you said you'd come back
you promised
but you didn't
the day i heard you were never coming back
i cried the whole next week
the day those two military people showed up
was the saddest day of my life
we all new what happened even before they spoke
their faces told it all
we had all new what it meant if they showed up...
it meant you had died
it meant you weren't coming back home to us
at your furneal no one could stop crying
it was the hardest day we all had been put through in a while
we still go and visit your grave
we still talk to you like you're still here
we still find it hard to belive your not coming back
we keep thinking that you'll be back soon
but you won't
that's the hardest part
knowing we won't ever see you again
knowing we won't ever talk to you again
we miss you so much
but we know you died doing what you loved
fighting for our freedom
fighting for our country
fighting for everything
we miss our soldier
we miss you
and this is to all the men and women who died
we miss you all so much
even if we never knew you
but we especially miss our soldier