Daffodils For Ostara

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The daffodils are always blooming for Ostara where I live

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The daffodils are always blooming for Ostara where I live.

I welcome their sunny yellow faces with a vast, deep joy and relief. They are very special to me for several reasons.

One is that I suffer from Seasonal Affect Disorder. That is, long, cold, dark, dreary winter days cause me to be depressed and often ill. By Ostara the flowers are up and blooming. To me they are the light at the end of the tunnel! They mean I am free of this endless, useless sorrow and back outdoors, happy and joyful and my real self again.

But there is another reason. I would like, if nothing else, to leave this world a little better place than I found it. If I do nothing else, I will be satisfied.

One gray day, when I was really not in a good place in my life, I was walking and saw this overgrown, neglected yard, behind an abandoned house, full of defiantly and beautifully abundant blooming daffodils. I couldn't help but smile when I saw them.

Visiting with a neighbor I learned the couple who owned the house had died, and apparently the family did not care to keep it up or sell it. Thus it had slowly fallen into disrepair. Yet the daffodils one woman had diligently planted to beautify her corner of the world bloomed on, brightening my day, and reminding her neighbors, who clearly remembered her fondly.

Hope and life Spring Eternal.

And that is what the daffodils mean.

And that is what the daffodils mean

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