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Also called; Eostre, Eostar, Spring Equinox, Vernal Equinox

March 20 to 23rd

*varies somewhat - the day the sun goes into Aries*

The festival of Ostara is a joyful time. The garden blessed at Brigid is greening, the early flowers are blooming, and the trees are bursting into leaf and blossom. Spring Equinox is celebrated as the sun enters Aries, the fire sign of action and energy. The sap is rising; projects planned in winter are now being put into action. Life and abundance are growing, the Goddess is returned and reaching out to the sun for his warm blessing to nurture the burgeoning new life in her belly.

Eggs are a symbol of new life, new beginnings in many cultures. They are the symbol of the goddess Eostre, who lent her name to estrogen and estrus, as well as Easter. Eggs are painted to honor her, to celebrate the new life of spring. Different cultures paint them differently, red to symbolize the menses or fire, green to celebrate the return of green to the earth, or half dark and half light to symbolize the balance at Spring Equinox between the light and the dark. Some have egg races, rolling them downhill, others have egg hunts, hiding them about newly growing garden, but all share a common thread of celebrating the rebirth of the land, of the garden, of the animals, the coming of light and life after the dark time of winter.

Ostara should be celebrated in the garden, planting the new seedlings and seeds, nurturing the new shoots. My own ritual involves acquiring young seedlings of flowers and vegetables, and planting them in the garden or containers, blessing them and giving them love which they will surely return to me as beautiful blooms and harvest as the seasons progress.

Bright red tulips and sunny yellow daffodils also symbolize Ostara to me, as they are the first flowers to bloom here, lighting up the winter dulled colors with their bright yellow and red faces and bringing joy to the eye.

The altar is decorated in bright, vivid colors with spring flowers in the center and at the four directions. Candles should be red, to symbolize the energy and movement of new life stirring and bursting into bloom. If eggs were decorated they may be displayed on the altar, before being enjoyed in a ritual feast.

If you have pets, keep an eye on them - mine have been known to start the ritual feast the moment my back was turned if they could reach the altar. **grin**


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