Chapter one

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Hello! this is the first chapter of our new story! hope you enjoy it! ^^ please give us feedback and ideas for this story we will fully appreciate it! anyways enjoy my dear readers...(the pictures are not ours!)

worked with this with a friend of mine on quotev. thought I share it here ^^



That is all I can see. Suddenly a bright light shined upon me causing me to groan in annoyance.I slowly opened my (E/C) slitted eyes. I rubbed my eyes gently and yawned softly.My sharp C-nines gleamed slightly showing a tint of ruby red from my last killing last month.

Morning already...? I wondered while creasing my eyebrows slightly in irritation. I steadily rose up from my previous position.Looking around my humble cave I hummed in contentment.I truly found a cozy home to sleep in~! I smiled to myself and mentally gave myself a pat on the shoulder. The cave I found a couple weeks ago was isolated but not too far from living beings ( cant have my cave being too far from food source can we). I liked that. Plus it was very big and had pure white flowers growing at the front with some shrubs which Made it very beautiful just the way I liked it.

"why does the night have to go by so quickly?" I whined quietly.

I slither gracefully I may add towards my cracked mirror (found it while finding my abandoned underground chamber). next to it was my brush. I gently brushed my (H/L) (H/C) soft hair.I looked at myself intensely. My bright (E/C) slitted eyes glimmered in confusion and slight sadness. My long (T/C) tail that glistened gently under the light hit the floor in frustration.

"why am I like this..?" I whispered gently. I am the last of my species. The rest got killed off or experimented by the...outsiders. I am what they call a Naga. A half human half snake. We usually live in caves and places near to a lot of food source. I have always been alone. The last time I was in contact with some being was mother. She was everything to me. However the outsiders..they..they killed her. they killed my mother. My eyes water slightly as I choked back a sob. No, i shouldn't cry. Mother wouldn't want that. I wiped my eyes.

The last thing I remember of her was when I was 4 years old. At the time I was in a panic state. All I could hear was bullets whizzing by and causing destruction wherever it was aimed at. Mother stroked my cheek and whispered to me.


"run my! it's not safe here! I will keep them occupied! Don't worry I will join you just run for me!" mother whispered frantically. My tear stained face scrunched up even more. "no I won't leave! I-I don't want to!" I whimpered softly and I clung to her tightly. Mother crouched down to me and wiped my tears away while placing a beautiful necklace around my neck. "(name)..Didn't I say I will join you after I sorted them out? please don't worry and just run for your dear mother..please" mother smiled gently and pushed me forward. I slowly nodded and ran like my life depended on it.

"I love you (name) stay safe!"


That was the last words my mother said to me. I clenched my fists in anger. I could never forgive them for what they have done. Bloodlust rushed through my veins as my eyes gleamed darkly with an intent to kill. "I guess it's time to go hunting.." I whispered quietly. I slithered swiftly outside leaving my cavern. As I looked for new potential prey I felt as though I was being...watched. shaking it off I continued looking for prey. What I didn't know were two dark brown eyes which swirled with madness through the leaves of the trees.

"oh..a new species huh..? so will be part of my treasure my will~!" the figure whispered quietly and smirk sadistically.

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