Chapter three:her child

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Nine months later
I was at work I work at the restaurant close to my home it's a fun kid I get to meet new people and everyone here loves me they don't know my real name I said I'm Amber heart and I died my hair red so no one knows who I am I miss fairytail but this is something I have to do this is my dependence and I'm soon to go in labour this baby is getting heavy like I have to show people there tables now cause I can't serve cause of my belly it's huge but I'm now going to hang with my friends Emily I walk out to her home we talk my belly hurts

"Em my belly hurts"I said she is a nurse

"I think your in labor "she said and my water breaks

"Yep your on labor" said and laid me down she is going to deliver my baby she keeps telling me to push

"Now Amber give my one more push"Em said then I hear crying it's the baby she cleaned my baby up and gave my baby to me
" it's a girl and you had twins"she said I'm smiled

"What are you going to name them"Em said

"Nashi heart and pastel heart"I said she nodded and left the room I rocked my baby's back and fourth she has some hair coloured salmon I love it  she is just like natsu but em comes back in

"Ok Lucy I'm going let you get sleep can I take her"she asked

"Yes I trust you"I said she took her and put her in a little cribs and I went to sleep

-fifteen years later

I'm going to be late for school crap and if that happens moms going to get mad and that's scary pastel is sick today

I finally get to my class and I walk in everyone laughs at me probably cause of something stupid

"Hey Nashi its true you have no father"Lilian said

"Aye so what"I said looking at her

"He probably left you and your mother cause of you he probably hated you"Lilian said trying to push my buttons

"How would you know your mother left you when you were five"I said everyone stopped laughing

"Well your mother is going to leave you just like you left father leaving you homeless "Lilian said laughing I punched her across the face and she held her face and punched me back in the face but twice I need her stomach she kicked me in the stomach I kicked her leg her leg was fine but she kicked my leg but this time you can hear a big snap I fell to the ground she covered her mouth my leg she broke it

"I'm so sorry"she tried to apologize the teacher came in she ran over to me and picked me up and brought my to the infirmary I had a black eye really black she said that would stay for a month and my leg was broken she put it back In place she phoned my mother then asked if I wanted to go home I shook my head she gave my a crutch and for both of my arms and I went back to class and went to my seat the bell rung and Lilian came up to me

"Nashi I'm so sorry"she said I just walked away ignoreing her I went to my next class and then I'm now on my way home I walked to my home to see it a mess I found a note in says and pastel crying she is hold in her note

Dear Nashi

My baby girl I have been taken if your reading this note but I want you to go on the train and go to fairytail tell them I have been taken ok and you last name is not heart it's heartfilia as you already know  my real name is Lucy heartfilia but you can't tell anyone only if you feel the time is right ok and I put together a bag filled with you baby book my keys two books I would like you  to read them and a blanket and I got a train ticket for you it leave at four tonight it takes a week to get there your fathers name is natsu dragneel and you can't tell him there was a reason I kept him from you and you from him and you have to tell people your Nashi heart if they knew your a heartfilia they will come after you and once natsu knows that you his daughter cause I know they will figure it out there is a letter for him give in to him I hope to see you again my sweet Nashi and you can tell Emily and makarov that is the master of fairytail

Lots of love
Your mother
I cried I graded the bag  put my letter from Luna on in there and pastel graded her bag and we headed to the doorthen I open the door to see Emilyy

"Nashi Pastel where you going"Emily asked

"My mother was taken her real name was not Amber heart it was Lucy hearerfilia my name is Nashi heartfilia and pastel is pastel heartfilia and I'm going to fairytail to find my father"I said she was shocked then let me go I was on my crutches I went to the train and went off to fairytail to find my father

Nashi heartfilia the child who has no father [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now