| 10 | - One Way to Freedom

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The light filtering in through the large windows in my room serves as a guide, casting a soft glow on the almond-colored drapery hooks holding back the curtains. I find comfort in the warmth under the bedsheets, and despite the restless nights I've had since I was captured, I'm all the more restless.

This is the first night I've spent under a different roof from Efrem, and while I should be thinking about how I'm going to escape, my mind instead lingers on the scene that unfolded as he left for his mysterious business.

I stood at the top of the staircase, watching as Efrem prepared to take his leave with the red haired woman who practically hung herself at his arm. Between the guards, Alek and Tavin, they walked in and out of the front door with luggage in their hands.

I wondered how much someone could possibly need to carry for a three day leave.

Judging by the bright hot pink color of the bags, I assumed they all belonged to the woman, and while I studied her demeanor, out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed Isaak moved to stand beside me.

That's how it had been through the entire morning and day, he'd follow wherever I went without saying a word. Of course, I never did go far.

This isn't my home.

Finally, when Alek came back in the house with empty hands, he had only returned to tell Efrem that Tavin was sitting in the car, waiting for his call to leave. With this, Efrem merely nodded and stepped closer to him to whisper something in his ear.

Although I was lurking silently, before he stepped foot out of the house, he turned to look at me, acknowledging that he knew I was there. His eyes studied me for a moment, and while I tried to make out what he could possibly be thinking, I came up empty-handed.

Whatever he has planned, despite my efforts to push it to the back of my mind, I can't.

I need to get the hell out of here...

The problem is that I have no idea where the hell I am. I slept the entire way here, so even if I have to guess, I can't. I had never been in the Mustafin sector before this.

As I sit up in bed, a heavy sigh escapes my lips. I sweep my hair over my shoulder, feeling it cascade loosely below my elbow. Using one hand to support myself, I tug at the bedsheet, exposing my legs to the cool air that makes my skin crawl.

I'm used to having to navigate through the dark, but I can't help but look at the light switch next to the headboard, knowing that it'll make it easier for me. As quick as the thought crosses my mind, it leaves as my gaze lands on the shadowy pair of feet under the door.

Walking out the door isn't an option.

I hold my breath, swinging my legs over the bed's edge and planting them firmly on the carpeted floor. As I straighten on my feet, I pull my hair into a messy bun before swiftly crossing my arms beneath my breasts, hugging myself in my attempt to keep myself warm.

It's not supposed to be this cold at this time of the year...

A shaky breath passes my lips as I begin my movements toward the windows, and while I move silently, I every-so-often glance back at the door only to find the pair of shadowy feet still standing there.

I can only imagine what it would do to his image if word got out that he let me—a nothing—escape from right under his fingertips, so I wonder...

Is it to protect me or is it to protect himself?

I shake the thought from my mind, knowing that none of it matters because I don't intend to stay.

When I come to stand but a foot from the windows, my eyes fall on the window seat. I can tell that it's new–untouched–and I wonder if Isaak truly meant it when he said that the only reason Efrem had me stay in that cell was because he was having this room arranged for me.

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