I'm bored: Part 1

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(Hello my little flowers🌸this is for the MalecLovely contest. I hope you enjoy. This is AU Malec. Alec is confident. Magnus is his glittery self but blushes a lot. You might not see it in this first part but trust me. Blushing Magnus is coming. Here is I'm bored part 1. Enjoy!)

Third Person Pov

"I'm bored. Let's do something." Magnus looked at Alec in questioning.

"Okay, like what?" Magnus asked with a small smile.

"Oh well I don't know...How about we go see Wicked?" Alec asked fiddling with something behind his back.

"Alexander as much as I would love to see it, we don't have any tickets." Magnus said criss crossing his legs on the couch.

"Then what are these in my hands?" Alec pulled out two Wicked tickets from behind his back.

"Well I remember how you've always wanted to see wicked and it is Broadway week so broadway shows are having sales. I went online and checked and my instincts were right. These only cost me $50 each. I bought them and I wanted to surprise you." Alec said while Magnus looked like he was about to explode.

"THANK YOU ALEXANDER!" Magnus jumped on Alec straddling him.
"Your welcome. By the way they are for tomorrow at 7pm." 

" Wow. You continue to surprise me." Magnus said pulling away.
"In good ways I hope." Alec said leaning in to kiss Magnus...

*Knock, Knock*

"Ughhhh. Who is it?" Alec asked annoyed.
"It's Jace."
"Go away or I'll put a duck in your bed." Alec said while Magnus chuckled.
"Yeah right." Jace said sarcastically.
"Oh...then what's that behind you?" Magnus said smirking.
"Don't even joke like that. You know what I'll just go." Jace said with a serious tone as Magnus and Alec laughed.

"Finally he's gone." Alec said in relief
"I meant what I said though Alexander."
"Well I can't remember what you said. How about you remind me?" Alec asked, a smirk appearing on his face. Magnus rolled his eyes before saying,  "You continue to surprise me darling."
"In good ways I hope." Alec said pulling Magnus into a deep kiss.

What Magnus didn't know is that Alec had something coming and boy is it going to be a surprise.

To be continued...

(I hoped you guys enjoyed this! It's the first part of "I'm bored" for the MalecLovely contest. I loved writing this and I can't wait to write the next parts. The next part will be longer. I got inspired to do this because my mom is a theatre critic so I get to see Broadway shows with her for free. I was going to use Hamilton but then I remember when I first saw wicked. I instantly fell in love. So yeah go WICKED!!! I'll most likely post the next part tomorrow or during this week. If you liked it press the vote button below. Comment and tell me what you think. Well till next time my little flowers🌸)

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