The Brother

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It was currently ten to eleven at night, so the night shift wouldn't be starting for another hour and ten minutes. Mari was just currently staring at Vincent with pure and utter hatred right about now. While Vincent was just ignoring her death glares she gave him. He wouldn't allow himself to look at her and be guilt tripped in to apologising. He honestly thought that those visions in her dreaming flashbacks were nothing anymore. That she shouldn't read to much in to them as much as she is doing. He guessed since Mike and Jeremy asked her about her life, then that's what was causing these old memories to resurface. Vincent was gonna speak up and say something, that was until the restaurants front doors opened revealing a mysterious person standing in the doorway. 'Oh wow he's here early for once.'

As the mysterious person walked through the doorway and towards them, he stopped just in front of a glum looking Vincent and a pissed off to say the least looking Mari. As Mari diverted her eye contact she had with Vincent she shifted it into the mysterious persons way. Her eyes immediately widened upon seeing him. "M-marion?" "Ah! So you do recognise and remember me. I must say sweet little sister it's good to see you again to."

There was no mistaking that this mysterious person in fact was her brother. The elder brother she so deeply hated. She knee it to be him as he always shared the same white pale porcelain face as hers. The cheeks of his face had a pink circle on either side of his face just like hers and a violet line running down each side as well. The only difference to them was their hair and clothing. That and the fact that one was a male and the other a female. Mari adorned pure white bleached hair that was tied up halfly at the back. She had a fringe in the front that covered the entirety of her right side and right eye. While Marion had pure jet black short hair. It was spiked in the back while messed up slightly in the front. This gave him a somewhat professionalism look to him. He happened to be wearing a white shirt, a long black stylish victoriana era looking drench coat, black formal pants and shoes. Mari however just happened to wear a semi long dress that was half black and half white, semi thick black tights and black dolly shoes.

"Just what the fuck do you think your doing here Marion?" "Oh wow not even a simple welcome from my little sis? How heart braking to say the least you know." "Marion!" "Alright alright sheesh. If you must know Mari, I was contacted to come here by him." Marion finished as he gestured a finger to Vincent's direction.

Silence fell upon the three as they just looked back and forth at each other. Mari who eyed Marion with untrusting eyes then landed on to Vincent with confused and angry glares. Marion looked unfazed by his sisters glares and glances didn't say anything, it's not like he blamed her for being this way. Vincent who was currently breathing in and out slowly as he was collecting his thoughts together.

"Alright. Alright you two before you start going at each others throats, I have something to discuss. With the both of you." This caught Mari and Marion off guard, as he's never wanted to speak to them both together in such a long time. "We need to talk about your visions you've been having Mari. Like properly talk-" "Vincent..." "I know. I know Marion. I haven't forgotten why I called you here." 'What are you planning Vincent? What are you planning Marion?' Mari thought as her eyelids dropped slightly and a frown presented itself upon her face.

"Fine I'm listening then..." Was all Mari said as she huffed at the end and folded her arms over her chest. "Well I really want you to forget everything you see in these dreams. None of its real. The people there don't exist and never have. Your son in these dreams are only there to make you feel remorse and sympathy towards yourself as you still blame yorself for his death. Stop it. Just stop it right now Mari." Mari was wide eyed now as she knew something was up. 'That's impossible Vincent that they can't be real or ever existed, when these dreams are recollections of my memories.' Mari thought as her face displayed annoyance and anger now. "I agree..." Was Marion's reply to Vincent. 'Whats happened to my brother he use to be so different... he use to be more caring and comforting...'

Mari was walking around the halls of the restaurant. She was currently playing hide and seek with her brother. These were the days that Marion wasn't so straight forward or had a professionalism look about him. These were the days that he would make time for Mari and keep her company. He always wanted his sister happy. Though they were not bound by blood their spirits happened to inhabit the puppets that were siblings. So the just thought why not and decided to go along with it and start calling each other family.

As Mari kept walking the hallways of the place, she wasn't expecting the trap up ahead waiting for her. A couple of more minutes walking and Mari was tackled to the ground from behind. "Heh got you!" Mari instantly recognised that voice and giggle coming from the male atop her, that was holding her down. Her brother. "Yeah I guess you win again Marion." She replied in a happy and smiley faced tone. Marion got off from his sisters back and helped her to her feet. "You gotta do better than that sis. God why were you spacing out this time while walking around the halls and 'hiding'."

Mari took a little minute to regain herself as to why she was spacing out. Then it suddenly dawned on her as to why she spaced out there just now. "Oh yeah. Sorry about that Marion. I was just remembering things about my son and how things use to be and how things would be." Marion's eyes softened at her words as he looked down. He hated to see Mari upset and thinking back on such daunting memories. 'Mari...'

Marion brought Mari into a tight embracing comforting hug. It took her sometime to realise and fully process what was happening, when she finally hugged him back in return. "Mari why are you always continously thinking back on such daunting and sad memories for? You always make me so worried when you bring these things up." Mari peered up at her brother and was shocked yet happy by the truth in his words. "N-never change Marion please. P-please always remain my sweet and caring big brother..." She said as she buried her face into his shoulder for more comfort. "Of course. I promise to never change." He looked down smiling at her while she smiled brightly back at him.

'But you did change...' Mari thought as a single tear threatened to fall from her eye as she remembered that day like it was yesterday. 'You did change. You became the brother I never wanted. You became more colder and distant from me. You became a hitman for hire pretty much now. I don't wanna know or see you anymore dear brother. Your no longer the brother I once knew and loved. Dear brother of mine, to me your as good as dead to me now.'

"But Vincent. Marion. These people and places from my dreams. My visions. My memories. They are all real places and use to be real people. How do you expect me to just ignore it and forget it all when it's all real. All of it. Well? How do you two expect me to!?" Both Marion and Vincent didn't expect this outburst from Mari. No, not at all. At first she was quiet and seemed to be in deep thought about something, then the next she's having this outburst.

"Mari it's for your own good and interest if you just forgot about those pointless things." "W-what I think Vincent means Mari is not to worry yourself with them." Mari looked to vincent then to Marion. "I can't believe you two can't just give me a good enough reason to just forget about them. Like the both of yous can't give me a straight enough fucking answer too." Marion was gonna say something in response to her, until he stopped when Mari's hand shot up into the air. As she was telling him to shut it.

"Save your breathe. It's pointless trying to argue this out and saying something back to what I've already just said." "Mari please just let me-" "No! I don't wanna hear it Marion. I don't wanna hear your shitty excuses. Yours and Vincent's both." She said in a tone laced with pure hatred and anger. She arose from the chair she was sitting in and made her way away from them. She stopped when she had enough of a good distance away from them both. "You know I don't know what's worse Marion the fact that your actually here on job or the fact that you broke that promise you made to me a couple of years ago... Doesn't matter to me, just don't come around here and think I'll still love you brother. Far from it." With that said she started walking away again. Leaving a sad and regretful looking Marion standing there, watching her leave.

'What... what have I done? She's right... I did betray and turn my back on her... I'm sorry Mari... I really am.'

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