chapter five

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Hm, it seemed really quiet this late noon. It's usually noisy with birds, and those sorts... I'm not complaining, it's just nerve-racking. To be honest, I like it.

I slithered through the woods a bit more to try to find a bite. Though I sort of got out of hand a while ago and stocked up, I still felt peckish. A few little bugs passed me either flying or crawling from tree to tree. It was quite entertaining. It reminded me of when I went on my first little 'adventure' with my mother. It was also my last... Well, as a child... That is...

I brushed off the feeling and sighed. I need to stop thinking about her. She's gone. 

I looked up at the sky, it was quite cold and had a cloudy atmosphere to it. It looked like it was going to rain, to be honest... I should probably get home... I'll get food later... I slithered through the pathway back to my cozy home. Yet, on my way there... I saw something, no, felt something... Something colder than the weather right now... It wasn't foreign though. I turned my head tilting. 

Oh god. 

My adrenaline started kicking in. 

There, before me, stood a tall, human-like figure. They had legs. Real legs. He had a tied up, white smooth ponytail with shattering, crystal, blue eyes. His clothing was some sort of robe? I slithered back giving a warning vibe off. "Don't worry. It's alright. I'm not here to hurt you." The man smiled. Something about it was warm, inviting, and calm. But on the other hand, I got a vibe of mysteriousness, cold, and darkness around him. I hissed at him, not wanting to get involved in any of this. "My, I'm sorry if I scared you. I understand that you're the last of your kind, but trust me. I'm trustworthy and I come baring kindness." His words were calming. But I didn't stand a chance for falling for it. "Stand back." I scrunched up my face glaring at him. He seemed surprised. Very surprised. Maybe he didn't know I could talk? After that, he smiled. "Very intelligent, I see. I can see why you're the only one of your kind." He smiled chuckling. 


Now that I think of it... He's a human... And humans.... They... They killed my mother! And the rest of my kind! 

I had a fierce look in my eye. "Stand back, immediately! I won't hesitate to rip you apart." I threatened. He twitched. "Yes, I understand. Maybe I got too carried away into thinking I could talk to such uniqueness." He sighed, walking back slowly. His blue eyes sparkled. I spat. 

There was no way I was letting him into my life. Not after what his kind has done to my family. I turned my back making sure he wasn't following me. I puffed out of anger and started to realise how strong mentally I was back then. I don't think I should let him live... What happens if he comes back with a whole army... The thought of fire arose in my mind. My broken home... My burnt woods... The thought made me want to cry.

Just then, a loud sqeak filled the air. It was loud, sounding like a bird of some sort... Yet sounded injured... It came from where the man had turned off before. I puffed. That idiot probably killed a bird or something. Ugh, that's it! He's stealing my prey. How dare he. I'm going to have to be forced to rip out his skin. And it's his fault. 

I stormed towards the noise with a poisoning look. Threatening. Once I got to the scene, I tore away the leaves and found him kneeling down beside an injured bird which was rather big. That explains the noise. 

He knelt there, tieing a small little bit of material from his robe that he tore off and soon planting it on the bird's wing. It seemed to be covered in blood and had looked like it was in agony. The man soon poured a drop of water of the material to sink it into the wound. I watched from a distance. 

Sure, this man was helping wildlife. But it doesn't mean he isn't dangerous. I slithered closer, till he noticed. "Ah, I see you came back!..." He smiled widely. "Shut up. I don't need to hear that from you." I hesitated to kill him right there and then. But, I needed answers. "I'm giving none, you're strong enough to handle things by yourself." He stood up, I flinched. I felt calmed by his words, but his vibe made me sick. "Why did you come here in the first place?" I stared. "After hearing on the news, I saw that a whole hoard of animals were brutally murdered in this forest. I wanted to try help to see if there were still adleast some alive." He sighed. "A-Alright..." I spat. "But I guess it's pretty hard for you to fit in here... I mean, being all alone..." He still had a smile on his face. Tch. "What's so cheery about that!? Huh!? It's not my fault my own family was killed in this very same forest!" I started shouting. After was a dead silence. He looked surprised... Maybe I shouldn't have brought up my family... Sigh...

He frowned. "Well, I'm very sorry for your loss. My name is Alexander. Do you have a name?" He grinned. Should I really be giving my name to a stranger? I mean, I was killing this man after, right? "My name is Y/N..." I hesitated quickly. "Ah, so you do have a name! Not to mention a pretty one..." I blushed yet rubbed it off. How dare he. "But your parents were killed in this forest, right?" He bluntly stated. "Y-Yeah, so what!??!" I gasped. "I'm going to tell you something that you can't tell anyone about, alright?" He got closer. "Well, who am I going to tell, huh?" I sarcastically hid a smile. He noticed and smiled along. "Well, my parents tried to murder me and get away with it. See, I wasn't supposed to be born... I was just a mistake! You see?" I gasped at this. He still seemed to be smiling. Yet the grip on the bird was threatening. "I'm... Sorry.... Guess that's just as worse as mine...." Now that I think of it... There's billions of people in this world... And this one man standing infront of me was one of the first I haven't... Actually... Wanted to murder.... Not to mention my only...


Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! Not sure if it's a cliffhanger or not... Oh well! And don't think Y/N has softened up to him! haha NOPE!

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