Chapter 6: Again

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Jungkook finally got to go to school after having to be in bed all day although it was Friday so it didn't really count. Jin was driving him, since the older was afraid that he would pass out again on the way there it was a twenty minute walk from and to school and only about ten minutes by car

Jin stopped in front of his brother's school and unlocked the doors to let Jungkook out. Jungkook stepped out and grabbed his bag before waving to Jin and closing the door. He had his brother to drop him off a little early so he could get student council work done and was slightly nervous since he hadn't been at school for the three months he had been in a coma and Tae hadn't visited him while he was at home so he wanted to surprise the older as well, since Tae didn't know the younger was going today and Jungkook wanted to see him one more time.

Jungkook clutched his chest, him being nervous didn't help since his heart would still beat quickly, and it had gotten worse since he had started passing out more. Jungkook took in deep breaths while walking to the student council room, he hadn't seen Tae yet so he figured the older must have over slept, but, once he got to the room, the door was already open making him frown.

"Jeez I told them to make sure the doors were locked"- Jungkook grumbled while opening the door only to see Tae eating a breakfast sandwich and scrolling through his phone while spread across multiple desk that he connected together

They both froze and looked at each other surprised, Tae dropped his phone on his face then sat up holding his nose then almost dropped his sandwich with a loud 'sh*t ouch' and got off the table and turned back to the younger, he put his sandwich on the bag it came in and walked over to Jungkook with a sinister but also loving look causing the younger to step back until his back hit the door, the tips of their noses now touching, until Tae softly placed his lips on Jungkooks while hugging his waist tightly, he wrapped his arms around Tae's neck and tried to deepen it before they finally pulled away from the lack of air.

"Surprise surprise, my feisty bunny has returned to me"- Tae said in a low tone making Jungkook blush

"Don't call me that"- Jungkook mumbled

"Why won't you let me date you again exactly?"- Tae asked as Jungkook shrugged and felt his cheeks burn up again

"You haven't asked yet and to think I was gonna give you a second chance to redeem yourself"- Jungkook huffed, he was actually waiting for Tae to ask him out... Again

"Yah! I want that chance I want that chance!"- Tae said quickly, making Jungkook laugh

"Well you already know my answer so..."- The younger said as Tae smirked and got the message and kissed his lips not so softly like earlier

Jungkook was the one to pull away this time since he lost his breath quickly, making Tae pout and cup his checks.

"Wait! What are you doing here?! Your still sick!"- Tae asked after finally realizing making the younger roll his eyes

"I wasn't sick and my heart was stable enough to go to school today"- Jungkook frowned then showed off his bunny teeth

"If you pass out during lunch I'm gonna carry you all the way to the hospital"- Tae said as jungkook chuckled and nodded while slightly averting his eyes

*if only you knew*

Jungkook walked down the hall with Tae, he had convinced his brother to let him walk home and since his brother and their other friends had class, Jin had no choice but to the let the younger walk. Once they were off of school grounds, Tae unexpectedly began walking faster leaving Jungkook behind

"W-What's the rush?!"- Jungkook asked him as he caught up. Tae just kept facing forward completely ignoring him.

The younger felt upset, Tae had never ignored him unless the older was mad at him, did he do something to upset him? Jungkook thought for a bit, He couldn't think of anything that made him mad.

"Tae Tae~ why are you ignoring me?"- Jungkook whined as the older just continued to ignore him so he just kept quiet

Jungkook felt really upset, his eye's began to sting, but, he didn't want to be a baby and cry in front of his boyfriend so he kept them in until his apartment finally came into view. He was overly sensitive and Tae ignoring him didn't help, the older didn't even accept the youngers hand when he reached for it instead just put it in his pocket.

They made it front of Jungkook's door and that's when the tears finally streamed down his face, he quickly tried to wipe them away before Tae said something but more just continued to flow down. He was soon engulfed in large arms and felt the back of his head being stroked.

"I didn't mean to make you mad even though I'm not sure what I did"- Jungkook sniffled as Tae lifted his head and wiped his cheeks

"I didn't mean to make you cry kookie, I just got really jealous and ignored you"- Tae said as jungkook pouted and gave him a confused look

"For what?"-Jungkook asked as Tae shrugged

"Those first year girls were being all flirty with you and you we're doing the same without even realizing"- Tae grumbled as Jungkook just laughed and unlocked his front door

"I don't get how that's funny kook"- Tae said walking in behind jungkook then closing the door

"Tae tae you know I love you and your cute when you get jealous"- jungkook chuckled as tae sat on the couch pulling younger down with him

"Nap time"- Tae mumbled while closing his eyes

"No eat time"- Jungkook said trying to get out of the olders grip

"Sure I'll happily eat you"- Tae said a smirk forming on his face as jungkook went completely red

"N-nap time your pervert"


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