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The boys decided to discuss the serious matter of Jungkook’s girlfriend as well as the other members friends the next day, since all of them are tired and need rest. Jungkook being the first one in the room was later accompanied by Taehyung as well as Jin seeing as Taehyung was worried about Jungkook the most and Jin was the doctor in the house.
Namjoon and Yoongi were laying downstairs as there aren’t any rooms left for them to lay in, and it also gives them time to chat.

Namjoon: Yoongi what happened with you..
Yoongi: Don’t you think we should wait for the others..
( Jin comes downstairs)
Namjoon: Why aren’t you sleeping??
Jin: I’m worried about Jungkook, if we don’t find Madelyn soon I think he’s going to totally lose it..
(At that moment Jungkook and Taehyung comes downstairs too)
Namjoon: Shouldn’t you be sleeping Jungkook..???
Jungkook: I can’t sleep while worrying about Madelyn..
Taehyung: Maybe now is the time for Yoongi to tell us his story..
Jin: Sounds good..
Yoongi: Fine..

Normal POV
The members starts sitting on the mat and prepares themselves to what Yoongi was about to tell. The story how he got sick. And how Jimin came to find him as well.

Yoongi: Okay my story is about two girls named Nana and Jill


Yoongi POV
Two hours to go before I have to go to my first job interview, I still can’t believe they are willing to give me a chance. I wonder if this has something to do with the fact that my family is kind of rich or that they see the kind of potential I have.
I just have to go and check it out for myself, because I mean this is really suspicious.

Normal POV
The day was just starting as Yoongi got up really early to prepare himself for his first job interview at a big firm company, but deep inside he feels as if this isn’t suppose to happen as if someone is trying to lure him into a trap. Yoongi sat on his bed trying out all possibilities of what could go wrong at this interview, but for some reason something tells him it’s just an interview.
It took Yoongi an hour to shower as well as to get dressed, seeing as he still had the doubt in his mind.

Yoongi POV
Why do I feel strange??..  Just why is my body suddenly feeling weak, did I perhaps eat something or drank something that was bad for me or what..

Normal POV
Yoongi suddenly feeling dizzy, looks at his clock as it hits 12pm and which he knew he had to be at the interview by 1pm..  But the strange feeling he’s suddenly having makes it really difficult for him to move.
Yoongi was in pain for what seemed like 15 minutes, but being the strong guy he was, the pain he suffered wasn’t enough to keep him away from that interview. Yoongi packed everything he needed and rushed to the company he needed to be at.

Yoongi POV
What just happened to me.. Why was I suddenly feeling like I wanted to sleep for an entire year.. Just why do I feel so much tiredness inside my body.

Normal POV
The walk was rather long for Yoongi as each corner he took seems to have been the wrong one, which for him was kind of confusing as he never gets lost. The now tired Yoongi sweating down his clothes tries to hang onto the wall, as he walks forward step by step, but each step he takes feels like too much weight. Yoongi now looking like someone who just ran a marathon couldn’t take it anymore and collapses.

Yoongi POV
Just what kind of illness could this be, am I going to die here or what...

Unknown : Excuse me Sir!!!
Yoongi: Now I’m hearing voices..
Unknown: Sir hold on.. call a ambulance..
Yoongi: Seems someone is here but I can’t recognize this voice..
(The two unknown people moves closer to Yoongi's ear and whispers)
Unknown: Enjoy your death Min Yoongi..(laughs)

Yoongi POV
I’m hearing people talking to me but It doesn’t seem they are going to help me, why aren’t these people helping me. I’m busy dying and they act as if I’m overreacting, what do I do now.. Someone help me..

Normal POV
Yoongi feels as if his soul is leaving his body as he can’t feel any part of his body anymore and no one seems to come any closer to help him. The last words Yoongi heard was “Enjoy your death”..

[ Two days later]

Yoongi awakes to find himself in a hospital bed, and with no memory of what happened to him. The doctor arrives just in time to find a now awaken Yoongi, but a confused looking one. The doctor moves to the side of his bed as to examine Yoongi and to check if he has improved or if the injury is still bad.
Yoongi looks at the doctor as to ask what injury he is talking about ,as his body looks the same as it always does..

Yoongi: What injury Doc?
Doctor: You can’t seem to see it.. But..( points at a needle mark on his arm)
Yoongi: What!!..
Doctor: It seems your body was okay for a while but someone seems to have injected you with poison..
Yoongi: But... But who??
Doctor: I don’t have any idea, maybe your friends would know..
Yoongi: What friends??
Doctor: Oh it is two beautiful young ladies..
Yoongi: Young ladies. Two of them..
Unknown: Enjoy your death Min Yoongi..(laughs)..
(Flashback end)

Yoongi POV
Could it be the same girls who told me that.. Why would they come back here after saying that to me..

Doctor: I shall let them in.. And then we will try and find an antidote for that poison..
Yoongi: NO!!!. DONT LET THEM IN!!
Doctor: Calm down!!... They said..
Yoongi: They were the ones who poisoned me!!
Doctor: Don’t be silly..
(Doctor leaves the room)

Yoongi POV
I have to find a way out of this place. I have to get away from these people or they will kill me, but how do I escape from a room that’s on the third floor.

Doctor: You girls didn’t finish the job!! Nana and Jill do you jobs right!!
Nana: It isn’t our fault he’s stubborn to die!!
Jill: I think he was too cute to die..
Doctor: Jill this is no time for your love life nonsense!!
Jill: I was just saying..
Doctor: Nana if this job is too difficult for you two I could always call you know who..
Jill: We’ll finish it.. What room is he in..??
Nana: Yeah..
Doctor: Room 117.. Hurry up.. You two are elites act like ones..

Normal POV
The now Elite trio Nana and Jill heads to room 117 where Yoongi is laying with a poisoned body who seems to effect him everytime he moves around. Nana and Jill seems to be the two girls Yoongi remembered at the streets when he was about to die, but what these two girls doesn’t know is that he remembers their voices.

Nana: Jill do you have the needle ready.?
Jill: Always..
Nana: Just make sure it has enough in it.. I don’t want him surviving this time..
Jill: But he’s cute..
Nana: Jill don’t you start again..
Jill: (pouts).. I know okay..

Normal POV
The girls arrive at the room but the room happens to be empty. They look around but no Yoongi in sight. They head back to the doctor with a frustrating look on their faces.

Nana: When you want someone dead..
Jill: Make sure they are in the room you mention okay..
Doctor: Are you telling me he escaped..
Nana: Yes.. He’s not there..
Doctor: It’s obvious he’s still in the hospital.. GO FIND HIM NOW!!!
Jill: You’re suppose to look for him too..
Nana: Jill go to the 1st floor.. In case he tries to escape..
Jill: Through the front door.. I understand..
Nana: Doctor just do something or we all will be in deep..
Doctor: I’ll go look for clues in his room..

[ Back to Yoongi]

Yoongi POV
What happened??.. I just remembered trying to stand up, but I collapsed instead and someone came to lift me up back on my bed.. But now I’m moving to somewhere.. Just who is this who’s helping me..
Yoongi: Who... Who.. Are you??
Unknown: Just stay down there..
Yoongi: (This voice sounds like Jimin's).. Jimin..
Jimin: Yes stay still..
Yoongi: It is you.. Thanks..
Jimin: Stay down.. Hoseok go make sure.. The downstairs lobby is safe to go down..
Hoseok: I’m on it..
Yoongi: Hoseok too..( wow these guys came at the right time)..

Normal POV
Yoongi who seems to have been saved by his fellow group mates who happened to appear at the right place at the right time. The whole situation has gotten confusing as Yoongi lays down trying to figure out how Jimin and Hoseok knew he was in trouble and also which hospital he was laying in.
Jimin trying to be careful not to push too hard and attract attention to themselves, suddenly feels nervous as he sees Jill ahead of them, but lucky for them she hasn’t notice them yet. The boy who’s now hiding behind the wall waiting for Hoseok to do something that will get Jill away from the door in order for them to escape and get Yoongi an antidote for that poison.
Hoseok who’s in a pinch as he was almost caught by Nana and now has to deal with Jill as well is completely out of options as he has no idea which way to go as either way he goes one of them is going to see him.

(Takes out phone)
Hoseok: Jimin I’m surrounded..
Jimin: What do you mean?..
Hoseok: If I go to the left side. The girl named Jill will see me..
Jimin: Let me guess the other side has the one called Nana right..
Hoseok: Yeah..
( Yoongi looks at Jimin)
Yoongi: Tell him to stand back and throw something to the floor that’s in between them..
Jimin: Hoseok..
Hoseok: Yeah I heard..

Normal POV
Hoseok being out of options stepped back into one of the hall ways and tried Yoongi's plan. He looked around for something to throw but found nothing as all the items looked very important. Hoseok not knowing what to throw was approached by a young girl.

Girl: What are you looking for?
Hoseok: Umm sorry what!!
Girl: You keep looking around.. So what are you looking for maybe I can help..
Hoseok: No it’s not like that.. I just need..
Girl: Need what??
Hoseok: Wait.. Who are you?
Girl: Oh my name is Kate... Kate Cornita. And I’m a patient here..
Hoseok: I can see that.. Anyway.. There are two girls standing in the hall way and I need something to throw to get them away so I can run away, but here’s nothing useless to throw..
Kate: You can throw me, I’m useless anyway..
Hoseok: Like I said.. Here’s nothing useless to throw..(smiles at her)
Kate: What’s your name..?
Hoseok: My name is Hoseok.. But I’m here to help my friend get out,  seeing as those two girls wants to probably kill him.
Kate: Oh that’s bad.. What’s your friends name?
Hoseok: Yoongi.. Min Yoongi..
Kate: Okay better yet hide behind that counter..
Hoseok: Why?
Kate: Just do it..
Hoseok: Fine
(Hoseok goes behind the counter)

Normal POV
The girl now named as Kate starts walking towards the hallway, the exact one Hoseok just told her about. She walks and suddenly falls down. Hoseok wanting to stand up and help her but she raised her hand and showed him to stop.


Hoseok POV
What is she doing.. She’s going to .. No wait is she... She is..

Normal POV
Nana and Jill turns around hearing the name Yoongi from the girl on the ground and immediately starts running towards where the girl is. The girl still laying on the ground holds her arm as the pain is starting to hurt her from the fall. Nana and Jill runs towards her and asks her to show which way Yoongi went, and she points to the direction which she and Hoseok was just standing.
Nana and Jill starts running in that direction without hesitation as they hope to still catch up with Yoongi. They were finally a great distance from Hoseok and that’s when Kate signalled Hoseok to come out.

Kate: Okay now you can go quickly!!
Hoseok: But.. What about your injuries..
Kate: I was just faking it... Now hurry..
Hoseok: Thanks.. I’ll visit you someday..
Kate: I’ll be waiting.. (Smiles)

Normal POV
The plan Kate had seemed to have worked as Hoseok was able to escape and head in the direction Yoongi and Jimin was. Kate watched as Hoseok runs towards the exit. The young girl looked at the only person to ever talk to her runs away.
Kate now standing up slowly was about to start walking back to her room when suddenly someone tapes on her shoulder and points towards the exit. She turns towards the exit to see Hoseok waving goodbye at her, and showing he’ll come see her again one day.

Yoongi: Who is she?
Hoseok: Her name is Kate.. And she helped us out..
Jimin: Sounds like you like her..
Hoseok: We just met, but I’ll try to visit her again.. One day..
Yoongi: If we figure out this mess. As well as get the others back together.. You’ll see that girl really soon.
Jimin: Why do we have to get the others??
Yoongi: Because when I was walking towards the door to try and escape..
Jimin: Yeah.. What..
Hoseok: What??
Yoongi: That man mentioned Madelyn's name..
Hoseok: Are you talking about..
Jimin: Jungkook’s girlfriend.. I thought she died..
Yoongi: If they are talking about her.. I think she may still be alive..
Hoseok: Then we better hurry.. Otherwise..
Jimin: They will come after Jungkook next..
Yoongi: Yes.. But luckily they said something like a clue. Or something..
Hoseok: What was it..??
Yoongi: I need to remember.. Let’s hurry so I can try and find an antidote..
Jimin: Okay..
Hoseok: Gotcha..


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