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Kasey Giambusso
What the hell am I supposed to do when Anton and Adrienne are fighting
You've known him longer than I have

Karl Urban

Kasey Giambusso
They're fighting over something really stupid and both are texting me about it

Karl Urban
Have they fought about it before?

Kasey Giambusso
Yeah, they argue a lot about it

Karl Urban
Honey I don't know what to tell you

Kasey Giambusso
Sorry to bother you then
I'm tired as shit. My sleeping habits are off
Damn night shoots

Karl Urban
Makes sense
Go ahead and take a nap so you're ready

Kasey Giambusso
I'll go to bed after dinner. Shoots start at 2 am

Karl Urban
Damn. Sleep well then

Thicker Than Blood // Karl Urban✔️Where stories live. Discover now