The date...THE FANS!!!

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The boys waited in there tux's. The boys all looked at each other and looked surprised at you girls. They all said, "WOW" before they came to give you all hugs. They all gave you a kiss on the cheek and led you all to the limo. The boys was being polite and opened the door for you girls. All of you guys are in the limo and talking until you reach the resturant.

Liam: You all look lovely tonight!!

Danielle, Perrie, Diana, Marisol, and Eleanor: THANKS!!!

Harry: Okay Liam you are already recieveing all of the attention haha.

Liam: Well, say something they will love then....HARRY!!!

Harry: Fine....ladies I love your dresses and can i wear it one day.

Diana: Ofcourse you can until you become a lady.

Harry: OK OK!!

Louis: You all do look lovely which resturant are we going to.

Zayn: I picked it out so it is going to be good.

Perrie: Awesome...I am supper hungry.


Marisol: Me too.....I can't wait to eat!!!

Niall: YESSSS!!!

Eleanor: What Niall???

Niall: I know what Zayn is talking about!!

Zayn: What??

Niall: I know what resturant are we going to.!!!

Zayn: I knew you would know lad!!

Niall: We are ALMOST there WOAH!!!

The limo stops and all of you looked confused. You all hear screaming out of the limo. The limozeen driver is driving really slow yelling out GET OUT THE WAY PLEASE!!! You guys looked out the window and you see DIRECTIONERS everywhere! All of the girls looked shocked and the boys are surprised too.

Liam: Who tweeted about it????

Niall: I did...I am so hungry and i just tweeted that a few seconds ago I swear!!!

Zayn: Niall!!!! Why!!!

Niall: I was hungry....I am starving!! Who knew our fans will come out here in like 5 seconds???

Liam: I did because they RT it in like 1 second!!

Danielle: Don't be mad at Niall....I sort of tweeted about it too...

Liam: Danielle what did you actually tweet about???

Danielle: Well the pictures with out dresses and I said haning with my babe and my family.

Zayn: Why!!! Danielle why!!

Perrie: Zayn calm down babe!!!

Zayn: We spend our time with our directioners and all I mean I do love em but I need breaks sometimes to hang out with my babe and my family and friends.

Perrie: Hey they are apart of you now......and you have to get used to it babe...look at me if it wasn't for them ONE DIRECTION wouldn't exist.

Zayn: I know babe.....I am want to do picture boys!!

Liam: Yeah right after we eat!!

Louis: Eat first and then DIRECTIONERS!!!

Harry: I will run in the resturant order food and take pics at the same time!!!


Liam: OKAY Niall needs food NOW!!!

Zayn: So FOOD first and then DIRECTIONERS.

Liam: Plus girlfriend time...

Danielle: You guys talk like we are not here hahah.

Marisol: We are here......

Niall: YEAH!!!

All of you came out of the limo and all you see is flashing everywhere. The boys was holding your hands and leading you to the resturant. The boys came in and all you heard was screaming outside of the resturant. You girls was shocked that the boys have to go through this for ever and don't complain about it. The waiter leads you to you guys table and give you something to order with. You all stared until the waiter left.

Marisol: How do you guys deal with all of this???

Niall: will get used to we did...sort of...haha

Marisol: Cool!!!!

Danielle: Babe why you never complain about this???

Liam: I love my DIRECTIONERS and i don't care what they do until they get to far!!! Then there is the problem...

Danielle: I feel bad for you.....but I know they love you haha.

Eleanor: I want a cheese cake with taco's please.

Eleanor said it before the waiter came by to take you guys order. The waiter took all of you guys orders and drinks. She came back a few minutes later giving you guys your food and drinks.

Waiter: Here you go people......bye.

Niall: YOU know she wants toscream but she is at work haha so she can't.

Liam: Nice to know Niall!!! Let's EAT!!!

You all ate all of the food and the boys paid for the bill. The waiter at the end said to the boys can you sign please. The boys took pictures with some of the directioners and went into the limo. All of you girls was looking at them with smiles. You all loved them even though Marisol and Niall isn't official yet. They all lead you guys to there hotel. Taking pictures with there fans again but with you huys this time.

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