Chapter seventeen:can you find me

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       "What do you want Gavin," I say shoving him away from me, slamming me against the wall my head begins to bleed. I'm not going to let that happen again. I have to be the stronger person here.

I struggle and he keeps shoving me into the wall. Damn him.

      "Last time you got away, I'm going to let that happen this happen," Gavin says and I kick his leg before lighting myself on fire, I punch him in the face sending him into the wall.

Running away, I won't stop until I run into the house and Storm jumps up.

       "Gavin" is all I say before he leaves the house. I know Gavin followed me, what he doesn't know is that I live with Storm. When I walk back outside Storm was beating the shit out of Gavin.

I don't bother to stop him I just sit onto the ground. I feel dizzy. He hit my head really hard. Why can't he just leave me alone for once, why must he be so rude?

     "Hey, Nashi" I hear and I see Emerald come to my side as I lean on the door frame. Why do I feel so drained? It's physically hurting right now.

     "Juli, go get Aunt Wendy, I don't think we should move here, she looks pretty hurt in the head," Emerald says. Storm drops down next to me. I can barely see as I see Juli run to get help. Storm pushes my hair out of my face.

    I look at Gavin who Katie has his hands tied behind his back and on his stomach.

     I groan in pain.

     "What hurts Nashi" Storm asks me looking at me concerned.

    "My stomach, it really hurts," I say and Storm looks at me even more concerned. What if something happened to the baby. Suddenly I grab my stomach in pain. It hurts so bad. My head also hurts.

    I see Wendy running to me, my mom not too far behind. Wendy gets to me with a medical bag. Mom and dad are here along with Storm's parents and Levy.

       "Aunt Wendy, she said her stomach is in a lot of pain," Emerald says and Wendy lifts up my shirt.

      "Storm gets behind her and slowly pulls her back, I need to look at her stomach more clearly," Wendy says and Emerald and Wendy hold my shoulders as Storm opens the door. He gets behind me and I Lay back.

        "There's a lot of blood here Nashi, you might be having a miscarriage," Wendy says and I groan in more pain.

       She begins to look at my head and wraps bandages around it.

     Then take me to the Guild so Wendy could get an ultrasound on my stomach and see what's going on.

       "Okay Nashi it looks like an internal bleed, not a miscarriage and I can fix it with my magic," Wendy says and begins to heal me with he magic. I'm so grateful that it's not a miscarriage.

Nashi heartfilia the child who has no father [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now