Chapter Four

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Guessssss who finally managed to write a chapter despite having zero inspiration?? I hope you guys don't mind this chapter- it's more of a filler than anything, really- because it's definitely not the best thing I've ever written... HOWEVER... there's a pretty big plot twist (maybe several) coming up that are probably going to happen within the next 5ish chapters sooooooo... I guess you've got that to look forward to! Anyway... Enjoy! Xxx

Trudy?' Zosia stops at the reception as she arrives at work the next day, having a request for the receptionist. The woman looks up at the sound of her name, eyebrows raised.

'Doctor March?'

'I was just wondering if I could update my file on the system?' Zosia asks, watching as the woman- Trudy- begins to type something into the computer, nodding her head to show that Zosia's request is fine with her.

'What exactly is it you need changed?' Trudy questions, pulling up Zosia's file on her screen.

'I'd like to change my surname, if that's okay. Ollie and I aren't exactly married yet, but the wedding's in just over a week and if I don't do it now I'll just end up forgetting. Is that alright?'

'Of course it is. I'll do that for you now. Valentine, isn't it?' Trudy checks, wanting to make sure she's got it right before she puts it into the file.

'Yes, that's right. Lovely, isn't it?' Zosia beams, thinking about just how beautiful the surname actually is. She feels grateful to have fallen in love with someone who has such a nice one, as a opposed to something awful, since it'll be tagged onto the end of her name until the grave.

'It is... Congratulations, by the way. You know, on the engagement.'

Zosia glances down at her engagement ring, watching it expel slight beams of rainbow colours every time the light hits it the right way. It's such a beautiful ring, and she grins as she holds her hand out to Trudy, who takes it so that she can get a better look at the rock.

'Oh, that's wonderful. Boy did good.' She comments, examining it for a couple of seconds and then letting go.

'He did.' Zosia agrees wistfully, still staring at the ring, until Trudy interrupts her train of thought.

'...And there we go! All done. Is that all?'

'Yes, thank you, Trudy.' Zosia smiles at the receptionist.

'No problem at all. Have a nice day now, Doctor March.'

'And you.' Zosia nods her head in acknowledgment and then collects several files from the side of the desk, checking the names on the front. She isn't one hundred percent sure what they are, so she turns to a passing nurse, the one she remembered asking to carry out scans and tests the day before.

'Becca? Is this Mr Moray's toxicology report?' The nurse nods on her way past, disappearing in a hurry before Zosia even has the chance to ask her anything else.

'Right...' she mumbles under her breath, checking over the files for any abnormalities. When she comes up with nothing, she approaches Mr Moray's bed and tucks the file safely into the holder at the end, smiling as she sees the old man stir awake at her arrival.

'Ah... The radiant Doctor March, who lights up the room with her smile. What have I done to deserve this visit?' He compliments, his thick Scottish accent almost impossible to understand. She smiles warmly at him, and he grins back as he sees the look he had previously complimented.

'You're too kind.' She shakes her head in amusement.

'Nah, not if it's true, and in your case, it is.' He winks, and she can't help but blush.

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