I'm bored: Part 2

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(Hello my little flowers🌸This is Part 2 of I'm bored. This is for the MalecLovely contest. I hope you enjoy it. There will be a lot of blushing Magnus in this part. Ladies and gentleman, "I'm bored: Part 2". Enjoy!)

Magnus' Pov

'Perfect.' I thought inspecting my outfit.

(This is Magnus' outfit

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(This is Magnus' outfit.)

Alec and I were going to see wicked tonight. He said to dress up so hopefully this is fine. I've always wanted to see Wicked. I am obsessed with Wicked just as much as Matthew Daddario is obsessed with cows. And trust me he is O.B.S.E.S.S.E.D. OBSESSED! I've never seen the show but I knew all the songs. I just couldn't help but thi-

"Magnus, are you ready.....Wow....you look....you look..."
"Is it too much? It is too much isn't? I knew I did too mu-"
"Magnus, you look beautiful." Alec said interlacing my hands with his before continuing,
"You look perfect." Alec looked down at me with a smile while my cheeks became red.
"Thank you Alexander but nobody is perfect." I said fixing my collar.
"Well yeah. Nobody except you."
"Alexander...you have such a way with words." I chuckled fixing his collar.

(This is Alec's outfit) "Are you ready to go?" Alec asked giving me his arm

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(This is Alec's outfit)
"Are you ready to go?" Alec asked giving me his arm.
"Yes I am. Let's go." I looped my arms with Alec's and looked up at him with a reassuring smile. 'Wicked here we come'

When we got there, we got our tickets and went to our seats. 'I can't believe I'm really here.'

"Well believe it" I looked at Alec with shock.

"You heard that?"
"Yeah. You kind of just said it out loud."
"Oh...well I just really can't believe that I'm here. I can't thank you enough." I said sincerely.
"Well you can thank me in kisses." Alec teased leaning only to be stopped by my finger.
"After the show." I burst out laughing when Alec groaned in annoyance. The lights in the theatre started to dim which meant the show was about to begin. The guy over the speaker was speaking telling everyone to silence their cell phones.

"....Ladies and Gentleman. Welcome to Wicked."

"THAT. WAS. BEAUTIFUL!" I exclaimed walking out of the theatre in amazement. Alec came to hold my hand as he caught up to me.

"Not as beautiful as you." Alec purred in my ear making me look like a cherry tomatoe.

"Alexander...Stop it." I looked at Alec with a huge smile before continuing,
"I mean it's just such a deep story. It's shows that you can never judge a book by it's cover. And...and it shows you that everything is not what it seems. I mean I will never look at the Wizard of Oz the same way again. I mean I always thought that the witch was evil but it was more to it all along. I don't think I've ever cried as much as I did when Elphba sang defying gravity. You know and when she sang the Wizard and I, it touched my heart so much...And I'm rambling again aren't I?"

"Yeah but I love when you ramble. You look so passionate about what your saying and you get that little spark in your eyes. It's adorable." Alec said booping my nose while I blushed.

"Alexander, I just wanna thank you so much for doing this. This was a really really big surprise. I can never thank you enough." I stopped walking and looked at Alec.

"Well I was promised kisses after the show." Alec smirked putting his arms around my waist.

"I guess I remembered something like that." I teased throwing my arms around his neck. I raised myself on my tippy-toes and closed the distance between us. Alec pulled away first and looked at his watch. I watched as he frowned and asked,

"Darling ar-" I was cut off.

"I'm bored. Let's do something else." Alec said shrugging his shoulders.

"How are you bored when we just saw one of the most beautiful and most deep musicals on Broadway?" I squinted my eyes at Alec crossing my arms over my chest.

"I don't know. I'm just very bored." Alec said teasingly which made my frown crack into a smile. I then sighed before asking

"Okay...Well what else do you wanna do?"

"Hmmmm...Well since I have reservations for Red Lobster...How about Red Lobster?"

"Oh okay. WAIT WHAT!?" My eyes popped out of my head.

"What about Red Lobst-" I cut Alec off kissing him all over his face.

"You just continue to surprise me Alexander." I chuckled.
"In good ways I hope." He said leaning in
"Definetly in good ways." I leaned in but stopped when a question bugged my mind. Why?

"Wait a minute?"
"What is it now Mags? Does the universe just not like us kissing?" Alec said throwing his arms out like a baby.
"Why is it that every time you say "I'm bored" you always have something else that we can do?" I said with my eyebrows raised.

"Well I just get bored a lot. Not of you of course. Lord knows that I could never be bored of you." Alec whispered with a smirk making me blush. Seriously though if I blushed anymore, people would think I was choking.

"Now that I answered your question. May I kiss my beautiful boyfriend?" Alec asked pulling me closer.

"Even though you didn't really answer my question...Yes you may." Alec pulled me into a kiss. Our lips moving against each other in perfect harmony.

We pulled away from each other. Alec's arm around my shoulder and my arm around his waist. We made our way to Red Lobster. 'Alexander was just filled with surprises.'

Third Person Pov

Little did Magnus know the surprise that would be coming soon.

To be continued...

(Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed the second part of "I'm bored" Part 2. I most likely will post Part 3 today or maybe tomorrow. If you read it and like it then press that star button down below. I had fun writing this one. The next one will be them at Red Lobster. There will be another special guest by the way so get ready. It's nothing bad so don't worry. I hope that I didn't do to much with Magnus' outfit. I honestly love it❤And Alec's outfit🔥yes. Also if you are entering in the MalecLovely contest. GOOD LUCK!!!👍 Well till the next part my little flowers🌸)

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