The past is meant for the past

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Once Mike had escorted her to Vincent's office, she then thanked Mike before he left. "But of course Mari... Now you just be careful now and watch yourself." She smiled brightly up at him as she then walked inside of Vincent's office and then shut the door. Once she was inside his office she took a very deep breathe in as she then looked at Vincent, who had been facing her way ever since she walked in. "Come in and sit down Mari." "Yeah. Okay then." She said softly back to him as she walked over to a spare chair, in front of his desk in the room and sat down on it. "So.... what did you wanna talk to me about." She asked slowly as she looked over and up at him.

"Well first of all... I'm not exactly proud of the way you acted when you flipped Mari... not to mention you ended up harming Jeremy." He slammed his two hands on his desk as he leaned forward. Glaring angrily at Mari. "I-i know! I'm so so sorry... I really am truly and utterly sorry." She said with tears pricking the edges of her eyes as she looked at him. "Damn it Mari... you're lucky he didn't threaten to sue this company after what you did." He stated coldly to her as she started to cry without even realising. "Crying isn't gonna help Mari! So stop acting like a damned child." She sniffled sadly and rubbed her eyes with her cold numb feeling hands as she looked at him. "I know... I know! I'm sorry Vincent I just can't believe I had did what I did."

Vincent just sighed and sat back completely in his chair as he ran a hand through his messed up long purple ponytail. He hated to see Mari like this. He hated seeing her cry and feel terrible about something like this, because he knew it wasn't her fault at all. He began to move his hand over to Mari's hand and placed his atop of her very own, which caught her attention, making her snap her head quickly in his direction and looked confused. "Look Mari... it wasn't your fault. I know you and I know you'd never do anything like that when conscious and fully aware of what your doing." He moved his hand further up her hand and grabbed ahold of her wrist and gave a small reassuring squeeze. "Trust me okay... and please stop blaming yourself so much and so badly because it wasn't your fault okay."

She looked at him and then her wrist which he was still holding on to. She slightly blushed as she rarely got any human interaction with touching. "Y-yes... yes of course Vincent." She said softly and quietly but loud enough wherever he would hear that, as she closed her eyes and sighed. "Thank you Mari." He stated as he smiled at her, something she couldn't see as her eyes were closed. He then released her wrist from his grip and retracted his hand back to himself, where it belonged on the table. "So Mari... while your here and everything, wanna talk about your dream? Have they at all improved or changed?"

Her eyes shot open at the mention of 'dream'. She didn't wanna to discuss her dreams again with his as they haven't changed nor approved in any way possible. She fell utterly in to thought as she began to remember her dream. She then started thinking of her friend William from the dream and how much alike him and Vincent looked, acted and talked. Same deep, raspy sexy voice. The only thing bothering her was why did she dream of someone who looked like Vincent but different name. "Ahem... eh Mari you alright there?" Vincent said as he waved his hand in front of her face, very slowly so it didn't startle her at all.

Once his voice penetrated in to her ear and thought, she snapped out of her wee side tracked thoughts and looked at him. "Yes Vincent?" "Well I just wanted to let you know that you haven't answered my question yet silly." "Oh heh... yeah I guess I did forget to answer you and spaced out huh?" "Yes... yes you did... so now please answer my question sweetie." "Well to put it simply and straight then... no... no they haven't changed or improved for that matter... in fact I think they've gotten a whole lot more worse actually as of late..." He stared at her as as she looked so very miserable as she spoke. He sat up in his chair and cleared his throat as he looked closely at her. "Well what exactly was your dream about then Mari?"

She jolted in shock in her chair as she looked very closely and surprised at him. 'Great now he's asking what my dream was about! Oh what do I tell him? I can't exactly say I dreamed of someone who looked exactly like him with a different name. That would make me look like a god damned creep... literally,' She thought in her head as she was soon taken out of her monologue thought process by Vincent speaking. "Eh Mari... you're doing that thing again..." She shook her head and looked at him. "Oh my goodness... I'm so sorry Vincent." "It's fine just, please stop spacing out on me please?" "R-right." "Now if you please." 'Oh no... guess I could always lie...' "um well you see Vincent,  the dream was about me, my son and husband all going to 'Freddy Fazbear Pizzareia' because we were celebrating our sons first day of school the next day-" Vincent just nodded to her words as he listened very politely to her.

"...and then well one of my old friends came over to speak with me." "What was his name?" "William. William Afton." Vincent jumped the slightest in his chair as he heard that name.'I haven't been called or reminded of my old name for years. Why now? Why remember now!?' Vincent thought as he raged in his head. While Mari sat very confused as to why he looked so taken back by that name. His eyes then snapped on to her view and he glared rather angrily at her.

She started feeling very uncomfortable as his stare was piercing her with fear. What did she say? What did she do that made Vincent so snappy all of a sudden? "V-vince-" "No no no! You listen here Mari-" Vincent raised his voice as he leaned his body weight on to the desk in a threatening manner as Mari started to feel her legs shake in fear at his sudden change in mood and atmosphere. "-you're going to forget about your past. That's why they call it the fucking past you twat!" "I-i-i'm sorry I couldn't help what I drempt about..." She said in a terrified shaken voice as she began to cry, out of fear and feeling hurt.

"Your past is a whole waste of fucking time to remember about! So stop trying to remember or think about it. Forget your past. Forget this William fellow. Forget your husband. And for the love of sanity, forget and let go of your son! He's not coming back no matter how many times you weep and remember things about him!" Right there and then Mari felt instantly her heart braking at his words as more and more tears spilled from her eyes like a waterfall being released after it has been tried to be kept back without success.

He then stopped talking as he stared at her completely emotionless or feeling no signs of empathy for her. She stared down at the ground as more tears spilled down her eyes, then down her cheeks and then on to the carpet. Vincent then rose from his seat as he made his way to her. He walked round the side of the desk and stood beside her as he looked down at her. She never ever dared to look up at the man she once knew so well, until she felt a cold hand under her chin.

He lifted her head up with her chin to make her look at him. "Now Mari you're gonna be a good girl right and forget everything I told you to right?" He raised an eyebrow up as she was about to protest but instead nodded her head very sadly and with full of regret. "Good girl~" He kissed her forehead and then let go of her chin. Her head immediately dropped as she looked at the ground once again. Vincent then started to walk to the door and then left. Leaving Mari alone in his office, with hurt feelings and a broken hurt heart. "Why?... why me..." She placed her face in to her hands and cried loudly in to them as she screamed in pain. Hurtful forgetful memory pain. "I'm so sorry Jake and Tom!!"

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