Love Spells

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I won't give you a love spell.  I'll give you some advice.

Learn to love yourself.

I never recommend love spells. You are interfering with the free will of another person. This is never right. The consequences of love spells are often dire and unpleasant. At the very least, even if it works, there will come a time when you are just as unhappy being with that person, as you think you are being without them.

You know, even if they don't, that you did not earn their love or receive it as a gift. Therefore you will always be insecure in that love. Or you will come to detest that person, and yourself, because deep down (even if they have come to truly love you) you know you tricked them into loving you so you will never believe they truly do love you.  Once again, you will be unhappy.

And before you think I am being all holier than thou, let me just tell you that part of the reason I feel so strongly, is because I did a love spell once. And I got what I asked for, and deserved. It was not pretty, in the end.

Rather than a love spell, consider a spell for yourself, to help you learn to love yourself. The truth is, until you truly love yourself, you will not allow anyone else to love you. Even if they do love you, you will end up pushing them away, one way or another, because you believe you are not loveable.

Love yourself and love will come to you.

Love yourself and love will come to you

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