Write Our Prayers on a Little Bomb

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I opened the door with Stormy behind me. There was a girl I didn't recognize. She was around my height, she had black hair that came to her shoulders and flipped out at the ends, it was layered. Her hair wasn't only black, but blue as well, she had blue highlights all through it. Her eyes were a matching shade of deep blue and she was pale. She was wearing black leather skinny jeans and a black t shirt, her assemble was paired with navy blue heels. I studied her. And she smiled. "Hi, I'm Caleigh. But you can call me C or Cal." I smiled and reached to grab her hand, we shook hands. "Your Marilyn's girlfriend right?" I nodded. "Yeah, hi. You said your name was Caleigh? You dating Zim?" She laughed and nodded, and as if he could sense it, Zim walked up behind her. "Hey Nikki, Happy Birthday." I laughed, thanked him, and welcomed him and Caleigh in. I grabbed Caleigh's arm and pulled her aside, back into Marilyn's room. She looked nervous and I made sure to smile. "Hey again, that wasn't a proper introduction, I'm Nikki, and this," I gestured to Stormy. "Is Stormy, she's with Twiggy." She smiled and shook our hands, she looked relieved.

"I'm Caleigh, or Cal, I'm dating Zim." She smiled and I straightened up. "Well, Cal, your stuck with us now." She laughed. "That's alright."

She looked at Stormy and I. I looked back. "What's wrong?" She just smiled shyly. "I don't feel like I'm dressed right." I smiled at her again. "Well, you look like our size, wanna borrow some clothes?" She brightened up. "Can I?" I nodded and pulled her into my closet. I gave her a black mini skirt and my button up shirt that held so many memories, I finished it up with a black choker and some black wedges. "All done!" She smiled and hugged me. "Thanks! Can I get to know y'all a bit before anyone else shows up?" Stormy got excited and I nodded, we sat on the bed and motioned for her to take the spot next to us.

As she sat I told Stormy to go first. "Well, I'm Stormy, I am dating Twiggy, I met Nikki at a photoshoot for Vans and Hot Topic, we have been best friends ever since. I sing and model and Nikki is my best friend, my only friend." She laughed. "Um, I'm close with just about everyone, but I've never met Zim or Pogo. And my first time trying drugs was with Nikki. I'm one hundred percent straight and I am Atheist. I didn't have a bad child hood or anything, I just ran away at age 15 and came here." Cal nodded and looked at me. Stormy turned to me. "Looks like your on." I laughed.

"Wellllll, I'm Nicole or Nikki, I met Marilyn when I was seven, we had a few fallouts and what not. We began dating when I was 16 or 17, and today is my 21st birthday. I am bisexual and agnostic, I also sing and model. Um, growing up, my parents were extremely strict, but as the years went by, I began doing drugs and fucking most everything. I had an 18 year old boyfriend at 14 and he attempted to rape me, Marilyn saved me. A few months back that boyfriend called and threatened me, I didn't take it seriously. But... Marilyn did, he sent Twiggy to take care of me, and that night, at a club I was poisoned. Twiggy took me to the hospital, and I died there," Cal looked extremely confused. "Marilyn wouldn't believe it, he told the doctors I wasn't dead, and, according to Stormy, he told my body that I better be awake by the time he got back. And he left. He beat the shit out if Edgar, my ex boyfriend, and came back. He sat next to my body and held my hand. The doctors insisted I was dead, but he would hear any of it. Then, I woke up. And, here I am." Cal looked at me with amazement. "What happened, to you, like when you were dead? Did you see a white light?" I took a deep breath. "Well, I hate to disappoint you, but... no. There wasn't anything. I just remember black silence." She nodded and I was tired of talking. Stormy and I both looked at her. Stormy winked. And I laughed to lighten the mood. "Well, I'm Caleigh, I'm with Zim, he is all I really have. I love him. I was abused as a kid and ran away. Today I hate myself. I struggle with anorexia. I self harm. I don't trust anyone but Zim. I play bass, I'm honest, sarcastic and I can be sweet." I smiled at her and she smiled back. I looked at her arm that was covered in bracelets. I slowly reached down and grabbed her arm, moving the bracelets. There were too many scars to count, she tried to jerk her arm back, but I wouldn't let go. The doorbell rang and I asked Stormy to get it and introduce Cara to everyone, I knew it was Pogo and Cara at the door. I followed her and locked the bedroom door behind her. Cal looked scared. I walked back into my bathroom and grabbed a bracelet, it was silver with black, red and purple charms. I sat in front of her and talked to her while hooking the bracelet on the arm that had the most cuts. "One thing I left out, when I was twelve, I had a best friend, Hailey, she killed herself. I quit self harming after that. She left this bracelet for me along with her suicide note. Keep it. And remember its story." I was crying and so was she. "I-I can't. I can't take this. It means a lot to you." I nodded. "And now, you mean more." She hugged me and I wiped her tears as she wiped mine.

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