Chapter 4: Sick

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Tae walked into his apartment only to be greeted by his bubbly older brother who was sprawled out on the couch eating a bag of chips.

"H-hoseok?! How the hell did you get in here?!"- Tae almost yelled as hobi sat up and stretched his arms

"You take to long to get from school why don't you move closer?"- Hobi asked as Tae just frowned and dropped his backpack by the door

"Answer the question hobi"- Tae said stilling a chip from his brothers hand then decided to just take the whole bag while the older frowned this time

"I climbed through the window"- Hobi said sarcastically ,but, Tae seemed to believe him

"Seriously?! We live on the seventh floor! No one saw you!? I thought that window couldn't open lt's to big"- Tae said as Hobi rolled his eyes and stood up stealing his bag of chips back

"Honestl- you ughh you left the spare key under the door mat dipsh*t now answer my question"- Hobi sighed as Tae made an 'o' with his lips then nodded

"I can't move yet, im not ready to even if I moved I would be closer to jungkookie but still no"- Tae said averting his eyes

"I'm gonna go with your afraid those bullies are gonna find you and try to mess with kook again?"- Hobi asked as Tae ran his hand through his hair and nodded

"Fine fine I won't pressure you anymore, but, let's go get some coffee, I'll drive"- Hoseok said quickly grabbing his phone and keys and heading out the door with Tae behind him

*Time skip*

Tae and Hobi walked into the café not realizing it was Jungkook's job and quickly being engufled into the coffee smell and expecting a talkative environment, but, instead they we're met with complete silence except for two voices one of them clearly angry. Tae walked fully into the shop with Hobi right next to him and saw a spilled drink and a broken cup on the ground and who Tae guessed was the manager talking to a female customer who was propped up like she was just about to go to a beauty pageant her face covered in makeup and everything.

*Tae pov*
I was confused at the sight in front of me until a door from the back swung open and out ran jungkookie?! What the hell is he doi- oh right he works here, I'm guessing he didn't notice me or hobi standing here and just pushed passed us then outside, quickly walking down the sidewalk

"I'll be right back!"- I told my brother about to walk out and hunt my baby down

"I gotta get to class anyway so I'll see ya later"- Hobo said ruffling my hair and walking out to his car as I ran down the sidewalk trying not to bump into people

I finally got my eyes set on my prized possession who was walking quickly probably trying to get home. I quickly ran and grabbed him from behind before he walked straight into moving traffic.

"Sorry but one of us have already been in a hit in run not looking forward to another one"- I said slightly patting myself on the back since I saved my future husband from blindly running into traffic

*Jungkook Pov*

I felt someone grab me from behind and I was seriously about kick them before I heard his voice. Why did Tae of all people have to be here, as long as he didn't see my cheek I might be good, I ended up burying my face in his chest instead even though it hurt my cheek a lot.

"Kook-ah we can walk now"- Tae said bluntly while poking my shoulder but I wasn't listening

"If you don't unbury my face I'm gonna carry you all the way home"- Tae said but I still wasn't listening I honestly wouldn't mind being carried by him well that was when I actually found myself being picked up and carried I quickly unburied my face and tried to get free

"Y-You were serious!?"- I asked wrapping my arms around his neck as he began running

"Of course! Don't take me lightly baby"-Tae said as I gasped, he knew I was like a mouse in a mouse trap when he called me that, I saw my small apartment come into view as he began to slow down

*You annoyingly lovable jerktard!*

Once we got to my front door Tae placed me down while he tried to catch his breath, then stopped which made me flinch, just don't ask ab-

"Kookie....Why is your cheek swollen?"- Tae asked me intentionally deepening his voice making me flinch at the question


"Uh it's nothing really"- I said quickly while taking out my house key and unlocking the door quickly walking inside before I was pinned to the back of my front door.

"Don't lie to me Jeon"

And~ there's the name well now I have zero to no choice, but, to tell him or he won't talk to me until I finally give in.

"A customer got mad that she didn't get enough sugar in her drink and threw it then slapped me"- I mumbled as I felt his grip slowly tightening

"That clown looking little bastard!"- Tae yelled as he was about to open, it took all my strength to hold him back and cup his cheeks to try at least calm him down a little bit

"Tae Tae! It's fine I'm ok it's not a big deal honestly, just stay with me p-please"- I stuttered as I started coughing

*already visited the hospital not wanting to go back*

"Kookie? Are you alright?"- Tae asked me I could hear the worry in his voice, everything went black

*Time skip*

I woke up in a hospital bed? Sh*t did I pass out again? And in front of Tae to great now I'll have to answer his questions, but, he was sitting right next to me resting his eyes, I could tell since I learned the hard way when we we're still together. I guess thats when I realized that it was morning time. Although tae tae was in different clothes then from a while ago when did he go back home and change. I guess I could ask my brother seeing as he just walked in.

"Jungkook! Your finally awake!"- Jin said quickly running over and kissing my cheeks and forehead like always and my cheek didn't seem to hurt at all anymore which was weird

"How long was I knocked out it's already morning?"- I asked as I saw Tae sit up and ruffled his hair then gave me a serious look and I returned it with a confused look

"Kookie you've been asleep for almost three months"- Tae said I thought he was playing of his annoying jokes again but then I turned to my brother who nodded in agreement


*I vividly remember the day I almost died*


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