Chapter 6

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The next day,  it was  the next X factor show. I almost forgot about it, but when I woke up in the morning, luckily, I remembered. Actually, 'in the morning' means at 10:30 a.m. Dara and I fell asleep at 5 a.m. , if I remember correctly, so, in fact, waking up at 10:30 a.m. was early. Not only the fact that we had the next show tonight came to my mind when I woke up, but also what happened the previous night. I kinda woke up feeling guilty. I don't know why. I didn't do anything wrong after all. I just felt that I was guilty of doing this as we are just friends. But maybe I just have a stupid mind sometimes. It's the 21st century, after all. Nothing seems so wrong anymore.
Anyway, when I woke up, Dara was still sleeping. I couldn't fall back asleep anymore because I had too many things on my mind. I got dressed and I was intending to leave, to go to my room. I didn't know if I should wake her up or not. She is so cute when she's sleeping. I can't wake her up. But, would it be rude if I left without telling her? I have the silliest dillemas sometimes. But, in the end, I decided to leave and to let her sleep.
I don't know when she woke up because I was in my room, showering and getting ready for the show. And I didn't talk to her at all. Which is kinda strange. Because we used to talk all the time. What if she's mad at me? I was kinda stressed about it. However, I went to the X factor studio in advance, as we all were supposed to do.  When I arrived, most of the contestants, the staff, the jury and the hosts were already there. I think Dara should have been there too. Maybe she was outside, smoking, I don't know, but she wasn't backstage. I just arrived and Viktoria, one of the contestants, came to me and said "hi" with a very happy, kind of enthusiastic voice. I said "hi" to her too, smiling friendly. She asked me, with the same happiness in her voice: "How have you been, Kris? I didn't see you yesterday.". I looked surprized and confused at her, because she was supposed to have seen me yesterday, as we all performed, and I still didn't understand her  sudden interest in seeing me, but I said:"Viktoria, I was here yesterday. We had a live show, remember?". She said, putting her left arm on my shoulder and laughing quietly:"Oh, right, right. I'm so stupid." Her behaviour was kinda strange. She was never so happy and friendly and laughing for no reason. I may be paranoic, but I was kinda questioning myself: 'is she high?'. I just smiled at her, not knowing what to say anymore, but she asked, with a curious, teasing and still excited voice:"Hmmm...what do you have on your neck?". Oh shit, I forgot about the hickey that Dara made me on my neck. I replied, pretending to have no clue what Viktoria what talking about:"Uh, what?". Before she got the chance to say anything, Dara came and said friendly to us:"Hi guys!!". Viktoria said "hi" shortly and then she left quickly. Her behaviour was so strange today. I said to Dara "hi", as she greeted us earlier and then she asked me:"how are you, Kris?", with a friendly smile. It was so weird to see her now, after what happened last night, and to be pretend like we are just friends. Oh wait, we are actually JUST firends. I gave a short reply: "I'm fine", then one of the memembers from Ava band came next to us, to say 'hi' and after that, she immediately asked me, with a sarcastic voice:"Uhh, Kris, what's that on your neck? What did you do last night, boy?" I looked straight into her eyes angrily, not saying a word, and Dara said, starting to rub my head as if I was a fluffy puppy: "He's my little boy. I'm sure that he didn't do anything dirty.". Then, the girl from Ava band rolled her eyes and said: "Whatever. Good luck tonight, guys", before leaving and Dara replied:"Good luck to you too".  After that girl left, Dara said teasingly to me, messing my hair :"What's with  this hair style, Kris?". I said, stopping her from touching my hair:" I didn't have time to do my hair. Don't make it look even worse, please". She said cutely, hugging me:"Naw, someone woke up angry". I hugged her back and said quietly:"No, but I'm still kinda sleepy ". She started to fix my hair playfully, after she had messed with it, and said, smiling at me:"Get a coffee, sweetie". I said, smiling at her:"Nah, I'll survive. I'm not into coffee". After that, she said, smirking at me:"Well, I think you actually need it. You're gonna have another white night". I said, smiling more, kind of blushing:"Okay". Then, one of the staff memembers came to us and told me that it was time for me to go to have my make-up done. I did as I was told, so I had to leave Dara alone for a while.
Okay, my mind is still full of memories from last night and it feels so weird to see Dara here and have casual conversations with her. But, I have to empty my mind now and focus on my upcoming performance.

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