Chaper 12

111 3 0

It was already 9 pm so I was heading towards Dara's room. I knocked at the door and she opened it very quickly, in like 2 seconds I think. She said "hi" to me, but not in the same way as usual. I can understand that she is still upset though, she has a good reason to be. I said "hi, Dara", with a slight smile. I entered the room, and I asked, as the quite atmosphere was feeling awkward to me:"Should I apologize again?". She rolled her eyes and said calmly:"No, Kris. It's fine. I'm over it." I asked, having a feeling that she is still mad at me:"are you sure?". She hugged me and said:"Yes. I wouldn't lie, okay?". I hugged her back and I kept her close to me for quite a while, enjoying this feeling. She hold my hand, and took me to her bed. We sat on it and she asked me if we should make another live on instagram. I love doing livestreams with her, but that enormous hickey was still on my neck and I didn't want anyone to see it, so I said:"No! Don't you see what I have on my neck?". She gave a sweet kiss to my cheek and said:"Naw, I'm sorry about that." I said:"it's fine" and then, we both took out phones, laying down on the bed and we started to use them, ignoring each other. I was going to open instagram, but I received a text from Ira. I had previously apologized to her for the fact that I had ignored her for 3 days because of Dara and she asked me:"I forgive you for this but tell me honestly, you like her, don't you?". I replied with:"We're just friends. I like her as I like all my friends". Ira texted me back immediately and said:"C' know what I am talking about. Are you in love with her?".No matter how much I try denying it, I know that Ira knows me well and she had already figured what I was feeling so I decided to give a honest answer, which is kind of confusing, but so are my feelings:"I don't know what I am feeling anymore. I used to like her as a friend in the beginning, but after that kiss and other stuff.... I don't know...".
After that, Dara broke the silence and asked me:"Are you gonna be on your phone all night?". I just shrugged, not knowing what else to say. She asked me:" you want to watch a movie?". I said:"If you want to, why not?". I know I will sound the the dumbest person ever but to be honest, I miss the nights that I used to have with her before we had that fight. But anyway, she said that I wasn't good in bed, I accused her of being desperate, so it is probably the best to spend this night diffrently. She said, regarding her suggestion about watching a movie:"Well, only if you want it. We'll do anything you want. I don't wanna be accused again of who-knows-what just because it is my idea.". I guess this was suppossed to make me feel bad about what I said earlier today, so, she's still not over it. I said, feeling kinda annoyed by her statement:"You're still not over it, are you?". Dara laid her head on my shoulder and said:"I am just being cautious. I don't want us to fight again or something. So I am okay with anything that you want. If you want to just do nothing all night, then this is what will we do". I sighed and said:"I don't know what I want.". As I finished speaking, I got another message from Ira, saying:" 'That kiss and other things'...what other things?". I wrote quickly, in order to prevent it from being read by Dara:"Eh..". Dara said with an annoyed voice:"I see that you'd rather spend time on your phone...". I just used it for like 10 seconds and she said that?! Really?.. I said:"No...I would doesn't matter". Dara looked at me and said:"Oh, c'mon, tell me.". I looked and her and I said seriously:"Tell me something honestly". She asked quietly:"What?". I asked, making eye-contact with her:"Am I so terrible in bed?". She asked, laughing:"What?". I feel awkward for asking, especially because she started laughing, but I said:"Well, you said so...". Dara said, giggling:"I didn't" and kissed me shortly. This kiss was totally unexpected but I kissed her back and after that I said:" You actually did...". She said, looking into my eyes:"I said 'you're not even so good', I didn't say that you're terrible.". I replied with:"It's the same thing to me." Dara started to stroke my right arm slowly and answered calmly:"It's not the same thing. Anyway, I said that out of anger, I'm sorry for that". I asked, feeling kind of frustrated:"But, is it true?". I think Dara has already got tired of my silly questions as she rolled her eyes and said, kissing my left cheek:"Oh, c'mon, Kris...". I didn't know what to think now actually. I mean, it was clearly a way to make me shut up, but why? Was it because I should have figured that she didn't mean it or because she didn't want to admit that she really thought that I wasn't good? However, I asked, even though I thought that it wouldn't be a good idea to say this:"Am I stupid if I actually know..?". I stopped here because I realized how weird it would be to ask something like 'Am I stupid if I love having sex with you?'. Anyway, she was smart enough to figure what I was going to say, and said, laughing quietly, probably at my stupidity:"No". The fact that she laughed made me feeling kinda embarrassed. Anyway, she started to stroke my right cheek gently, and kissed me softly. I kissed her back and I placed my right hand on her back. We kept kissing, making it more and more intense and I instinctively moved my hand towards her booty. We stopped and she took off my T-shirt. She started to make circles on my chest with her fingers playfully, and said, kissing my cheek sweetly:"You're too cute". I was really not expecting to hear this in this moment, but it made me smile. Then, she took off her T-shirt herself, and I saw that she wasn't wearing a bra this time. She said, smiling at me:"I'm not wearing a bra this time, I hope you're happy". I laughed quietly and I said:"Yea. It was fine with bra too anyway". She got on top of me, and kissed me roughly, while I started to massage her breasts playfully. Then, she moves to my neck. She started to give sweet, intense kisses on my neck, which made me relax as it was feeling very pleasurable. Then, she began use her tongue in the mix, letting it touch my skin and she unbuttoned my jeans. She stopped and took them off, then she started to kiss down my chest to my lower stomach and I started to shiver slightly when she got close to the band of my boxers with her kisses. She stopped kissing my skin and she started to stroke my private parts over my boxers and made eye-contact with me, smirking at me. I looked at her for a second, bitting my bottom lip, then I looked away, feeling awkward about looking at her right now, especially as I was feeling that I was getting an errection. Then, she took off her jeans too, and got on top of me again, wearing only underwear. She started to grind on me sexily, this kind if tease turning me on like hell, but I loved it and I closed my eyes, breathed deeper. Suddently, I heard a notification sound from my phone and I opened my eyes, annoyed. My phone was on the bed, and Dara saw the text that I received and I assumed that she read it. I couldn't see it because of my position but she stopped from what she was doing asked me with an annoyed voice:"Seriously, Kris?!". I was confused, I didn't know what she saw, but I was kind of scared to read that text, considering her reaction, so I asked:"What?". She got off me and said:"You're telling everybody that you're having sex with me? Seriously?!". What is she talking about? I never told anybody. I said:"What are you talking about?! I never told anyone" and I immediately grabbed my phone and read the text. It was from Ira, saying:"Did you have sex with her already?". She was definitely reffering is those 'other things' meant this, but damn, she asked this in the worst moment ever. Dara said as she saw me reading the message:"Now you know what I mean.". I said, feeling upset about this misunderstanding:"No, Dara, I can explain". She said with an annoyed voice:"I don't need any explanation! I'm no so dumb. I should have never trusted you with this. I should have expected you to go to tell everybody as any guy your age would do". Damn, why did this happen to me? What did Ira have to text me right now? I said:"But I..." and I was cut off by Dara saying:"Save it, Kris. I don't need your excuses." In that moment, I got annoyed by the fact that she didn't want to let me speak, so I got up quickly, I got dresses and I said:"You know what, Dara? I'll just go". She said angrily:"Okay, go.". I rolled my eyes at her reply and I left her room. Maybe it is the best if I just stop talking to her. She's not as I thought. She can't even let me speak. She got mad at me for basically nothing. But well, I don't wanna think about it anymore. She's freaking stupid after all.

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