Chapter 25

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As much as I wanted to read the message from mom as I was curious what the reply was, I was afraid at the same time of what she could have said. Of course she figured that it was not meant for her but at the same time, she figured that I hid many things from her. And I know she hates it. Plus, to be honest, having sex with Dara, who is 'just a friend',  was not the best decision after all. But also, if I turn my phone back on, I must reply to Ira as well. And her last message seriously got me speechless. I thought she considers me just a friend, I never knew that she felt this way towards me.
Okay, I wasn't ready to reply to any of them, so I just turned on my TV and watched a random movie. To be honest, I don't even know the name of it, but it seemed interesting, so I watched it till the end.  I thought of turning my phone on after that to see those messages but then, I realized that it was already too late so mom and Ira may be sleeping. However, I can't fall asleep now because I've slept pretty much recently. I would turn on my laptop to watch something on Youtube or Netflix but I was too lazy to get off bed. Plus, I still couldn't get my mind off Ira's reply and the fact that I sent that message to mom.
I decided to finally turn my phone on and to read those messages. After all, I still must have done this sooner or later. So, I turned on my phone and I got some courage to look at the message from mom. It was:"With who?" and a smirking emoji. What the fuck?! Why would mom reply with this? I expected her to get mad or something. I don't even know what to answer to this. I mean, it's a simple question, but I can't just tell her. The message was not even meant for her anyway. So,in the end, I said:" wasn't for you mom...." with an embarrassed emoji at the end. Then, I opened the chat with Ira, I must answer to her too. But what am I supposed to say? Should  I apologize? Is it even my fault? I had no clue that she felt that way towards me until I read that message. I read again more carefully, hoping that she didn't really say what I understood, but nope, it was just like this, again:"Well, I'm sorry for everything that I said about Dara. The truth is...I am jealous. And no, I am not jealous just because you spend much time with her. I am not so selfish to expect you to be friends only with me. I am jealous because you had sex with her. I know it sounds stupid but I...I was kinda hoping that I would be your first someday...I bet you are gonna laugh at me now but, it's just the truth.". Okay, I still have no freaking clue what to say, so I replied only with:"...". She answered very quickly with:"Just forget about it...". I marked it as read immediately but I had no intention in writing anything back, as this was too much from me. I locked my phone immediately, but the next second, it started to ring. Oh shit, it is mom. I don't want to pick up, I am too embarrassed to talk to her now, to be honest. But I have to, so I picked up, and said, before she got the change to say anything:"Just say everything that you want to say about it, mom". She said jokingly:"Oh, but why are you rushing? Is 'she' waiting for you for the next round?". Uhm, okay....this is the weirdest thing that I've ever heard mom saying. I expected her attitude to be completely different about it. Anyway, I said:"What the hell, mom?!" . She said, still in 'a making fun of me' mood:"But who is the lucky one though?". Well, this conversation is getting even more embarrasing. I said, with an annoyed voice tone:"Mom! Seriously?!". After that, she became more serious and said:"Look, seriously now Kris, with who did you do it and who was that message for?". Well, I expected this to come, and I answered, avoiding to tell her anything about Dara:"It was for Ira, we were chatting when you texted me and I...". Mom interrupted me and said still seriously:"Now tell me with who". I sighed and said:"Why does it really matter?". Mom said, with a kind of angry voice:"Because it does. Who knows what dirty low prostitute you found there?!". I rolled my eyes and said annoyed:"Really mom?! She is not a prostitute". Then, mom asked me still angrily, but a kind of concerned anger:"Are you even dating her?". Ah, thanks mom. Thanks for reminding me that Dara and I will never be dating. I said, sighing:"No...I wish.". Mom said, a bit calmer this time:"Then who is she?". I said, feeling suddenly sad:"It's Dara". Mom asked:"Dara, your friend from X-factor?". I said shortly:"Yea..". Mom said sarcastically:"I see you're having so much at X-factor. So that's why you were always  too busy to call me, huh?". I said, feeling annoyed by her statement:"I was busy with X-factor too, mom." She said, still sarcastically:"But more with Dara, eh?". I said angrily, as she was insisting to much on this topic:"Mom, stop!". She said:"Okay, I'll stop talking about it. But just so you know, I thought you wanted to take part in X-factor because of your passion for music, not just to spend some time away from home so that you can have sex with the first girl you start talking too.". I cut in and said:"Dara is my friend". Mom continued with:"You think so? In a couple of months, X-factor will be over, and you will come back home. And yes, you will come back home, don't expect me to allow you to stay there any more, as you have to finish your studies here, in Russia. And when X-factor is over, you will not see this girl anytime soon. Or maybe never...". As she finished speaking, I said:"Bye, mom" and I ended the call before she got the chance to say anything. Then, my eyes immediately started tearing up and I was feeling really anxious. Mom was right. I should have been more realistic. In maximum 2 months, I will have to say good-bye to Dara. Why have I ever imagined that this would work? It will NEVER work.

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