Chapter 8: 20 percent

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" I'll be back home after school Willow now is not the time to fussy"

She mewed in protest making her owner frown, she was still a kitten so she didn't want to be alone, even though he had her for a month or two by now

"I'll give you treat"

Willow perked up and swayed her tail happily and walked to the kitchen, but didn't go in, Jungkook tought her the places she could and couldn't go and the kitchen was one of the prohibited places. Jungkook grabbed her treat bag and took out two fish shaped cookies giving both to willow who happily took them and walked to the living room as jungkook quickly walked out the door. The yougner was about five minutes into his walk, when a second pare of footsteps were heard behind him. Jungkook stiffened a bit until his boyfriend who was walking out of a bakery came into view

He waited a bit before runnig up being Tae and hugged him from behind making the older jump and quickly turn around with wide eyes. "Kookie!"

"Jeez don't scare me like that!"- Tae said as jungkook chuckled and nodded as Tae intertwined their hands and began walking again

Jungkook looked behind his shoulder only to see a guy in black hoodie looking down at his phone, but he just went into a café 'creepy' he thought to himself, 'the doctors never said anything about hearing things'

"What do you think kookie?"- Tae asked knocking the younger back into reality

"Huh? Wha- Oh! Uh Ya!"- Jungkook said as Tae looked at him shocked




They made it to school and walked inside, they were early of course so no one was there yet, but, jungkook was highly annoyed, it was the month of February meaning that paper hearts were all over the place hung up high. The younger loved cute things, that he couldn't disagree with but wasn't into all the lovey dovey crap at all and of course Tae knew that and secretly gave the younger chocolate, when he wasn't paying attention.

Jungkook felt dizzy and lightheaded and leaned on Tae to regain his balance and the older immediately noticed and wrapped a arm around him. Tae walked them to the nurses office, it was open and the nurse luckily wasn't there so he placed the younger on one of the beds and let him rest

"You probably should have asked your brother to drop you off, it's too much strain on your body to even clean your place as it is, kookie"- Tae said while moving the hair out of his boyfriends face

"I'm fine or will be soon"- Jungkook said pulling Tae down so that the older was no longer sitting on the bed and so that he could cuddle him

"What do you mean by that?"- Tae asked as Jungkook just buried his face in the olders chest and took in his smell, this would probably be the last hug he would get

"I'm having surgery tomorrow morning they found a donor"- Jungkook said as Tae's face lit up

"That's great kookie!"- Tae chirped as Jungkook just looked down

*I have a 20% chance of living*


The school day passed fairly quickly and Jungkook just wanted to head home and snuggle Willow until she pawed his face which always made him laugh. He didn't get to walk with Tae since the older had left early because he somehow sprained his rist and had to be picked up by his brother who wasn't very happy about it.Jungkook was crossing the street when people began yelling at him telling him to get out the way.

He was confused for a moment until a black car with tinted windows came speeding past him, he was so close that he could reach out and touch the mirrors if he wanted to. This luckily didn't give him a heart attack but his heart was beating so fast that it hurt his chest almost like he was having a hundred needles hammered into his chest all at once

He clutched his shirt tightly and began walking again with shaky legs, he safely made it home and entered his home, immediately falling to the ground from shock as the door closed itself. Willow jumped off the couch and mewed happily walking over to him jumping into his lap. He gave her a weak smile and scratched behind her ear

"It's good to see you to"- Jungkook mumbled while slowly picking himself up off the ground and flopped down on the couch with Willow resting on his stomach

He dug through his pocket and took out his phone, he went to his contacts and pressed Tae's number, then put the phone to his ear

"Hello babe"- Tae's calm voice ran through the phone making Jungkook feel a little better

"Tae Tae can you come over I don't feel well"- Jungkook mumbled tiredly as he hear Tae talking to someone in the background

"I'll try to get over there as soon as possible kookie"- Tae said as they hung up

Jungkook ended up falling asleep with Willow on his stomach who had also fell asleep, that car accident had left him so shocked and scared, that it made his dream morbid. Soon he was being shook awake which made his yelp when he finally opened his eyes to be met with Tae who had a exstreamly worried look on his face.

The youngers heart was almost beating out of his chest and it was painful. He buried his face into Tae's shoulder and cried his eyes out, that's how badly the pain in his chest was. Tae held him on his lap and tried to calm him down, but, the younger just continued sobbing

"It hurts Tae my chest hurts"- Jungkook cried more Tae didn't know what to do other then rub the youngers chest for him

"I know baby I know you'll be okay, Jin hyung will be here soon I called him earlier"- Tae said kissing the younger's forehead as the door bursted open and in came Jin and Namjoon trying to ignore the fact that Willow was sitting on top of the couch looking out the window at the rainfall

"Hyungs!"- Tae said as Jin quickly ran over leaving Namjoon to close the door

Jin put his hand on the youngers chest his heart was beating like crazy, as if he just ran three miles. Jin put his other hand on his brothers neck and pressed down on a certain spot instantly making Jungkook go to sleep. Jin felt his heart rate slow down and go back go normal and sighed

"Uahh! What the hell happened"- Tae slightly yelled as Jin stood up

"Calm down Tae I just put him to sleep, this used to happen when he was a little little kid so I learned every pressure point in the body to help him relax.

"Now can you please explain something to me"- he as as Tae nodded

"What is it?"

"When the hell did my brother get a kitten and did you let him name it?"


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