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You wake up in the middle of the night and you always wonder why. You turn on your radio clock and you hear "What Makes You Beautiful" and you sing to it. You always imagined that you and your friend will one day meet those hot british/irish boys in one direction. After the song ended you went back to sleep.

You woke up remembering it is SUMMER BREAK!!! You are sooo happy that you don't have to go to school but then you remember that you won't see your friends. You get all sad until you get a text from your friend Karen!

Karen: Hey, morning sleepy head...WIAT are you even up.

Diana: Yeah..I am up and guess what I heard when I woke up at 12:00 midnight...

Karen: Let me guess...ONE DIRECTION

Diana: Yes and you don't sound happy why

Karen: Well I got tickets for One Direction and Prince Royce but they are on the same day sooo I am giving you two tickets for One Direction

Diana: OMGEEE are you serious. Like you are not playing with me right now. Please don't tell me you are lying to me

Karen: I am not lying to you girl and you got two so who are you going to bring

Diana: I am going to bring Marisol since she loves One Direction too.

Karen: I got to go but I sended them in the mail yesterday so they should be coming today

Your mom yells out to you and say Diana you got mail from Karen. You run and get the mail and tell your mom the story and that you got 1D tickets. You opened it and you scream.

Mom: Shut up! I don't even know why you like these boys! They have tattoos and they think they are all that.

Diana: I love them mom and you don't have to like them but can I please go to this concert with my friend Marisol.

Mom: sure it's summer break any ways.

You go to your room and you call Marisol.

Marisol: What do you want Diana

Diana: I got One Direction tickets an...

Marisol: What are you talking about those have been sold out for months now.

Diana:Yeah they have but Karen gave me these tickets since she have Prince Royce tickets. So do you wanna come or not?

Marisol: Ofcourse I wanna come and when is it

Diana: Its says OMGEE it is 5 days from now. I can't believe this.

Marisol: Are you serious..I can't wait. Well i got to call you mom hearing me scream like there is no tomorrow.

Diana: okay Bye girl see you there

Your mom comes in the room saying Stop that screaming man I hear you all the way in the kitchen.

Diana: sorry mom but that was not only me that was me and my friend Marisol

Mom: the one that gave you the CD to listen to and those stupid posters. I don't like her and she better not be the one who is going with you to that concert.

Diana: 0_0 uh O

TO Be did you like it people...i know it is a bit rough this is only my second one that i have done...

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