Chapter 2: Our past

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Tae waited a while until there was finally a annoyed sounding knock as his front door, he quickly walked over not caring about the puffiness in his eye's and opened the door, to see an annoyed Jungkook holding a bag

"Idiot, Have you been crying?"- Jungkook asked his voice sounding worried while cupping Tae's face

"I-Im fine, anyway what's in the bag?"- Tae asked quickly pulling away from jungkook's touch the younger doing the same once he realized how close they were even though it was nothing new

"Food"- Jungkook said snapping out of his worry state and back to his student council president state as he pushed his way past Tae and went into the kitchen

"Since when did your place get so empty?"-The younger asked as Tae walked to his room then came back and threw jungkook the crumbled up paper

Jungkook quickly skimmed through it getting every important detail. "Seriously?! Did they really have to take everything though?!"- Jungkook grumbled as he tossed the paper back to Tae who put it in the trash

"Jungkookie can I ask you something?"- Tae mumbled quietly as Jungkook looked at him

"If it's about why we had to break up half a year ago you already know the answer to that, I wasn't the one who broke up with you"- Jungkook said as he began to skin some vegetables

"Kook-ah you know I didn't want to break up with you, I regret it all the time"- Tae said as Jungkook slammed his hand on the counter

"Then why did you! Three years Taehyung three years we dated! And didn't have not one problem until half a year ago after the accident!"- Jungkook yelled as tears began to stream down his face causing Tae to immediately hold him in his arms as if it was a relfex

" Kook-Ah you know that wasn't your fault that car wasn't paying attention when we walked out into the street"- Tae said running his hand through jungkook's hair trying to calm him down

"You still got hit since you pushed me out the way! And they didn't bother stopping either!"- Jungkook yelled as more tears streamed down is face

"I'm alive though aren't I?"- Tae said in calm voice as he whiped away Jungkook's tears then softly kissed his lips which seemed to calm the younger down

"Why? You know we can't date anymore, your parents despise me"- Jungkook mumbled as Tae continued to wipe his tears away

"Maybe we can't date but no one ever said that I couldn't keep loving you, plus that accident was in the past this is now"- Tae said hugging jungkook tightly

*I love you, but, even I know that we can't be seen together one of us will just get hurt again*

"Alright alright, I still have to make you dinner since you can't cook to save your life"- Jungkook said quickly pulling away with pink cheeks

"You have Jin as an older brother and Jimin as a cousin! So it's not my fault"- Tae pouted while crossing his arms

"Doesn't your older brother know how to cook?"- Jungkook asked as he began to fill a bowl with water

"Hoseok? Mmm I mean ya he can make a few things, but Yoongi mainly makes his meals"- Tae sighed as he took out his phone and started scrolling through twitter

A few minutes passed as Jungkook finally got the water to boil and threw the noodles in just as his phone started buzzing like crazy. He picked it up to see Jin calling him also seeing that the older called him more then five times.

"H-hey Jin"- Jungkook said waiting to hear his brother yell at him but Namjoon had surpringly answered

"You don't have to be so worried kook he only butt dialed but then left his phone here while he's in the shower"- Namjoon said bluntly

"Namjoon hyung! Thank God"- Jungkook sighed as Tae just laughed at him causing the younger to punch his shoulder

"Ow!"- Tae whined

"You deserved it pabo"- Jungkook said poking Tae's cheek harshly

"Was that Tae's voice? So that's where you are"- Namjoon sighed as Jungkook heard some rustling then a large crash

"Don't tell my brother! And what the hell was that?"- Jungkook said quickly as he Namjoon laugh

"I won't I won't, and I may or may have not just broken his T. V. remote in the dorm"- Namjoon said as Jungkook sighed and shook his head turning back to the steaming food and beganing to mix the noodles so they wouldn't get clumped together

"Your twenty almost twenty-one in college and still destroying  things, yup seems like you haven't changed one bit, I think the teachers are still mad at you because of that vase you dropped by the way "- Jungkook said as he Namjoon grumble some incoherent words

"Thank you! For reminding me of my high school days jeon jungkook"-Namjoon said sarcastically

"Happy to help hyung!"- Jungkook laughed as he began plating the food

After they talked for a while Namjoon had to go and hung up, leaving Jungkook with an lovably annoying Tae.


"Are you sure your fine with taking the bus back, you can always sleep here ya know"- Tae said as Jungkook had finished washing the dishes and was getting ready to leave

"I told you I'm fine with it, if I can ride it here I'm sure I can ride it back"- Jungkook said as Tae grumbled something under his breath

"Well that was when it was still day light outside right now it's the middle of night!"- Tae said clearly not convincing Jungkook since the older slipped his shoes on and and opened the front door with Tae right next to him

"See ya tomorrow idiot"- Jungkook said as he left the apartment Leaving Tae alone again until there was a knock at the door

Tae raised an eyebrow before opening it again only to be pulled down by his uniform tie by jungkook, then met with the youngers soft lips on his

"Don't be late tomorrow either or your cleaning bathrooms"- Jungkook said pulling away with red cheeks then quickly dissapearing down the hall towards the elevators

"Thanks for the goodnight kiss!"- Tae yelled as heard Jungkook gasp before hearing the elevator doors close



Did anyone else hear about someone hacking K-pop idols (one of them being jiminie) accounts with like some really bad stuff?

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