I Never Wanted It To End Like This.

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Brenda leaned in and hugged me. "I just wish I was pregnant I guess. A little Marilyn or Nikki running around. A child." I giggled at myself. Brenda smiled. "That would be adorable." Brenda agreed. I nodded. "Oh, well." I stood up trying to hide my disappointment. I went to open the door and walk out but Brenda grabbed my arm.

A tear slid down my cheek. "Hey Nikki, it's okay." She said simply. I nodded and forced a smile. Brenda pulled me over to the bed and we sat on the edge. "Nikki I have some questions." She said I nodded. "Shoot." I replied. She took a deep breath. "Do you love Marilyn?" I nodded."More than anything. She nodded and continued. "Would you even want a baby?" I shrugged. "I told myself I didn't, but I do. I know I do." She nodded again. "Can I be the aunt?" I laughed. "When I'm pregnant, if I ever get pregnant. Sure." She smiled and stood up. A tear slid down her cheek. "Why are you crying I asked. She took my hands in hers and bent down to my level. "I'm going to be an aunt." She said simply. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, someday." She shook her head. "I'm going to be an aunt." I nodded. "Why are you so happy? I'm not even pregnant! Way to rub it in Brenda." I scoffed. She slapped me gently on my arm. "Nikki! You are pregnant!" She yelled. I was stunned. "Huh?" Was all I managed to say. She stood up and ran out of the room, she came back a second later and handed me the second test. It was positive. I shook my head. "What?" Brenda smiled. "You're pregnant." She repeated. "The first was negative Brenda." She nodded and her excitement calmed. "Take the last one to be sure!" She blurted out, her excitement returning. I nodded and we ran to the bathroom hand in hand.

I took the test again. Time crawled by.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.

Still three minutes.








I picked up the test. Brenda grabbed my hand before I could read it. "Nikki, if it's negative, know that the time will come." I nodded. "Okay." I looked at the test. My heart stopped and I was overcome with emotions. I started bawling. Brenda flipped out. "What's wrong?" I couldn't answer. The bathroom door flew open. Cal entered. Brenda pulled her in and closed the door. "Nikki threw up this morning so I made her buy a pregnancy test. She took one and it was negative. I made her take another and it was positive. This is her third one. She can't manage to tell me the answer." Brenda explained to Cal. Can looked at me, eyes filled with anticipation.

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