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In the middle of the night, Kasey made it to New Zealand, coming to the airport to find a very exhausted Karl, Hunter, and Indy Urban

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In the middle of the night, Kasey made it to New Zealand, coming to the airport to find a very exhausted Karl, Hunter, and Indy Urban. In the morning, Karl would be taking them to school in order for he and Kasey to have a day to themselves. She was preparing herself to talk to Karl about sobriety and trying to do better for herself to stay healthier in the future.

Everything had gone so smoothly, they slept through the night soundly, Karl had woken up before Kasey, making sure he didn't disturb her jetlag.

Kasey jolted awake about 30 minutes after Karl woke up, feeling her uterus cramp up in excruciating pain. She wobbled out of bed, stumbling to the bathroom, the pain only getting worse. Before she another cramp wracked her body, she fell over onto the floor. Kasey cried out in pain as blood began to cover the bottom of her shirt and the tile floor below her.

"No...no no no no." Kasey began to cry. "I was pregnant this whole time.."

"Kasey!" The bathroom door swung open to reveal Karl's youngest son. "Are you okay?"

"INDY! PLEASE GO GET YOUR FATHER!" Kasey yelled hoarsely, trying to hide the pool of blood that now covered a portion of the bathroom.

Indy's horrified stare was burned in Kasey's mind as he scrambled out of the bedroom.

Kasey leaned back against the wall, continuing to cry in anguish as she heard Karl rush the boys out the door and charge upstairs. Karl nearly skidded to a stop, dropping to his knees at the sight of his girlfriend. There was blood all over the floor, Kasey's hands were covered in blood, her shirt soaked in her own blood, and she was sat in a corner, sobbing. At first Karl couldn't tell if she hurt herself or what had happened, but after remembering how often she had been throwing up, he feared the worst.

"I'm here. I'm here now sweetheart. What is this?" Karl kneeled next to Kasey, opening his arms for her, and she collapsed into his chest in hysterics.

"I-I lost it. Kasey managed to say in-between her sobs, wiping the hair away that was plastered to her face.

  "Hey, hey, lost what?" Karl asked, his features softening realizing that there could have only been one thing she could have lost that would cause all this blood, and it would have explained why she'd been acting so strange in the first place.

"The baby, I lost our baby. I wanted to tell you that I thought I was pregnant but I was so scared and everything was finally getting better but I lost it." She managed to blurt out.

"It's okay." He tried to reassure her.

"Everything's going to be okay." He mumbled as he pressed a kiss to her temple. "I'm going to help you get cleaned up, and I'll clean everything else up here and I'll take you to the hospital, okay?"

    "I can help." Kasey tried to offer, her voice breaking while doing so.

    "No, you're not lifting a finger today." Karl carefully helped a trembling Kasey stand up on her feet. After turning the shower on, he slowly peeled off the soiled clothing, leaving Kasey exposed. She immediately tried to cover herself, now feeling ashamed of her body.

"I'm sorry...." Kasey's lip quivered.

Karl's heart dropped to his feet. "You don't have to be sorry for anything." He gathered her in his arms, cradling her head and holding her waist softly. "I love you, okay?"


I, I'm sorry

Thicker Than Blood // Karl Urban✔️Where stories live. Discover now