Flys Will Lay Their Eggs.

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I looked back at her. More tears fell, I shake my head and sniff, staring at the test. They both stared at me.

"What does it say Nikki?" Cal asked. She was excited. I sniffed again and looked from Brenda to Cal then back to Brenda. I hugged them and pulled away. I swallowed hard. Cleared my throat, and spoke. "I'm pregnant!" Their faces lit up and they hugged me again. We jumped up and down screaming and crying. "I'm pregnant." I stopped jumping and cried more I slowly sat down on the edge of the bathtub. "I am pregnant." I repeated quietly they both nodded. "Let's go to the doctor." I agreed with Cal. "When?" Brenda asked. "Now." Cal blurted. She ran down stairs to tell the guys that we were going out for some bonding time. I jumped up and Brenda and I ran to the front of the house where the car was. I slid in the passenger seat of the car and Brenda slid in the back. Cal got in the driver seat and drove to the hospital. I was shaking because I was so excited. My breath was raspy and I stared at my stomach. Cal reached over and put her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and she smiled, I smiled back. I looked back down at my stomach again.

"Guys I might not be far enough along to know anything." I said in the silence of the car. "Doesn't hurt to check." Cal said, keeping her eyes on the road. "Yeah, and that way we can be sure. Sometimes girls just don't show." Brenda agreed from the back.

We got out of the car and went inside. I filled out paperwork and after what felt like hours we got called back to room 208. The doctor gave me an examination and left to process the results. I looked at the clock, it was 10:00 P.M.. We waited... and waited, I was beginning to get tired. This time it really was for an hour. "Nicole?" The doctor appeared finally. "Yes?" I responded. She turned to me. "I can't believe you aren't showing," The doctor began. Cal jumped up and interrupted her. "So she is pregnant?" Cal asked. The doctor smiled and laughed. Her name tag read Abigail. "About four months along!" She chuckled. "Do you know the sex of the baby?" I asked. The doctor smirked. She had gorgeous brown eyes and her red hair was pulled into a pony tail that reached her neck currently.

"Yes we do, do you want to know?" She replied. I looked at Brenda and Cal, they both nodded rapidly. "Yes." I replied. "Well." The doctor paused and looked at her paper work. "Looks like you are having girls." She smiled and Cal and Brenda cheered. I couldn't move. I repeated her words quietly to myself. "Looks like you are having girls." Her voice rang in my head. "Girls." "Wait! Slow the fuck down!" I screamed. Everyone stopped and looked at me. "You said girls. Girls like more than one?" I asked. She nodded.

"You're having twin girls." She said. I looked down at my stomach. I looked a little bigger. But not enough to notice. I was happy but something was wrong. "Why am I not showing?" I asked. Abigail smiled. "Some girls just don't show that much! It's perfectly normal. You'll show more the further along you get." A tear slid down my cheek. Twins. Twin girls. I cried more, still staring at my stomach.

Cal and Brenda hugged me. I stood up and hugged Abigail. She laughed. I got Abigail's number so I could check in with her from time to time.

We went home. I just had to tell Marilyn now....

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