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Recap                                                                                                                                                                                    Once they arrived they sat in the waiting room for a while before finally getting a room. Liza kindly asked her sister to step outside while she was getting checked.

The doctor returned with the results. "Fortunately, there are no STDs or major scarring. You are pregnant, it's grown abnormally over night, that's how we're able to tell."

Liza became shocked, she was pregnant. She would have children as a 16 year old.


"Liza!" Augie exclaimed pulling the girl into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry." He noticed how Liza flinched once he hugged her, like she was scared of him. Then he looked at her face an seen the bruises.

"Who the hell did that?!" Augie said, his face turning to rage. Jeremy then came to see what was happening when he saw it to.

"Yeah, who did that!?" Jeremy demanded.

"I-it's fine. I-I just fell." Liza lied. She noticed how her stuttering would not go away.

"Liza, why don't you go get washed up and get dressed? I invited Bonnie and Stefan for dinner." Elena said, saving Liza from the two boys.

"Uh- o-okay." The girl replied before walking upstairs. She got in the shower and turned on the water. She took off her clothes and seen the dried blood on her thighs. All of the sudden she broke down. Tear after tear rolled down her cheeks. Her parents just died and now this? What did she do to deserve this? Maybe all of it was her fault..

Liza jumped into the shower and turned the water as hot as it could get. She hissed as she felt it sting, but somehow it felt good. It distracted her, but then her thoughts returned, and suddenly she felt numb.

Once she was out of the shower she noticed how red her skin was.

Then she got dressed and dried her hair. She took Elena's makeup bag and used her makeup to cover the bruises.

Liza didn't realize how long that took her, until the doorbell rang. She rushed downstairs to see Elena opening the door for Stefan.

She slipped into the kitchen and sat at the table where Bonnie and Augie sat.

"Stefan's here." Elena smiled walking in, with Stefan following behind. They sat at the table and everyone started to eat. Except for Liza. She kept pushing her food around to make it look like she was eating. She had lost her appetite and it didn't look like it was returning any time soon.

The conversation started and it was on Bonnie being a witch. Liza soon excused herself from the table when the doorbell rang.

Liza opened the door to show Caroline and Damon. Caroline immediately wrapped her arms around Liza. In return Liza flinched.

"We brought Desert, I hope you don't mind." Caroline smiled.

"Damon, you can't stay, can you?" Stefan said, hinting for his brother to leave.

Damon just smirked and looked towards Liza. "Don't be ridiculous, I wanna formally meet the girl I rescued."

"It's fine." Liza squeaked quietly to Stefan, "come in."

Damon entered and kept a stare on the tiny girl, he noticed she had covered the bruises.

Elena and Bonnie entered the room and everyone started to hang out in the living room. Well, except for Liza. She stayed in the kitchen to clean.

"One more." Damon voice sounded.

Liza turned to see the glass cup. She mentally sighed because she wanted nothing more than to just go to bed. She was extremely tired from the past events.

"Thanks" Liza gave a smile before reaching to grab the cup. The cup slipped from her grasp, so she closed her eyes shut, waiting for the crash.  Once it never came she peeped one eye open to see it back in Damon's hand.

"Oh." Liza let out a small giggle. "Thank you." She replied before safely grabbing it and washing it.

"So, I wanna know." Damon starred while watching the young girl intensely. "What happened last night?"

"Erm, I tripped. Yeah, I tripped and fell down a hill." Liza stammered, trying to get her story together.

"Now we all know that's not the case." Damon  said, walking closer to the girl. He looks into the girls eye, "now tell me, what happened."

"I'm s-sorry but you're being extremely intrusive... I d-don't have to explain myself t-to you." She replied as nice as she could.

"I'm sorry." Damon smirked. Under that smirk he was really confused, why couldn't she be compelled. He couldn't smell vervain on her. "You're right, I'm being extremely rude and I hope you can forgive me... have a nice night, Miss Liza."

Question of the chapter- if you see someone with acne, do you automatically think they're ugly?

I've seen a lot of rude comments on Instagram of people with acne and it's horrible.

I personally think people are beautiful even with acne.

Little Gilbert Diary ► D. SALVATOREWhere stories live. Discover now