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The sudden remembrance that Jungkook received got all the members surprised. Jin who’s most surprised as to how the letter and Jungkook’s sudden remembering might be connected, but can’t be sure. He tries to ask Jungkook just exactly who he might think is the head boss but for some reason Jungkook started to shake.
Namjoon walks closer to Jungkook and holds him but the shaking of Jungkook worsens as he stares at the members. Namjoon now not knowing what else to do looks at Jin as if asking for answers on how to calm Jungkook down but no one knows what to do.

Jin: I don’t... Jungkook tell us who this person is...
Jungkook: (shaking).. It’s... Its...
Namjoon: Who...
Jungkook: Mm..mmm...(shocked face)..
Yoongi: Mmm..  What???.. Jungkook don’t be scared..
Jungkook: (Looks up)... It’s.. M..

Normal POV
Jungkook was about to mention the person’s name but at that moment Jungkook’s phone rings. Jungkook totally shocked by that sudden ringing looks at each member in the room. Jin looks at Jungkook and nods his head to answer but signals him to put it on speaker.

Jungkook: (answers the phone).. Hello
Unknown: ( Laughing).. Hi boys... It seems Jungkook has an idea who I might be..
( The group now in total surprised, starts looking at each other with a very worried look on their faces)
Unknown: Oh come on.. Don’t look so surprised..
Unknown: Jin that’s no way to speak to me..(laughs)..
Jimin: Jungkook... What are you trying to say...??
Unknown: Jungkook... I have a surprise for you..

Normal POV
Jungkook now really worried as to what this person means by a surprise, suddenly gets a message send to his phone. The young Jungkook too scared to look at this message asks Taehyung to look at it but the members tells Jungkook that he should look himself.

Jungkook: (Jungkook looks at the message).. MADELYN!!!
(The unknown sent a picture of Madelyn)
Unknown: That’s right Jungkook.. It’s proof that she’s still alive..
Jungkook: LET HER GO!!!
Unknown: Why you getting upset.. Jungkook.. I told you it’s a surprise..
Unknown: THEN WHAT!!!
Jungkook: Why you doing this??
Unknown: Because of what you and your friends did to me back then..
(The members look shocked to hear what they did)
Jin: Friends??.. What do..
Namjoon: You mean by that??
Yoongi: We don’t even know who you are!!
Unknown: Oh so Jungkook hasn’t told you yet.. Well I’m..

Normal POV
The sudden mention of Ms. Nayeon now really got the members in the most shocking surprise ever. Jin who’s now wondering what might give Jungkook that idea, that this head boss may be Ms. Nayeon..their old classroom teacher. Namjoon trying to figure out why Ms. Nayeon would want to do this looks at Jin and the rest of the members but for some reason neither one knows what they did to their old teacher.

Unknown: How did you find out??
Jin: Yeah??.. Why do you think she’s Ms.Nayeon..?
Jungkook: Namjoon and Taehyung!! Do you remember when we were inside that one house..
Namjoon: Yeah...
Taehyung: The one that had....
Jungkook: Yes.. The one I told you that the voice sounded familiar...
Taehyung: Yes.. So that was Ms.Nayeon...(shocked)
Ms.Nayeon: Well done Jungkook... If you remember that.. Do you remember what you boys did to me..
Jungkook: No..
BTS: No!!
Ms.Nayeon: I can’t believe you don’t even remember how you ruined me.. Well let me remind you..


Normal POV
Ms.Nayeon rushes to her class seeing as for some reason she was late. This being really difficult for her as she’s never been late but this morning her entry into the school was delayed due to a few boys. Ms.Nayeon finally arriving to the classroom was surprised to see it was empty, and she has no idea why.

Principal: You’re late Ms. Nayeon..
Ms. Nayeon: I’m sorry Sir.. But..
Principal: No excuses.. This is your third and final warning...
Ms.Nayeon: But Sir... Where is my student..
Principal: I told your students.. To go home seeing as you were 2 hours late..
Ms.Nayeon: But Sir as I was trying to explain...
Principal: Make sure to pack your things and move out of this school.. By the end of this day..

Normal POV
Ms. Nayeon now being ordered to pack her things and clear her classroom by the end of the day, couldn’t think of anything else than to make sure to hurt those boys who held her up that time. The school finally ending with a still sad Ms. Nayeon in her classroom. The moment for Ms. Nayeon was too hard too handle and at that same moment she decided to go and search those boys and make them pay.

Ms. Nayeon POV
I have to find those boys and make them pay.. This job was all I had left and now I’ve lost it due to their stupidity. I have to make sure those boys get what they deserve and that’s full punishment.
Normal POV
Ms. Nayeon packs her things and heads out of the school with a mission in mind, and that’s to make the boys that made her late pay dearly. The search for these boys was on as she gets into her car and exits the school grounds.
The search was rather long as looking for these boys was harder than she thought, but shock came to her face as she finally found the boys but it was boys she never thought would hurt her that badly..

Jimin: Jungkook pass the ball..
Jungkook: I don’t have the ball..
Jimin: Taehyung.. Where’s the ball..
Taehyung:  Hoseok has it..
Jimin: Just pass the ball already..

Normal POV
The boys Ms. Nayeon was looking for just happened to be the 7 boys she trusts the most in the class as well as the school. The hurt of seeing them playing as if they haven’t done anything wrong suddenly made Ms.Nayeon get a headache as she was about to head over and talk to them but she couldn’t.
Ms.Nayeon still sitting in her car looks at how they are having fun and she has to be sad and hurt for that they’re carelessness made her be late for work and worse get her fired, from the job she’s been working hard for the past few years.

Jungkook: Hey.. You came.
(Madelyn suddenly runs into Jungkook’s arms)
Madelyn: Sorry.. I’m late..
Jimin: No worries..
Jin: Yeah.. So can we go now..
Jungkook: Yeah..let’s go..
Madelyn: Yes.. Love you Kookie..
Jungkook: You’re everything to me Madelyn.. I love you too..
BTS: Ewww... Get a room..
( The members start laughing )

Ms.Nayeon POV
So Madelyn and Jungkook are together. Jungkook also just said Madelyn is his everything.

Normal POV
At that moment Ms. Nayeon had an idea that would probably hurt Jungkook as well as the other members and make them all feel the same way she feels. Ms.Nayeon starts her car and drives away but because she’s too focused on driving that she didn’t notice the boys looking at her.


Normal POV
Ms.Nayeon tells the story with pure detail for the boys to understand exactly what they did.. But for some reason they still don’t have a clue as to what they did wrong. Jin wanting to talk but was cut off when something outside suddenly started making a big noise.

Namjoon: What was that!!
Ms. Nayeon: Wasn’t that hard to find where you were hiding..
Jin: You still haven’t explained what we did wrong..
Namjoon: It... It... Was because we saved Taehyung's best friend, who was hit by a car..
Jimin: You mean.. When we had to block the road in..
Taehyung: Order to make sure the “ She got..
Hoseok: Out the road..
Ms.Nayeon: Hope you boys survive this next assault..
Yoongi: What assault!!!!!!!.
( Call ended)..

Normal POV
The boys now thinking what could have made Ms.Nayeon go to this length and only because she lost her job. The boys not knowing what to do next as their plan to sleep and attack the next day was completely stopped as the gunmen working for Ms.Nayeon happened to be outside their house and for the boys it’s way too much to handle.
Jin looks at Namjoon as to try and think of something to protect the young ones, could only stare at the boys as everyone knows this is a lost cause, seeing as there is way too much men outside.

Jimin: I can’t believe all this just because we delayed the road.. To save a friend..
Jungkook: Yeah.. Why would she go so far as to...
Taehyung: ..... No...
Hoseok: What do you mean Taehyung??
Taehyung: It’s because of... Cleese and Jewel..
Jin: Cleese. And Jewel.... wait. Are you referring to..
Taehyung: My former best friends I mean our best friends.

Normal POV
The sudden mysterious name caught the members by surprise as they remember what Taehyung is trying to say to them. The name Cleese was a young girl who used to hang out with Taehyung and she felt safe with him, ever since he helped her with bullies, and Jewel was Taehyung's childhood friend.

Taehyung: The day Cleese went missing.. Was the same day.. Jewel was in the accident. So.
Namjoon: The road block was made.. And..
Jin: Ms.Nayeon was caught in that road block but because..
Yoongi: Kookie stood beside the road she automatically thought..
Hoseok: He was to blame..
Jimin: But how does this connect to Madelyn being kidnapped...wait..
Jungkook: I was on the street with Madelyn that time..
Taehyung: So.. Because..
Jin: That job was precious to Ms.Nayeon..
Namjoon: She took something precious of Jungkook.. To..
Yoongi: Make him feel the same pain she did..

Normal POV
The members stood still in the room, finally having a idea of why Ms.Nayeon is doing this. Jin not knowing what to do tries to calm Jungkook down but things just got worse for the boys as the gunmen started banging on the door. Namjoon stood up and started walking to the window to try and figure out how many men they are going to have to fight, but that was too risky as Yoongi pulled him back.
Jungkook stood up from his bed and had a serious look on his face, that got all the members looking surprised at the changed Jungkook. Taehyung moves closer to Jungkook and tries to ask him what he’s planning to do, but for some reason Jungkook is not responding.

Taehyung: Jungkook what’s wrong..
Jungkook: ........
Yoongi: I’ve seen this look before..
Jin: The look of anger..
Namjoon: That will do anything..
Hoseok: To hurt the one...causing..
Jin: Him pain..

Jungkook POV
I don’t know what this feeling I have inside of me now.. But for some reason I can’t stop it. What do I do now..

Taehyung: Jungkook... Jungkook..

Jungkook POV
I can hear someone calling but here’s no one.. So who is calling..

Jin: Jeon Jungkook!!!
Jungkook: (awaken)...Yeah..what...
Taehyung: Dude..  what were you thinking just now..
Jungkook: I don’t know.. I couldn’t hear anything..
Yoongi: Because you’re too angry. You need to calm down Jungkook.
Jin: So rest.... For a while..
Jungkook: I can’t with this danger.. We’re facing now..

Normal POV
The members look at Jungkook as neither one has an solution to this problem. Jin starting to worry for Jungkook might lose himself with what’s going on now, started walking downstairs.

Namjoon: Where are you going!!.. It’s too dangerous down there..
Jin: I’m ... I’m...
Yoongi: No!!.. Don’t...
Jin: I’m going outside... And when. I ..
Hoseok: No...don’t. We can.. Think.
Jin: We can’t Hoseok...there’s no way out...
Jimin: I admit that’s brave but. That’s too dangerous.. Jin Hyung..
Jin: Like I said.. Once I go out. Make sure to run out the back door. Okay..
Jungkook: Jin Hyung!!. No.. You..
Jin: And all of you make sure to keep our Maknae happy and safe okay..

Normal POV
Jin saying his final goodbyes heads downstairs, with no weapon. The members look at how their oldest heads downstairs to sacrifice himself, so that the others can survive. Namjoon being the most sad looks at how Jin vanishes from the room and could see the corner of Jin’s eyes had a tear.
The whole group tries to stop Jin but neither one could succeed as the oldest already stood downstairs ready to face the gunmen.

Jungkook: We have to do something to help him...
Namjoon: Yoongi...
Yoongi: I know...
Jungkook: What are you guys talking about..
Yoongi: Jungkook and the rest follow me..
Taehyung: What about Namjoon...
Yoongi: He’ll...
(Namjoon smiles at the group)
Yoongi: Let’s go..

Normal POV
Namjoon gives his team a smile before they disappear. The members not knowing what that smile means looks at Yoongi for answers but Yoongi tries to lie to them. Jungkook knowing Yoongi when he’s lying , already figured out what that smile meant.

Jungkook: Why??
Yoongi: Because you are too important to them..
Taehyung: What... What are you guys talking about.. Wait..
Jimin: (Looks shocked).. He’s going to stand with Jin against these guys..
Yoongi: Yes he is..

Normal POV
The members look at the house seeing as they already escaped  through the back window, but for some reason they feel like going inside and helping Jin and Namjoon. Yoongi seeing what these boy wanna do stops them and gives them a look that says “ Don’t let their sacrifice be for nothing “. Jungkook and the rest looks at Yoongi and decides to run away, as they were told.


Jin: Can’t believe you decided to stay..
Namjoon: Well I can’t let you handle this on your own..
Jin: And why not..
Namjoon: Because instead of fighting them, you’ll probably cook for them..(laughs)
Jin: (Laughs).. Maybe that could work..
Namjoon: (laughs).. Anyway.. Are you ready..
Jin: Yes I am..

Jin and Namjoon Opens the front door...


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