Color Magic

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Almost every teacher of wisdom, every psychic, astrologer, or New Age philosopher, and a good many artists and fashion, and interior designers will tell you that colors have a profound effect on our moods and emotions. It is only natural that colors have the same effects on magic, rituals, and spellwork. What follows below is a table of color correspondences; the meaning of a color, the planet and elements it may be associated with, and so on. It is not meant to be either exhaustive or written in stone, but only a guideline, a place to start.

The most important thing to listen to is your own heart, emotions, and feelings. If yellow makes you happy, then it is the natural color for happiness in your own rituals and spells. People and cultures differ in the associations they have with various colors, and you probably have some personal associations of your own as well. So go with what makes your heart feel right. The important thing when casting a spell is the spell casters intent.

Listing order; color, planet, meanings, element, 

black:  Pluto, concentration, protection, knowledge, water, earth

blue: Jupiter, peace, serenity, relaxation, honesty, truth, water. 

gold: Sun, success, initiative, self-confidence, luck. fire

green: Venus, nature, freedom, growth, money, healing, knowledge (druidic), water,earth

orange: Mercury, warmth, high energy, self motivation, boldness, fire

pink: Venus, love, affection, nuture, pleasure, air

purple: Jupiter, (lavender)uranus, spirituality, inspiration, tolerance, generosity, air

red:  Mars, (deep red - saturn), energy, vital force, activity, passion, conception, childbearing, fire

silver: Moon, subtle lunar energy, beauty, romance, clarity, water

white: Uranus, purification, purity of intentions, innocence, psychic energy, air, earth

yellow: Sun, happiness, hope, intellect, wit, communication, air

yellow: Sun, happiness, hope, intellect, wit, communication, air

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