This book will contain chapter upon chapter of writing tips for you and all your writing needs!
These tips and tricks can be both from myself and from other sites that I would have searched upon
All websites I have copied from are mentioned before e...
this post was made by simplewritingtips on tumblr, or
check them out and enjoi
All of those non-writers out there may underestimate the power of block.
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Yeah. It's a problem.
Some days you just don't know where to begin. Others, you don't know how to end. And most of the time you're just stuck in the middle, desperately trying to get from point A to point B.
It's the monster we all wish wasn't real.
But this begs the question - HOW on EARTH do we defeat it?
Well, my friends, I have the solution*.
(*please do not sue me if the monster continues to protrude after trying these solutions. I am but a simple writer trying to help out.)
I know what you're thinking. Eeeew. Outside. That's where humans are. Gross.
But seriously. Go for a walk. Take in some nature around you. It'll calm you down and you'll feel much better. Take a notebook with you and people watch. (I recommend sunglasses so it's not blatantly obvious.)
Heck, while you're at it paint a few more paintings for your gallery. Absorb the works of your favourite authors or discover the writing of someone new. Read the genres you aspire to write. Maybe you'll find some inspiration...
3) REWORK (work work work work) IT
Chances are, if you're stuck in the middle somewhere, something's wrong. Read over your work and see if everything make sense and leads to where you want it and need it to go. If not, you may need to make some edits. And that's productive, too!
To truly understand the emotions and motivations of your characters, imagine having a conversation with them. This may sound bizarre - but try it. Visualise them and see exactly how they are feeling. Get inside each of their heads, even if they're not a main character. This will help you understand what they will do next.
As much as it hurts, sometimes you've just gotta force yourself to write. Squeeze those words out your brain and onto that screen. Make that world come to life. Time yourself - non-stop writing for ten minutes straight. Without taking your hands away from the keyboard. Extend it to twenty, thirty minutes. Soon, without realising you'll have been writing for an hour. And that's the power of your motivation.