Giving Thanks

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I begin every single spell and ritual by giving thanks to The Goddess for all the many blessings she has shared with me and my family. I end every single spell or ritual by giving thanks to The Goddess, the Fey, and all spirits who have come to my circle and listened to my plea and I promise they will ever be honored in my home.

I begin my day with a prayer of thankfulness, and end each day with a prayer of thanks before sleep.

It is my humble opinion that one of the things wrong with the world today, is that many people do not give thanks. Never, or very rarely, do they acknowledge the gifts and blessings they enjoy every day.

Americans are the worst. We have all but cancelled Thanksgiving Day. We rush from the parties (and second biggest money making holiday of the year) of Halloween, straight to Christmas shopping (the biggest money making holiday). The only merchants that bother with Thanksgiving are those that sell turkeys to eat!

In the last few years many self help programs have emphasized the necessity of being grateful for what you do have, in order to receive more. So I do think that overall we are probably doing a little better. Even if we begin the practice of gratitude mostly so that we can get more, in time we cannot help but learn the blessings of simply being grateful for themselves. Greater happiness. Greater satisfaction with life. And, yes, often more abundance comes to us when we are grateful for those blessings we have. 

If you do not stop and give thanks for your blessings, the universal power is going to shrug it's shoulders say "eh, guess they didn't really want all that stuff" and hand us hardship instead. And if you don't think that is true, look at what has happened in the U.S. in the past 20 years or so. 

Hardship is a great way to learn about being grateful for your blessings. I recently went about a month without hot water because I couldn't afford to buy the parts needed to repair the hot water tank. About a week ago we got it fixed and believe me, I love having hot water again! What a blessing, to turn a knob and have nice, hot water stream out of the faucet for a shower, or washing!

So, stop, and give thanks for your blessings. Especially if you are about to ask for something more!

By the way, thank you for reading. 



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