Chapter eigthteen:the baby

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Eight months later


      Nine months, I'm nine months pregnant, I've been admitted to the hospital, not the guild infirmary but the Mongolia hospital. Wendy is here waiting for the baby to come. Apparently I'm six centimetres dilated.

      I can't wait until my baby is here, Storm talks to the baby all the time people actually might think he's going crazy by the amount he talks to the baby.

    We don't know the gender, we wanted to know by surprise.


      I'm talking to dad, The baby hasn't come yet. I left to get some water.

     "Storm Nashi should be having the baby soon ready to be a father," dad said. Mom, dad, Mira and Nashi's parents are here. I probably should be getting back in there.

    "Yeah I know, "I said, the door to Nashi's room opens and Carla comes open.

     "Storm, the Baby is coming out," Carla says and I get up heading into the room. Getting over to Nashi I hold her hand and she looks at me when nashi is told to push again.

      Soon the cries of our baby are heard and I smile at Nashi as she breathes heavy.

    "You did good," I say to her as she smiles. Pushing her hair out of her face Wendy gives the baby to  Nashi.

    "It's a Girl," Wendy says and leaves the room.

    "What are we going to name her she looks a lot like you, "I said looking at the little girl in Nashi's arms with pink hair.

     "How about Alana, "Nashi said I smiled. I actually like that name a lot.

    "Let's go with Alana," I said and she gave me Alana. I walk out of the hospital room so she could get some sleep. I let people see her.

        "I want to see this child, "Makarov said I handed her to him, honestly, I do not know how this name is still alive, he's incident.

     "What's her name, "asked mom

     "Nashi named her Alana, "I said Makarov passed her to mom and dad.

     "She looks like Nashi the most"mom said

      "Yeah that means she is going to have storms personality, "dad said and passed her to Natsu and Lucy.

     "She is adorable, "Lucy said and handed her back to me and they left I went back to Nashi who is peacefully sleeping. I watched the baby sleep as I also listened to the heart monitor.


     It's been a year and pastel has finally found a man his name is Austen and apparently, he is hot but I love Storm. I'm actually meeting Austen today, I forced Pastel to bring him by I'm am sitting on the couch with Alana, she is a year old now Storm is on a job. Since we need money I heard a knock and got up I saw pastel and a guy.

    I smiled and held out my free hand for him to shake it and he did that. Pastel, she went crazy over Alana, it's her first time seeing her.

     "Oh my lord Alana is adorable Nashi hey Alana Antie pastel is here," Pastel said and graded her and came in.

     "Nashi where is Storm, "Pastel asked

     "He should be here soon he is probably just getting in he went out for a job and take care of Alana, "I said she nodded then Alana started to cry.

      "Umm Nashi what do I do, "Pastel said panicking I graded her and she stopped crying as soon as I started to rock her and put her in her high chair and graded her baby food and a spoon. It's time for her to eat anyway.

      "She is just hungry, "I said and started to give her food.

      "I've never seen two sisters get along like you too," Austen said

      "Well that is what happens when you live with only your mom and your twin, you get along with the people you have with you, "I said Pastel nodded agreeing with me.

      "People in the village always picked on Nashi so she had no friends so we stuck together we were like inseparable "Pastel said I finished feeding her and storm walked in I handed him Alana.

     "Now you can watch her wait you have no choice, "I said he glared and went to put her down for a nap and came back out since Alana goes down for naps faster than normal babies, and he went back to the kitchen probably to get food like always.

      "Storm get your ass out here! "Pastel yelled and Storm came out with a plate of food.

      "What" storm asked

      "I don't see a ring on my sister's finger now where is it," she asked I spit out my water storm dropped his fork. What a blunt question to be asking. We've only been dating what four years.

         "Pastel I don't see why that is any of your concern" storm said they are about to fight.

      "Outside both of you when you come in no fighting" I yelled and they went outside.


      Once we got far enough from the house we started to talk. I see what Pastel did there, made nashi get fed up and send us outside.

      "Why is there no ring storm, "Pastel asked when we got outside.

      "I'm working on it I need the money to get it that's why I'm always out on jobs, "I said pastel nodded and went back into the house I stared at the ground then pulled a tiny box out it was the ring I got Nashi for when I ask her to marry me. I'm just not ready.

Nashi heartfilia the child who has no father [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now