Chapter twenty-Goals

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    I got home, Alana settled down but I was still was dragging Storm when I got home pastel and her boyfriend was there.

     "What are you guys doing here, "I asked they looked at us.

     "I wanted to hang out with my twin and her adorable little baby what's the big deal and Austin can hang out with Storm, "Pastel said she got up I threw storm on the couch and we went to me and storms room. I sat on the bed and she did too.

   "So what's new," she asked holding Alana I showed her my hand her eyes widened and she gasped.

     "Is that an engagement ring?" she asked and I nodded excitedly.

      "Yep storm proposed last night, "I asked she graded my hand.

      "It's about time he did, "she said I laughed. I waited a long time but I'm very patient.

      "So Nashi when's the wedding, "she asked rocking Alana.

       "Don't know, as I said, he proposed last night we didn't all about that yet geez I don't know who is worse you or mom?" I said laughing and she shrugs before joining me in laughing.

     "I heard my name, "a voice sang as we turned to see mom. She walks into the bedroom. Sitting on a little bench in the bedroom.

     "Mom you're a wizard" we both yelled and she laughed.

    "Where is my granddaughter, "mom asked and I pointed at Pastel holding her.

     "Pastel is holding her mom, you have to wait, "I said mom got up and graded Alana. That did not work as I had hoped.

     "Or not, "I said Pastel smiled at me.

      "So pastel Nashi already gave me grandchildren where's my grandchildren from you," mom said she blushed badly.

    "Well um, surprise, "Pastel said we were confused. What?

     "I'm pregnant, "Pastel said, my face going pale, she's pregnant. Can we handle a pregnant Pastel? Mom fainted but I graded Alana before she did.

      "Nashi goes get Natsu, "Pastel said I ran out I gave Alana to Storm, I bolted for the guild I slowed down to catch my breath. As I got close to the doors I opened them I scanned the room for Dad, I found him and I graded his arm and dragged him out of the guild.

     At the house, once he saw mom, he walked over and shook her she woke up and we explained to her what happened and we all laughed.

Three years later

    "You got to be fucking kidding me!"

     "Who the hell are you!"

     "Nashi it's not what it looks like I promise "

     "Your cheating on me "

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