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~Unknown's P.O.V~

(Wednesday, 3 Days)

3 days left, I could hardly contain myself as the day I could have what I wanted got closer. I watched Brielle sitting on her patio for the second time this week, she was reading the same book as last time, only looking more into it. She was so stunning, I just wanted to snatch her up right there and take her from her precious Jiyong. But that was simply too much as of right now, Jiyong was always watching, Brielle was due anytime so he would never leave her side. Speaking of Jiyong, he emerged from the house, ruining my moment once again. "Oh for fucks sake." I muttered, watching him kissing all over her. My jealousy spiked deep inside me, making me want to get up and take what's mine right here, right now. Instead, I turned and went back to my car, speeding off away from their house. I hate him, I hate Kwon Jiyong.

~Brielle's P.O.V

I watched a car speed off down the road, weird. I flipped to the next page of my book as Jiyong ran his hand over my belly, feeling Jaejoon moved around inside me. "He kicks hard, they hurt." I said, jumping as Jaejoon kicked me hard in the side. "He's gonna be a fighter, just like me." Jiyong replied, showing me his cute smile. I rolled my eyes at him, causing him to laugh and throw his head back. "Don't roll your eyes at me." He complained, leaning up to kiss me and the forehead. Jiyong sighed and stood up, pulling my book from my hand, he smiled down at my angry face. "Let's go on a date, a real one." He said, pulling me up from my chair, slightly dragging me into the house.He stopped in the kitchen and picked up his phone, making a reservation a nice restaurant in downtown Seoul. "That place is a little expensive, why don't we go somewhere cheaper?" I said, rubbing the back of my neck, Jiyong looked over at me and rolled his eyes. "Brielle, I want to treat you to a date. not an outing, let me spoil you." He demanded, crossing his arms playfully, his lower lip puckering into a cute pout. "Okayyy..." I replied, heading into our room to get ready for this date. I stepped into the bathroom and ran a hot shower, stripping off my dirty clothes, climbing into the warm waterfall. I quickly washed my hair and then entered the cold bathroom, shivering at the temperature change. I quickly got dressed, slipping on a pretty red dress that Jiyong had bought me a few months ago, I never got around to wearing it because we got busy preparing for the baby. I slipped on a pair of all black heels before doing my hair and makeup. Once I finished getting ready, I stepped out into the main room where Jiyong was waiting, his eyes scanned my body as I neared him.

~G-Dragon's P.O.V~

Brielle looked stunning, the dress I bought her hugged every curve, which made my length twitch in my pants. I stood up and grabbed her hand, locking it in mine. "Bye ma!" She shouted as we walked out the door. The drive was happy, we talked almost the whole way there, Brielle jammed out to "Superstar", one of my newest solo songs. She linked her arm with mine as we neared the restaurant, I paid for our reservation when we got inside, following the host to the table. The host couldn't keep her eyes off me, which was clearly making Brielle's claws come out. The host gave me a cute smile before heading off back towards the front. "I would like to see her try again." Brielle said, cracking her knuckles. I chuckled and grabbed her hand from across the table, squeezing it in mine, trying to calm her down. "Relax, this night is for me and you, don't let some girl looking at me ruin it." I replied, causing her to smile. The host came back with our drinks, giving me yet another cute smile, sliding me a napkin from her pocket. She stayed there until I opened it, finding her number on the other side. I smiled and looked up at her. "You this woman right here? That's my fiance and the mother of my son, so It would be so kind that you did not slip me your number." I sat, crumpling the napkin, putting it back into her hand. She looked at Brielle angrily before grunting and walking away, sending another host to tend to us. We ordered our food and talked back in forth, I kissed her hand every now and then, causing her to blush. The food arrived about 30 minutes later, Brielle immediately dug into hers, I did the same, enjoying the taste of the food. "Good?" I asked her, causing her to pick her head up from eating. "Very." She replied, scooping up another ball of rice from her bowl. I smiled at her and continued to eat my food. As the date neared its end I wanted to take Brielle to the beach for a walk. We pulled up to the beautiful beach, stepping out onto the sand. Brielle had taken her shoes off so they wouldn't get ruined. We walked hand in hand down the beautiful shore, taking in the nice sunset that was setting next to us. "Only two more days, we can celebrate with the boys and eomma." She said, smiling up at me. "You know you're really short." I said, chuckling to myself as her face got angry, but still so cute. "Will you hush about my shortness." She complained, sticking her tongue at me. "Better watch that tongue girl, I will bite it." I said, leaning down close to her, my face a few inches from hers. She stuck her tongue out at me again, I quickly snatched it between my teeth, causing her to yelp slightly. I chuckled and let it go, making her pout. "Let's head home and spend the rest of the evening alone." I said, turning and taking her back up towards the car, driving off back home.


Me and GD Book 1 (BIGBANG G-Dragon Fanfic) 18+ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now