Chapter sixteen:what will they think

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      For the last month, Nashi and storm have been acting weird, they have been always hanging around each other, Storm has been watching Nashi, Nashi has been a lot more moody.
       I didn't notice Storm as much until Gray and Juvia brought it up, they said he's avoiding conversation about the topic of relationships, he's hanging around Nashi. I didn't even know they lived in the same house.
       Gray and Juvia were going to talk to Storm and see what's going on some and Natsu decided to go and talk to Nashi and find out from her.
       When Storm left to go back to the house so he could talk with his parents, my parents also came over because they wanted to talk.
      Now I'm sitting in the living room of there house which isn't a bad house actually, I never came to see what it looked like. I moved in with Storm straight away.
      I sit on the little armchair as they sit on the couch. Mom gives me coffee and themselves coffee as well. Smiling at my parents.
      "So you and Storm have been acting different than normal, what's that about dear" Mom kindly asks.  I thought no one would notice but I guess your parents know you better than anyone.
     How exactly do I bring this up that I'm dating Storm and I'm pregnant? So I just say that I'm dating storm and then I'm pregnant or do I say I'm pregnant and then that I'm dating storm? I wish I could know what storm is telling his parents.
    "Before I answer that question, mom, how old were you when you got pregnant," I ask taking the hot cup of coffee in my hands. The heat really doesn't bother me.
    "I got pregnant at 18 but had you at 19, why what's up dear," Mom says putting her coffee down onto the table.
     "I'm dating Storm," I say causing dad to choke on the coffee he was drinking. I fold my hands together.
    "For how long?" Mom says placing a comforting hand on dad's hand whos in shock that I'm dating the son of his enemy and friend. Really bizarre relationship those two have.
    "We started to date before I left three years ago"I said and mom just looks down, dad looks at mom and then at me. He balls his hand that isn't being held by mom's hand.
     "This recent change of hungry, Storm always around you, Your pregnant aren't you," Dad says and Mom just looks between me and dad and I look at him in the ends.
     "Yes, I'm a month pregnant," I say and mom and dad just go silent. Dad looks like he's ready to kill Storm. I get up and show myself out to let all this new information sink in.
    I get back to the house and Storm is in the kitchen. Smiling. I go up to him and he kisses my forehead as I wrap my arms around him.
    "So how did it go? "I asked him and he pushes my hair out of my face. Looking down at me he just smiles.
    "I told my dad about us being together, but, not about the baby" Storm says and I giggle. I wonder how they will react when we do tell them. Probably not well, well I think Juvia will be excited but Gray will have the same reaction as dad most likely.
    "My parents figured it out, I'm surprised dad didn't follow me back to beat your ass," I say leaning on the counter as Storm goes back to cooking. He cooks better than me, then again, most people cook better than me.
     "My dad would have beaten me, "storm said, I see the goosebumps rise on his arms and we started to laugh.
    Juvia is sitting across from me when Natsu and Lucy come to join us, we just came back from Storm and Nashi's house, I can't believe they hid it from us.
     "Hey, Lucy, Natsu what did Nashi tell you, "I asked taking a sip of the water I just got from Mira. He does not look too happy, I mean I wasn't at first when I found out they were dating but it's not that bad.
     "Well, Two things one she and storm are dating, "Natsu said and I can tell whatever this second one is, that's what he's angry about.
    "We got that too what's the other one," Juvia asks, Places a hand on Natsu's,
    "Nashi is pregnant with storm baby," Lucy said and I look at them both, why did he not tell me. I'm going to beat his ass. He should have been more careful, there is no way they are ready for a child.
     "By any chance do you know where Storm is, "I ask them ready to go beat my kid up for knocking up someone and not even telling me himself.
     "I would think his house if he's not here," Lucy said and I bolted out of there before anything else could be said.
    Getting up, I follow gray whos walking incredibly fast to Storm's house. Upon getting to the house he just barges inside and scares the living daylights out of them. Gray begins to yell and beat Storm for not telling him so I just slowly pull Nashi out of there.
    We get back to the guild. Surprisingly no one followed Gray to see him beat up Storm. We sit with Natsu and Lucy. I grab her some water.
     "Can someone tell me why the storm is getting the shit beat out of him? "Nashi asked confused seeing how there really was no insight before I dragged her out of there.
      "Gray found out he got you pregnant, "Mira said and Nashi spits her water out and started to laugh.
    "I guess karma can be a bitch" Nashi said and everyone was laughing.

Dad finally stopped beating me, I wipe the blood off my lip as he sat next to me on the kitchen floor.
     "Can you tell me why you just like beat me up?"I asked as I rub my stomach, everything is going to hurt for a long time.
     "You got Nashi pregnant, "dad said, wow it not take him long to find out.
       "How did you find out, "I asked, reaching into the freezer for an icepack for my stomach.
      "Lucy, "he said, I nod.
      "Storm, don't let Nashi do what her mom did," Dad says and I look at him, no one really spoke of what she did just I knew she left and it really hurt Natsu.
      "Lucy ran when she found out she was pregnant, She didn't tell Natsu, did not come back for over fifteen years but she came back with twins, no one knowing when she got pregnant. so don't leave her or I will come back and beat the shit out of you again" dad said with a smile. Lucy left while pregnant and didn't tell Natsu.
That makes more sense now.
       "Hey Dad, what did you do when you found out mom was pregnant" I asked
       "Well she didn't actually tell me, I was taking out the trash and the bag ripped open and there was the test it said positive. so I put everything into a bag and took the test into the house and waited for her to get home. she came home saw the test on the table so she told me she was pregnant and then she got  scared I would leave her so I married her,  how long have you and Nashi been secretly dating "dad said
     "We started to date before she went on that mission and that was why I never dated any girls in that three years," I said he nodded and got up. Using the counter as leverage to get up.
        "If I were you I would marry her soon, she is having your child after all. Well, I'll send Nashi back when I get to the guild" dad said and went to the guild.
Gray comes into the guild, he doesn't look too bad but that doesn't tell me how Storm will look.
     "Nashi you can go back now, "gray said I giggled, I left then I realized I forgot my bag I was about to get in then I see Gavin he pulls me into a ally.
      "Hey, Nashi it's been a while,"

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