactly did you become a puppet exactly, if you died?" Jeremy looked angrily at Mike as he thought Mike of all people would realise how touchy this subject is, never mind asking her questions on it. "Well I suppose when I died, my spirit didn't move on and possessed this puppet doll thing... probably due to all the guilt and blame and rage kept me from moving on properly." She spoke through very heavy sobs and deep breathing as she cried more heavily. 'This is my curse, for not protecting my son and not being there for him.' She thought as she closed her wet teary eyes. 'I'm sorry my sweet baby... I wish I'd been there.' 

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