Chapter 5: Heart

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*I vividly remember the day I almost died*

*Jungkook Pov*

It was three years ago I was only fourteen and my brother was taking me to the hospital for a checkup, I always felt bad because I knew how much he hated hospitals, still he drove me there. I basically had grown up in hospitals, I've had a weak heart since I was born and would pass out whenever, meaning I couldn't join track like I've always wanted to or do P.E. The doctors said that I wouldn't survive to one year, but, I guess I proved them only slightly wrong.


"Hyung you don't have to come inside I know how much you hate this place"- I said as Jin just shook his head

"It's fine kook were just doing a quick check up, since mom and dad don't bother with us anymore"- He told me as he parked the car and we both got out

We were walking towards the front doors as I started to feel dizzy, I quickly walked ahead and got into the hospital and took a seat before I could pass out. Jin came in soon after and took a seat by me while I was focused on trying to catch my breath and keeping my heart stable, even though I didn't even run I still felt short of breath

"Breathe kook"- Jin told me while rubbing circles on my back as I regained my breath

"I'm okay now hyung, thanks"- Jungkook said as Jin nodded and stood

"I'm gonna go get us some water and snacks, we might be here for a while until the doctor calls you"- Jin told me ruffling my hair then walking away

I sat there in silence for a bit before the dizziness returned, I unconsciously fell to the ground while clutching my shirt, I slowly began to black out, I heard my brother call my name multiple times before it was completely silent, I felt short of breath again and my chest hurt more then it ever had before

I woke up on a hospital bed but it was one of those moving one's, two or three doctors were looking down at me, but, where's Jin? why isn't he with me?! They had one of those breathing mask on me. My heart started beating quickly, causing me to take in deep breaths

"W-Where's m-m-my brother-r" I tried to choke out but my words just came out slurred and incoherent and with the mask on the doctors failed to hear me

My hand gripped my shirt again as my heart continued to beat quickly, I couldn't control that or my breath, it felt so suffocating, it felt like I couldn't breath at all. A small pinch was felt on my arm before I blacked out again.


That's what I could hear, just silence. Everything was white and gray, such boring colors, white gets dirty to easily and gray reminds me of rain, I hate it. I'm in bed again another hospital bed, my chest still hurts, luckily not as bad.I turned my head and saw my brother sitting next to me, sleeping peacefully although his face was puffy and his cheeks tear stained, bags had formed under his eyes, and his hair was a mess.

I lifted my hand and moved the bangs out of his face as he quickly jolted up making me jump, before I could even say anything he hugged me tightly, despite looking like crap Jin still smelled like flowers

"Thank f*cking goodness"- Jin sighed as I hugged him back

"Language hyung"- I said as he still continued hugging me probably not letting go anytime soon

"Screw language, I've been waiting for you to wake up!"- Jin said making me laugh, then realize what he said

"Wait! How long was I out?!"- I asked quickly as jin just waved me off

"Don't worry kook only a few hours as you can see it's already sun down, you we're on the verge of dying ya know. Don't scare me like that!"- Jin told me while hitting my shoulder making me laugh

"Sorry sorry, but, can I go home yet?"- I asked as jin made a thinking face then shook his head

"The doctors said they need to do a few more test just to make sure your heart is stable so that means you can't do P.E. of course, so you'll be here for maybe three more days or so, but, don't worry kook I'll bring your homework by"- Jin told me as I sighed and stretched out my arms

"Gee thanks really appreciate it, and did Namjoon hyung come by? He was supposed to give me yesterday's student council work"- I asked as Jin nodded, I could see the blush on his cheeks when I mentioned his boyfriend

"Ya he did and he should be back soon he went out for some snacks and hobi, jiminie, yoongi, he fell asleep though, and even Tae came by, Tae actually just left a couple of minutes before you woke up"- Jin told me as I felt a blush creep up on my face,

My heart skipped a beat making me release a deep breath. My crush/best friend came by, oh God I think I'm gonna pass out again and that's exactly what I did probably scaring Jin since my head just dropped to the pillow with little to no hesitation

*Jin pov*

After I saw jungkook's head flop back on the pillow I slightly jumped then realized he passed out again and quickly put my hand on his chest and his heart was luckily stable. Namjoon soon walked in with a handful of snacks mainly cookies and chips. I frowned and he seemed to notice and just gave me a cute dumbfounded look

"What?"-He mumbled taking a seat next to me, then pecking my lips

"You at least got some type of fruit or veggie right?"- I asked as he just grinned showing off his cute dimples

"Uhh I got veggie straws does that count?"-  He asked handing me I small bag as I sighed then chuckled taking the bag from his hand

"Did he wake up yet?"- Namjoon asked me as I nodded

"Ya but then he passed out again, after I told him that Tae came by" I chuckled

"That sounds about right, wonder when he's gonna tell us, he makes it so obvious"- Namjoon said as I nodded

"Who knows with this kid"

"Well he is your brother"

"And your point is?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all"

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