Chapter 5

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Thonight's show was over and before I left the studio, Dara reminded me to come to her hotel room this night. I had mixed feelings about it: I was both confused and excited at the same time...I don't know why. So, after I arrived at the hotel, I left my stuff in my room, had a quick shower and I did as Dara told me. I came in front of her door, knocked and I was waiting for her to open it. She opened the door kinda fast and said "Hi" very happily and hugged me tightly. I said "Hi" too and I hugged her back. When I saw her, I immediately remembered of when we kissed. Actually, when we tried to kiss, because we got interrupted by that angry staff guy. She asked me how I have been and after that she suggested to make a live on instagram. I agreed with her, of course, and we had a lot of fun. People were really nice and supportive. I loved chatting with them. After we ended the livestream, we were kinda quiet. I was thinking that she may have asked me to come here only for this livestream on instagram. I mean, I'm fine with it, we had much fun, but it's just...I had a silly mind. What was I expecting? We're just friends. Why did she accept to kiss me today anyway? I shouldn't have kissed her. We're not dating...we're just good friends, that's all. I feel so stupid for thinking that she wanted anything more.
Anyway, after a long moment of silence, she stood up and turned off the lights, saying to me, as an explanation: "my eyes got tired of this bright light". I said: "Yes, mine too" as I didn't know what else to say. I laid down on her bed and she came next to me, got very close to my body and hugged me, placing her head on my chest. I started to stroke her head slowly, then I went down to her shoulders and  her back. I loved feeling her so close to me, but I was confused again, I didn't know what she wanted, because again, 'we're just friends'. She kissed my right cheek, then she made eye-contact with me and I couldn't stop, so I kissed her lips. I started to stroke her right cheek slowly, and we kept kissing, more and more intense, until we ended up french kissing. After a long make-out session, we stopped, and she asked me with a quiet voice, looking straight into my eyes: "So, you said today that you're a virgin?". I felt suprized about the fact that she mentioned it again, but I said "Yea", pretending as if it's something normal, again. She said seriously, keeping eye-contact with me:"Tomorrow you won't be". I had no idea what to reply to that, so I stayed quiet, making big eyes, and she continued, smiling:"Only if you want, of course". I still didn't know what to say, so I just answered quietly, feeling confused af: "I don't know...". She kissed me shortly and said: "You can trust me with that. I can teach you". I felt more confused than ever. I didn't know if this would be a good idea or not. I kind like her, but we're not more than friends. What if this would ruin our friendship? But, in the end, I said "okay", even if I was still not sure if this would be the best idea.
After that, she immediately got on top of me(we were still dressed, of course), and she started by kissing my bottom lip with passion. I placed both of my hands on her booty and we kept kissing, slower at first, then this make-out session went on with french kisses, our tongues touching in harmony. I lifted her T-shirt just a bit so that I could touch her skin, we stopped kissing and she started kissing my neck, grazing my skin with her lips, kissing slowly and then she used her tongue into the mix, which was feeling incredibly. I started to breathe a bit louder and I lifted her T-shirt upper, until she let me take if off completely. I instictively looked at her boobs, of course, which were kinda very big, but she was wearing a bra. She was looking straight into my eyes, smiling at me, while she unclipsed her bra and took it off. She said to me, while playing sexily with her boobs:"They're all yours, babe" and winked at me. I gave one kiss to her neck, then I turned around so that I was on top of her, took my T-shirt off, then I pinned her to the bed and I started to kiss her neck, from one side to the front of it, nibbling her skin gently. After that, I went down to her boobs and I started kissing and caressing each of them. I don't know if I was doing it right or not, it was my first time, but she didn't complain about it so I kept going. She started to play with my hair and suddenly she asked me quietly:"Do you want to try something else tonight too?". I stopped from what I was doing and I asked, looking into her eyes:"What?". She whispered: "Eat me" and winked at me. I figured what she meant and I was feeling kinda nervous. I wanted to try everything,yea, but at the same time, I thought I may not do it right and she would not enjoy it. Anyway, I agreed to do that, so I took her shorts and underwear off, I spreaded her legs and I started doing what I had to do. I don't know if I was doing it right or not, but I tried immitating what I saw in porn videos. Well, everybody watches them so... I was kinda focused on what I was doing, but I still could hear her breathing louder and louder, which I supposed that it meant that she was enjoying it. Then, I thought of inserting 2 fingers inside her and I continued what I was doing, and I heard her moaning, which meant she liked it. Soon, she told me to stop, and I did.
After that, she pushed me on the bed gently, and took my pants and boxers off. To be honest, I felt weird for a second to be fully naked in front of her,especially because I was having an erection. Anyway, she didn't seem embarrassed or anything and started to touch my private parts. I felt like shivering, it felt different to be touched by someone else. I tried not to look at her, because I was feeling kinda embarrassed to do that and suddenly, I felt her tongue and lips. She started to give me a blowjob. I shivered instantly and I breathed deeply and then, I tried to relax. She stopped soon, before I even got used to it, and asked me: " how does it feel?", looking into my eyes. I think I have already become red, as I was feeling pretty embarrassed, I don't know why, but it felt weird to make eye-contact with her while all this was happening, but I replied quietly:"it feels good". She got on top of me, and we started french kissing. I knew what was going to happen next and I was more tensed. I didn't know how it would feel. If it would be as I expect it or not. I tried to make the kiss last as long as possible, because I was too nervous about what should have happened next, and I was having many thoughts about it on my mind. However, we stopped, and before I could even realize it, she let all my length enter her. I instinctively gasped for air and I closed my eyes, starting to relax. I was feeling pleasure, of course, but it was a different kind of pleasure. She started to move up and down slowly, and I placed my hands on her booty. I was still not used to this new type of pleasure, but I loved it. Then, I suddenly remembered about something and I had to ask her: "Shouldn't we have used a condom?". She smiled at me and said calmly:"Don't worry. I'm on birth control". I was kinda confused why she was taking those pills but I didn't want to ruin the moment, so I didn't ask her. She continued, saying:"Do you want me to let you be on top?". I had no preference, it was my first time, but I agreed with her. We switched positions and now I was on top of her. I had to enter her again, because of the change of positions, and I was kinda nervous again, thinking what if I wouldn't find the entrance immediately and I would ruin the moment. However, I found it faster than I thought and I started making slow thrusts. I didn't know if it was the right speed or not, but I heard her breathing louder, which assured me that she was feeling good. I started to get used to this new type of pleassure and I went faster. She started to kiss my neck again, nibbling the skin harder and harder and I started to breathe faster and deeper. I felt her sucking on a spot on my neck hard, while she was moaning, which sent vibrations to my skin, and I kept going faster and faster, breathing heavier. This combination felt so freaking good. Soon after that, I finished inside her and I stopped. Damn, that was the greatest pleasure that I've ever felt to be honest. Anyway, I have no idea if she had an orgasm too or not. I don't know if I was supposed to know it or not, but thinking of how she was acting and breathing, I don't think she did. I laid down next to her and she hugged me tightly, kissing my chest. I started to massage her head and I asked her:"How did you feel?". She replied quietly:"I felt good. You?". I wasn't sure if she meant it or if she said it just to make me feel good, so I said:"Tell me didn't have an orgasm, did you?". She looked at me and said smiling:"No, but that doesn't matter. It only matters that you felt good". Then, she kisses me slowly, and I kissed her back in the same manner, stroking the back of her neck. When we stopped, she said, looking at my neck:"by the way, I left a hickey on your neck". I replied with:"It's fine, I don't mind it" and then I hugged her. She laid her head on my chest and we kept hugging all night until we fell asleep. And yes, we were still naked, but who cares? We just fell asleep in each other's arms.

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