Part 18

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Still Jacobs p.o.v

"That was fucking incredible." I chuckleld, bringing her in my arms kissing her flushed cheeks. All she could do was nod. We laid in silence for a few minutes before she spoke. "Shower with me." She softly said, looking over at me. I nodded as I stood from the bed. I looked back to see her still laying there. "Are you coming?" I ask. "Only if you help me." She said laughing. I walked over to her picking her up in my arms, "I fucked you to good." I say, being cocky. I mean it's true though. "Shut up." She giggled kissing my lips.

Your p.o.v

The next morning I woke up to find myself in Jacob's arms. He held me so lovingly. I felt so safe in his arms, I never wanted to move from this position. I laid there looking at every mark that covered his body. Last nights events crept there way into my mind as I laid there smiling like an idiot. Last night was just amazing. I've never felt that way with any other guy, but with Jacob it was different. I like him a lot. Soon a frown formed on my lips as I thought....he's my boss. What is going to happen now? I was so deep in thought that Jacob's loud, unexpected snore scared the shit out of me. I gasped as I pushed myself away from him. He looked over at me in concern, "What's wrong? Are you alright?" He ask, placing his hand on my cheek. I sighed and brought the sheet higher over my bare body. "Yeah, you just scared me." He looked at me with a frown. I know what was going through his head. "When you snored loudly, it scared me." I said, as a smile took over that frown. "I'm sorry," he said, with a cheeky smile. "I thought you had forgotten I was here." I shook my head, "How could I forget." I say, running my fingers over his pink lips. "Yeah, how could you." He says. I shake my head, "Oh god." Daddy. That word just ran through my mind. I wanted to ask him about that. Or should I not. "Last night," I say, biting my lip. "You liked when I called you daddy." I whisper, as he shifts under the white sheet covering us. "Yeah. It just came to me and I liked it. But when you say it...I go fucking crazy." I smile. "You want breakfast," I say, sitting up on my knees letting the sheet fall off my body leaving me fully exposed to him. "Daddy." I say, gliding my tongue over my teeth. "Fuck." He moans, as I giggle. He grabs my body as he brings me back to him.

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