I'm bored: Part 3

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(Hello my little flowers🌸Here is Part 3 of "I'm bored" for the MalecLovely contest. Dinner at Red Lobster. We're getting closer and closer to the big surprise. Guest appearence near the end! You guys probably know what it is already. Or do you? So yeah let's do this. Here is Part 3 of "I'm bored". ENJOY!)

Third Person Pov

When Alec and Magnus got to Red Lobster, one of the waiters were already waiting for them and guided them to their table. Their waiter for the night gave them biscuits and asked them about drinks and salad. Alec ordered wine for both of them and for the salad they both got a big Ceasar Salad. The waiter went away and came back in a matter of minutes with their salad and drinks. The waiter gave them a few minutes to decide what they wanted for the entree.

"Oh come on your acting like you didn't cry when Elphba sang Defying gravity"

"Magnus how could you even tell if I was crying? You had enough tears for both of us." Alec chuckled

"Well it's not my fault. You know how emotional I get when I see something beautiful." Magnus said taking a sip of his wine.

"Yeah I know. I get that same feeling everytime I look at you." Alec pulled Magnus' hand to his lips and kissed them.

"Oh Alexander, you are such a romantic." Magnus put his hand on top of Alec's.

"I know." Alec teased smirking. Magnus threw his head back and laughed. Alec wanted to take a picture of him to remember this moment.

"We're getting off topic though. So what are you getting?"

"I'm going to get the......Shrimp and and steak. How about you?"

"Well I'll get the shrimp platter."

"Okay let's order then shall we?" Alec then motioned the waiter to come over so they could order their food. They talked some more until their food came.

They were now eating enjoy their food and each others food talking and laughing.

"Alexander come on. Just try one. It's really good." Magnus reassurred him waving the fork in his face.

"No Magnus."
"Yes Magnus."
"N-amdkdjkmmmm" Alec was cut off when a burst of flavor hit his mouth.

"Good right?" Magnus asked with his chin in his hands.

"Wow that's really good." Alec said wide eyed.

"Well, you can never go wrong with spicy shrimp." Magnus smiled.

"Well-" Alec reached to take another one but got his hand slapped away.

"Hey! You have your own food. Don't eat all of mine!" Magnus said laughing when Alec started to pout.

"Fine. But you always say that I do need a little spice in my life. So I'm just listening to what you say." Alec said innocently.

"Oh really? But when I said you could use a serious tan, that just went over your head. But now you listen?" asked Magnus with his eyebrow raised. Alec didn't care and opened his mouth.

"MoRE" Alec leaned forward. Magnus leaned forward also and it resulted in a staring contest. It went on for 30 seconds until Magnus blinked first. Alec pumped his fist in victory and kept his mouth opened.

"Damn it. Okay fine you can have some more." Magnus whined digging his fork into more shrimp and feeding it to Alec.

"I just hope you know that your food is probably getting cold." Magnus teased.

"No it's not." Alec said.
"Oh and how do you know that? You haven't even touched your plate."
"Well the heat from your hotness radiates. So yeah thanks for saving my food." Alec smirked as a blush appeared on Magnus' neck.

"Haha, how funny." Magnus nervously chuckled looking down at his food.

They ate and talked some more. Feeding each other. Smiling at each other. Laughing with each other. Having fun. Once they were done with their food they ordered one dessert which was the big chocolate chip cookie with Ice cream and chocolate syrup. They shared it with each other.

"You got a little something their. Here let me get it." Alec said to Magnus. Magnus was about to wipe it but something stopped his hand. Before he knew it lips were on his lips. At first he froze and blushed, but then melted into the kiss. Alec swiped his tongue across Magnus' mouth and then pulled away.

"There. I got it." Alec smirked.

"Mmmhmm. Thank..thank you." Magnus was a blushing mess. After they finished dessert, they sat there waiting for the waiter to come back when...

"Hey guys." Izzy walked over to their table.

Hey Izzy. What are you doing here?" Magnus asked curiously...or did he?

"Actually I'm here to talk to my brother. He said he would be here. I need to talk to you about something." Izzy looked at Alec.

"Oh yeah we do. It's something very important. Let me just pay the bill and then I'll talk to you Iz." Alec went to pay the bill and went to walk with Izzy. He didn't miss the look Izzy and Magnus gave each other. Huh.

They walked out of the resturant and turned to each other.

"Do you have it?"

"Yes I do." Izzy said pulling out the box.

"Okay great. Okay I'm doing this. I'm kind of nervous though." Alec said fiddling with the box.

"Oh trust me you have nothing to be worried about." Izzy chuckled.

"Yeah I do. What if he says no? What if he isn't ready for something like that?" 

"Trust me he won't be the one answering. Check the box." Izzy couldn't hide her smile. 'My brother is so clueless.' She thought as her brother gave her a confused look but check the box.

"Wait a minute? This is not my ring. Where's my ring?" Alec asked confused and almost terrified.

"Exactly. Oh look Magnus is here now. Here you go Magnus." Izzy smirked handing it to Magnus who was behind them all along.

"Thank you Isabelle...Alexander I'm bored." Magnus said fiddling with the box. Alec eyes went wide and his breathing quickened.

"Okay. What..what do you wanna do?" Alec asked in a shaking voice. He then gasped when Magnus got on one knee.

"I want to propose."...

To be continued...

(HAHA! YOU GUYS PROBABLY THOUGHT ALEC WAS GONNA PROPOSE BUT IT WAS MAGNUS!!! Tomorrow I will most likely post the last part of it which is part 4. Tomorrow we'll find out everything. I hoped you guys liked. THAT PLOT TWIST THOUGH! Anyway read it, vote for it, comment on it. Tell me what you guys think. Let me know what you guys have to say because...YOUR OPINIONS HELP ME BECOME A BETTER WRITER! Well till tomorrow my little flowers🌸)

P.S.  Jasmine Friday is tomorrow also so I might post a sneak peak of part 4 on it tomorrow. Should I call it Jasmine Friday's or Shadowhunter Friday's?

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