Chapter 9: Surgery + END

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Jungkook was getting ready to go to the hospital, but, was busy whiping the dry tears off his face before his brother came to pick him up. He let Tae take Willow since there was really no one else to take of her and he was the only other person Jungkook trusted enough, since he definitely wasn't taking her to the shelter.

Two beeps we're heard outside as the younger grabbed his sweater and ran out the house to his brothers car, then getting in and buckled in his seat belt while Jin drove off down the road. Jin knew nothing about his twenty percent chance of living and Jungkook knew it was wrong not to tell his brother, but, if he did then he would call it off saying he wouldn't take the risk, but, that would just leave the younger to die slowly and painfully, he actually wanted to live

Jungkook's phone buzzed and he quickly grabbed it knowing Tae was gonna text him

TaeTae👽: Hey kookie quick question

Baby🍪: What is it? You didn't lose Willow did you, I told you she's not an outside cat

TaeTae👽: WHAT? No I didn't she's eating her breakfast right now

Baby🍪: oh ok then what's your question

TaeTae👽: uhh I actually didn't have one I just wanted to talk to my boyfriend is that so wrong?

Baby🍪: You tease

TaeTae👽: Yes the one you fell in love with

Baby🍪: Pabo!

TaeTae👽: Yup! Love you to, I gotta go before Willow scratches up my curtains

Baby🍪: Kay! Love you to

"Thank You"

Those two words are the words that Jungkook texted to every single one of his friends, family and even to his parents, knowing that they were all in class right now or working and wouldn't see it until they hear the news. The younger knew that saying those two words to his brother and Tae would be difficult so he had separate letters written for them that he left at his own place.

"Are you nervous kook?"- Jin asked,Jungkook felt like he was gonna burst out crying hearing his brothers calm voice for the last time knowing he knew nothing.

"Uh y-ya, I've never had a surgery before so it's kinda nerve wrecking"- Jungkook said as his brother nodded in agreement, the younger smiled until the hospital came into view

They hopped out the car once Jin parked and walked to the entrance. There were nurses already waiting. The nurses immediately took jungkook with them and didn't let Jin go either. Jin stood there for a few seconds as they dragged Jungkook away then wondered what he would do for the next four hours, since that's the amount of time the surgery would take. He decided to walk to the (one of many) nearby coffee shops, Namjoon still worked at (for now) and totally not flirt with his boyfriend, four hours straight, plus it was gonna rain soon anyway and the older liked coffee, occasionally

Jin walked into the warm shop that was luckily mostly empty and took a seat in one of the small booths and waited for a certain cute dimpled waiter and speak of the devil he came rushing around the small corner showing off his dimples.

"Hello cutie what can I get ya?"- Namjoon asked quickly ducking down and giving his boyfriend a peck in the lips

"Two things actually, one my regular and two when's your next break?"- Jin asked with a smile plastered ln his face

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