Chapter six | illness

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Hi everyone, sorry for the wait! 
Here's the chapter that we promised! Enjoy!
hey! D.C here just finished writing the rest of the chapter up I hope you enjoy! sorry for a long wait. ( Picture does not belong to us)

Btw if you want, you can also add me on insta for any info or if you just want to chat
My perspective on humans hasn't changed. Not even a budge. Even after meeting Alexander. If he thinks to help a lifeless animal or acting all sweet will change any of that, he's wrong. 
I huffed as I thought about it. The cold breeze blew through my hair and caressing my cheeks. It's peaceful. I felt a bit more cheered up now figuring that I finally get to eat when I get home. I scurried swiftly till I got to my den and rested a bit. The den had a bit of leaves on it considering the wind, but I didn't mind. I slithered in only realizing one thing. There wasn't any food. My breath hesitated. Damn, I forgot that it's Winter now so most animals either hibernate or migrate. I snarled shivering. Now, that put out my mood. Annoying.
I sighed, staring out of my den for a view, only to see nothing but wind, and a bit of frost. It was getting to the season where everything started to get colder, icier and getting the risk of frostbite. Now that I thought about all this, a sick feeling arose in my stomach. Painfully, I grabbed onto one of the trees getting a grip. I clenched my stomach. God the pain felt like being stabbed in the chest. I felt so hungry... And tired.... And so... So many more things.  
Was the last rabbit I eaten tainted in some sort of way...?
I shook my head in frustration.
Maybe if I went out for a few minutes and push myself, I could find at least a rabbit or bird. If Alexander hadn't gotten into my stupid way and helped the bird, that bird could be my prey and keep me alive for at least a week or two. I clenched my fists in anger. Stupid.
More pain crashed down into the pits of my stomach. Clenching my eyes shut I slightly hissed in pain. breathing in I opened my eyes and glared slightly into the distance. I am much stronger than this. I need to get more food and ignore this pain. It'll eventually go away anyways after I eaten and I find some herbs and water.
Slowly leaving my home I slithered towards the main woods hoping to find some food. The cold wind nipped at my (S/C) soft skin. I frowned a little and tried to create heat within myself, however, the pain seems to be causing some difficulties. Continuing on I quietly looked around trying to find something to keep me alive for a while...
Sniffing the air and closing my eyes I tried to sense any animals that will, unfortunately, be my prey. Though something is off...
My senses..they seem to be not at full strength! 
My (E/C) eyes widen in shock and then slowly squinted in annoyance. This must be because of my state I am I am right now. More pain rushed through and sudden heat plunged into my head I slowly slumped my body against a tree and draped my scaly tail around my body and closed my eyes in pain.
"Mmm..~ you seem to be in a slight pickle (Y/N)!" a deep voice chuckled out above me.
I could hear a thud in front of me and a small click and flash and I shot my eyes opened and growled slightly while clenching my teeth in pain and anger. Why of all people is he here again..? I thought. Scowling I turn my head away from him.
"No, I am not. Go disappear somewhere else or I will make you disappear..permanently" I sneered with my voice dripping with venom. 
Alexander only grinned tilting his head slightly letting his snow-white hair fall to the side while his eyes gleamed with amusement.
"So cute~! trying to threaten me with that flushed face of yours! though I am slightly wounded. You don't have to be so mean (Y/N)! I am only here to help you~" he chirped out.
Scowling, even more, I closed my eyes again in slight pain.
"Helping me...Hah, I don't need your help or any of your kinds help." I hissed. However, the moment I opened my eyes all I can see was teal blue eyes that belong to Alexander. Nose slightly touching my face slightly flushed even more for some unknown reason. Though for one I do not like the feeling. Frowning more I tried to back away from his crouched form but sadly you don't move any further because of the damn tree.
Piecing eyes that reached the depth of my soul stared into my eyes. Sweat slowly trailed down at the side of my head as fear leisurely swallowed my being. Is he gonna hurt me..? I am in a vulnerable state he can just attack me at any point now and I wouldn't able to properly fight back I wondered in slight panic. Clenching my fist while trying to think a plan up I suddenly feel a soft and warm like material wrap around my neck.
Looking up I see Alexander eyes closed with a gentle smile on his face. Opening his eyes he chuckled and shook his head slightly. 
" (Y/N) Please don't be so nervous around me. I truly intend to help you nothing more nothing less.." he whispered gently. blushing slightly and Nuzzling the material I slowly calmed down and closed my eyes trying to fight the pain and hunger.
"It's obvious that you are sick right now and hungry let me take care of you for a bit! stay here and don't go anywhere I am gonna go get you some food!" he announced and got up and patted my head lightly and ran off into the distance.  
"what..?"I whispered softly. I couldn't understand to be honest. why help me? Curling my tail around me even more in discomfort. I don't even understand myself either.
After a few more moments I could hear faint footsteps coming from my direction while smelling a musky hint of floral scent though I could also smell a metallic rusty scent as well. Staring at the direction I could see Alexander waving rapidly and grinning widely. What also caught my eyes was the dead carcass that was roughly held in alexander's rough hands. My stomach rumbled and screamed 
in more pain and I slightly wished for Alexander to hurry it up.
When Alexander finally got to me he dropped the dead animal in front of my feet and lunged towards it. I ripped the flesh and gulped down the raw meat rapidly and by a few minutes, there were only bloody pieces of bones. Wiping at the corner of my mouth I slowly uncurled. Feeling slightly better.
"Hah...seems like you enjoyed it! I work especially hard to find the right prey for you~! not to mention I got some herbs and water to help you get better also you can keep the scarf!" He proudly stated while winking. He then dropped a bottle of water and some herbs down and smiled down at me. " I hope you will tell me something for my good deeds. I think I deserve it~" Alexander spoke up again while giving me a closed-eyed smile. 
Blinking in shock then my eyebrows creased downwards. I won't lie I am slightly shocked that he would go that far for me..and it was kind of him to do so but I don't know. I know what he wants but my pride...ugh only this once I mean he did help me. I grip onto the scarf he gave me and parted my lips gently.
"....thank you...." I whispered quietly and looked away in embarrassment.
"your welcome...(Y/N)!" he cheerfully said softly.  The white-haired boy turned around "My time is up my dear..hope you get better and I will back soon!" he barked out while walking away.
What I didn't notice was the dark sinister smirk that continues to grow on his face.His eyes gleamed slightly.
Eyes gleaming like a predator that is slowly getting closer to their prey...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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