The end

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     Thank you guys so Much for all the comments, reads, and votes. You guys don't even know how much this means to me. I didn't expect my stories to get this much reads, this book currently has 32.7k reads! That's insane.

     I would like you guys to comment if you guys would like to improve on my writing, what you liked about the book because those comments are always nice, and what you didn't like about the book. Also go show my other books some love.

       Also go and follow me for some insight to my next book or to get a say in what you guys would like me to write because I do listen to what my followers like. More FairyTail books are coming.

Fight For Your Freedom

     After a traumatic event, no one was the same. Fairytail disbanded for a whole three years. No one went out of their way to bring everyone back until natsu returned to find it gone. He spent a year looking for everyone and soon the guild was back. Except one person. Lucky Lucy Heartfilia.

     It's been four whole years since many people have even heard her name, she vanished but there's a reason. She trained in a magic her mother failed to teach her, seeing how she did die. Lucy was taught many things, how to fight hand to hand, use different weapons, other magics. One overpowered the rest though. It's called Third Blood.

        This magic is wanted by dark mages for one reason. It can resurrect the dead and help you heal your wounds. It's a magic that only some can weld, those who failed to learn the magic correctly have lost their lives trying.

        Lucy starts making appearances but she isn't the same. Tattoos cover her, scars, dressed in black, black demonic markings on her body. A single black eye. She's changed but what everyone soon wonders. For the better or for the worse

The light in the Dark

        Natsu is known all throughout the land of Fiore, he's greatly known for his dragon-slaying abilities. Flames are used to represent him alongside, light. What happens when his past comes back to bite him.

      Despite all his attempts to hide from his past, one thing sticks out. His childhood best friend. Lucy Hearfilia. She isn't strongly known among the general population but instead, the higher-ups, guild masters. They are the general people who know who she is.

      She shows up out of the blue to help Natsu, she wasn't there to torment him but rather, help him. Lucy knew the pain of creating a new life and having it on the brink of destruction due to the past.

Right under the guilds nose's one of the greatest dark mages helps one of the greatest light mages fight his past. Some would argue that Lucy was truely, superior to zeref.

       When the council comes knocking on fairy tail's door's demanding them to hand over Natsu Dragneel. Lucy steps in and takes the brunt of the force. All his past came back and would end up destroying him but Lucy knew she couldn't allow that to happen.

Don't Stop Trying!

        One night was all that it took for everything to go down hill. Lucy Heartfilia, Levy Mcgarden and Juvia Lockser all made similar mistakes at the start they didn't know what to but soon they knew exactly what to do and they did something no one would expect. Well what Lucy did. Read to find out what Lucy does. And to who.

She was my Star....and I lost Her

             Lucy.... I'm sorry you are my best friend.wait no you are better than a best friend ,you are the love of my life,you are my life. And I betrayed you. I made you feel the one feeling you never wanted to feel again. A feeling that made me like your father and for that I hope you can forgive me all I ever wanted for you is for you to be happy. I thought without me you would be safe and no one could ever hurt you. Well I couldn't hurt you I knew you would never love me. I was a fire dragon slayer and everyone thought of my as stupid I hated it. But not once did you refer to me as stupid even when you were mad at me. What did I do to read the book to find out?

The Trouble Maker

      Lucy passes away, fairy tail is invited to the funeral but Natsu and Grey kids are there. Nashi Dragneel and Storm Fullbuster. They lost all faith in the world, Nashi doesn't even like her mother.

she hates her stepfather and stepbrother.

Ride or Die 

        Kristen Owens has a chaotic life already but she seems to have it all under control until someone comes and throws everything she once knew out the window. Being the first in her family to ever go to University, she did things that made her mother's blood boil.         Seeing his capturing green eyes she wished she knew what exactly she was in for, He took her world and flipped it around. Telling herself that his cruel personality would be enough to keep her away but that also brought her closer. Before she could stop herself she was falling helplessly for a boy who could care less about anyone else.         Or so everyone thought. He's cold shoulder towards her at first warmed, his hard eyes turned soft for her. Not only was she falling for him but he was falling for her but he just didn't show it.      Wanting to be the only guy who can hold her, who can sleep in her bed at night, who can kiss her, Jayce Castillio fell harder for her than he ever wanted to. But, that's life. Both have shattered hearts that over time, slowly out themselves back together for each other. Their ugly past fixed each other and made them stronger.

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