The many personalities of Mari

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Mari, Mike and Jeremy stood frozen in time as they stared at each other after hearing that story. Very soon Vincent came walking back down the hall to them all. "So guys, how did bonding time all go for you guys th-" He stopped and stared at a crying Mari as Jeremy hugged and comforted her. While Jeremy was doing that, Vincent then turned his direction and gaze to Mike.

Mike just stared at Mari and Jeremy, as he refused to look Vincent in his lifeless, pale pure white eyes. "Well? Mind telling me what happened and why Mari is crying?" Vincent asked Mike very calmly though with some harshness to his tone. "Uh... well you see, she was telling me and Jeremy about her life before she became a puppet, marionette thing." Mike said so simple, though little to all of them, Vincent deep down was angry and furious that they found out but he nodded in response to Mike as to not seem suspicious.

'Okay, okay, calm down Vincent... its not like any of them know I murdered those kids... and they'll never know... not Jeremy, Mike or dear sweet innocent Mari.' Vincent thought in his head as he began to collect his thoughts and think about what he said in front of any of them now. "So I'm guessing she told you guys about her personality disorder then?" Both Mike and Jeremy nodded slowly to Vincents' question.

Mari began to stare down at the cold dark floor as the men talked. She then got the feeling she wanted to be left alone and think. "Anyway... I want some alone time to think by myself please." Mari said as she grabbed Jeremys' arms and unwrapped them from her as she began walking away in to the darkness of the hall. "W-wait Mari-..." Jeremy was stopped by Vincents' arm and was pulled back to where he was originally. "Listen you two nuckle heads... when someone who is clinically depressed, bipolar and has multiple personalities, asking to be left alone. You leave them alone... god knows what Mari would do to any of you two if she wasn't in the right state of mind or personality."

Jeremy just nodded at Vincents' words and warning as he began to look down. "So Vincent... what personalities exactly does Mari have?" Mike asked very curiously as he folded his arms and looked at Vincent finally. "Well I'm both glad and annoyed you asked me. Why annoyed? Because once I tell you two these personalities and what they do to people sometimes... you'll see Mari in a whole new light." "And why exactly would you be glad then?" "Oh because Mike... I don't want you doing something so stupid to Mari that you make one of her bad ones come out and say 'hello', plus maybe this will scare you away from talking to Mari." Vincent stated as he stared and smirked creepily at Mike.

"Anyway I'll tell you guys... so she has exactly three personalities that are pretty much bat-shit crazy and insane, if you want a simple definition for them and two personalities including her real one as being sweet and kind." Vincent said without any hesitation and very little effort. "A-and how w-would we t-tell each p-personality apart f-from her a-actual one?" Jeremy stuttered very nervously and a little scared by what Vincent had just told them. "Well you see Jeremy her eye colour tells you what mood and personality she's in exactly... so red is... hold on wouldn't you guys prefer to, oh I don't know, write this down so you always know the difference between each personality." Vincent asked them as they both exchanged glances with each other, they then both pulled out their guard note books and a blue inked ball pen each.

"Right uh anyway I'm surprised you guys kept them..." Mike looked at Vincent very oddly. "Why? What if we had to take a statement from someone who had seen someone sneak in to the restaurant and stealing things." "Well yeah I know, but come on let's be honest, who's gonna try that like somewhere here... especially with the reputation this place has." "Fair point I guess Vincent... I guess, I never thought of that." "Ah well, just shows what loyal workers you and Jeremy are, if you still have them in good condition." Both Mike and Jeremy nodded at him as they smiled at Vincents' compliment to them.

"Anyway... personality descriptions... so yeah red is when you want to watch your belt buckles and keep your guard up as that's her flirtatious and lustful side... she's very ashamed of it and would like people to resist her if possible okay. Next we have is crimson red or blood red if you wanna be more specific and call it that. Yeah this one is very nasty as it's her psychotic and killer side... when she's like that, you better have you're running shoes on or be good and fast at running or you're gonna get fucked up guys. Okay so anyway lastly we have is another nasty one and is hard to tell as it's a light red and close to her red lustful colour. Though there is a trick to know the difference. If she holds a knife and gets off when hurting you... congratulations! You've come face to face with her sadistic sick side."

Vincent stopped speaking as he saw Jeremy raise his hand up as he stopped writing what Vincent had all said. "I t-thought you s-said she also h-had nice s-sides to her?" Vincent just smirked which made Jeremy tense up slightly. "I did didn't I? When she has green eyes that's her soft and caring side, it's also her side that remembers everything that has happened to her in her life and when she has normal black eyes with white little dots for pupils, that's her real personality. So now you guys know... oh also try and avoid her if you guys have any cuts or injuries that'll bleed, okay."

Mike looked at Vincent ah he raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Why would we avoid her if we get cuts or injuries and it bleeds?" "Trust me Schmidt, you don't wanna know what will happen okay... but if you wanna know then you can... but don't say I never warned any of you two if something happens~" Vincent stated in a purring tone as he looked at both of them. Jeremy began to feel his legs shake slightly as he was paralysed with fear now after what him and Mike had been told by Vincent.

'Could Mari have all these personalities in her? Really? Maybe Vincents' just trying to scare me and Jeremy away from getting to know her... just look how jealous he looks when he sees us talking with her...' Mike thought in his head as he stared at vincents' cold, lifeless white eyes. "Whatever Vincent I don't believe Mari would ever do anything like that... she seems way to nice... to caring... to... to..." "innocent?" Vincent finished Mikes sentence as he stared at Mike and smirked. "Believe whatever you will Mike... but you'll find out one way or another... you and Jeremy both, either the easy way or the hard way." With that said the hallway fell silent as each male stood and glared at one and other.

Meanwhile in the 'parts and service' room away from the arguing males, Mari sat down on a bench and stared at the floor. "If only I knew who the killer was who killed my son... then I could always take revenge for my son." She spoke to herself as she cried into her hands badly. She kept sobbing heavily as she soon heard a voice in her head. One of her sinful personalities. 'You know it was one of the guards, you saw so on the tape when the police showed you Mari... let one of us sinful personalities out to play~' her mind spoke to her as she couldn't control her thoughts and push them away. "N-no! I will not run the risk of hurting Mike, Jeremy or Vincent, they're my friends." She spoke to herself as if someone was talking to her. She began to cry more and crouch in a ball like sitting position on the floor as she rocked back and forth for comfort.

After arguing with the sinful personalities for what seemed like forever, she began to give up and lost control. Due to her bipolar and depression had one over and one of the personalities won the battle. She looked down as her eyes slowly, steadily and surly turned crimson red. She then began to look up as a smile began to form across her lips. "Heh~ let's go and have some fun killing shall we? I think we shall." She stood up from the floor and reached her hand up for the door handle. Once the door swung open she began to make her way to the kitchen, to pick up some 'weapons' for her to use.

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