That's New

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Mari stormed down one of the many long dark corridors, only illuminated by crappy dull artifical lighting. She had grown quite accustomed to the bad lighting in this restaurant, however this also was its downfall, as if you wanted a quiet walk about this place, anything could rear it's ugly face at you. She proceeded to one of the many women's lavatories in the place. Once there she forced the door open harshly and went over to one of the many sinks that had a mirror infront of it.

She twisted the taps handle and then plunged her hands under it to get water. Wetting her face with her cold watered hands, she then rested them on the sinks base and hung her head low. 'Why?... why did you have to change Marion?...' She clenched on to the sinks base and stared into the mirror that faced her infront. She looked closely at her reflection and saw her eyes were now bloodshot and had puffiness to them, where it once was not. She couldn't believe it, wouldn't and tried her hardest to not believe she was so upset when seeing her brother. Yet she knew. She knew her emotions were shot to bits when seeing him again after so long. Even her eyes betrayed her strong will to stay strong, with that of her real will. Her real raw will of pain and feeling forgotten and abandoned by one she called family.

She immediately then raised both her hands to her face and began to rub at her eyes. Rub till all the tears had gone and dried. 'Mari are you okay?' No. "Of course I am okay." She knew it was a lie. She also knew who and what she was talking to. The very reason that caused her aggressive and killing tendencies. Her side that she just wants to desperately forget and lock away forever.

'Come on Mari, you and I Both know that you're not. You're in pain and hurting... at the thought of hurting Jeremy and nearly committing a sinful act, at having Vincent for having telling you to completely forget about your only son that you had and everyone else that you see in these dreams of yours, at seeing your 'brother' after so long of feeling like he had forgotten, abandoned and distanced himself from you...' "s-shut up..." Mari could feel the sinster voice in her head smile at her own denial. 'Oh? Are you sure? Come on Mari, I'm waiting!?' "I said shut your fucking mouth!" Mari's head rocked forward slightly and she peered down at the sink. "I... I don't feel pain, hurt or anything like those emotions you speak of..." 'mmm... liar!'

Mari gasped as she felt another's presence and touch upon her shoulders. 'I know your lying... I am you. Well... the part of you that knows the truth and real pain of what happened...' "I said-" 'would you like me to show you?' "..." 'To show you what happened to Tom? Who the killer was? The real killer? Come on Mari I know your dying to say yes... so just say it.' "I don't... I don't know if I should... it's just like what Vincent said... the past is meant for the past, all that matters is here and now." Mari felt her hair at the ends being played about with now. 'Vincent? Who's Vincent? Don't you mean William?'

Mari's eyes widened as she heard that. What did that other her mean? Did she really want to know what that other her had meant. Slowly making her mind up, Mari began to turn her head and look at who she was talking to. No one. She saw no one standing behind her. Even the feeling of her hair being played with had stopped. "Huh... must of been my imaginati-" 'Oh oh... turn and you'll see me.' Mari complied and turned, now facing the mirror and sink again. Now facing who she was talking to.

There in the mirror she saw herself, but not just that. The way she looked was that of someone in pure hate, pain, anger and blood lust. Blood lust for the killer who killed her son. 'See... I am you, whether you want to accept that truth or not, and that Vincent... that one you call friend... that bastard that you call Vincent, is actually William.' "Wait... you mean my old friend from college?" 'Yes-' Mari was gonna smile and run back to Vincent and Marion where she had left them. '-and he is also the person that killed your --I mean our son.' Mari's lips stopped halfway in the formation of that smile she was gonna create. Instead her heart had automatically sunk as well as her stomach. "A-are... are you sure?" 'Hmm... would you like me to confirm that for real?' "Y.... yes... please." Honestly Mari wasn't sure if she really wanted to find out, but it was too late to turn back now on what she had said.

A couple of minutes later after saying that, her mind became dizzy and her sight had become blurry and white. She didn't know what was happening to her at all. She knew it wasn't a personality trying to take over as this felt very different to that. This felt, this felt very strange and a feeling of nostalgia was washing over her all of a sudden.

Without anything to fully support her weight or balance, she tumbled and doubled over. Her body crashing to the bathrooms flooring and not moving. No twitching. Nothing. When she shot her eyes open, she realised she was no longer in the bathroom but a whole blank white canvas scape place. She heard footsteps approaching her from up ahead. She lifted her head as best as she could as she was still quite dizzy and blurred and locked eyes with her other self, who was kneeling now and held a hand under her chin. "W-where am I?" 'Where you ask? Heh... why your in your mind... where you'll see all that happened and what led to this moment and time... The only question is, are you ready to face them?...'

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