Chapter Five

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[Cato's POV]

A year has passed ever since I met Clove. I'm seventeen now, and the 74th Hunger Games is getting nearer. I remember the 72nd Hunger Games where our own tributes Angel and Cameron died and lost.

Angel died just a day after the initial bloodbath, while Cameron made it to the Top Five, until he was attacked by tracker jackers.

"Cato, I have something to confess," Clove told me a week after the Games have ended.

"Please don't tell me you're a guy," I joked, but from the look on her face I could tell she was serious.

"I injured Angel," she looked away from me, "I threw my knife at her intentionally,"

I waited for a moment to pass before I spoke again. "Why did you do that?"

"She got on my nerves," she clenched her fists, "She told me I was weak, that I wouldn't win the Games even if I tried, that I wouldn't bring honor here..."

Clove looked into my eyes again, and I find myself staring at her. 

"She told me to stay away from you," she said quietly.

Angel did that? It's not really a surprise, since I've overheard other girls telling that to other girls, and injuring them in the process. But as far as I could remember, I haven't even talked to Clove before that year's reaping day.

I stood up and reached for her hand, "I'm glad you didn't stay away,"

Ever since that day - the day she confessed she maimed Angel - no secrets have stayed secret between us. We trained together in secret day after day, but I made sure not to take notice of her when we go back to the training center.

It would only make her life worse.

Anyways, it's her 14th birthday today, but as far as I'm concerned there's no celebration. 

District Two is better off than the other districts, since our district didn't participate much in the rebellion. I'm not even sure if they participated at all.

"Fausto, can I ask you a favor?" I asked my brother as we're lounging around in our house at the Victor's Village.

"It's for that Clove girl, isn't it?" he smiles, and I could see he'd say yes anyway.

"Well, it's her birthday today," I explain, "I want to surprise her with something,"

"Are you sure you're my little brother? Your acting is horrible," Fausto joked, "Cato is usually murderous,"

"Ha-ha, very funny," I say sarcastically, "So please Fausto? I'm asking just this once,"

"That's it. My little brother never says please," Fausto laughs as I pretend to stab him with an imaginary sword, "Cato, stop acting like a six-year-old,"

I stab him even more. "OK, OK. What does she wants?"

"Cato, where on earth are you taking me?" 

Clove's eyes are in a blindfold, and I'm leading her by the shoulders. She has no idea what's going to happen next.

"Just trust me," I smile, even though I know she can't see me, "We're almost there,"

"If this is some sort of joke, I swear - " Clove's words are cut off as I remove the blindfold.

I've led her to the Victor's Village. She has never been here, and the grandeur of the houses must have impressed her. "Cato... this... Is this where you and Fausto live?"

"Yep, come on in," I take her by the hand and lead her up to the veranda.

"Cato, this is too much, I don't think - " 

And for the second time that day, her words are cut off. The moment I opened the door, her family came out and hugged her.

"Happy birthday, Clove!" her mother, Sasha, hugged her tight as her two little sisters Misa and Carrie hugged her waist.

"Mother!" Clove hugged her mom back, and gave her sisters kisses on their foreheads. Then she turned to me with the biggest smile I've ever seen, "Cato, thank you so much,"

"It's nothing Fuhrman," I grin, "Come on, let the feast begin,"

Inside, my brother had our helper whisk up something special. Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, strawberries covered in chocolate and Clove's favorite apples covered in brown sugar.

It's just a small party, since Clove doesn't mingle much with the other Careers, and apparently the people from town. So it's just me, Fausto, Sasha, Misa and Carrie.

"Hey," I stand beside her, making sure she doesn't see the box I hold in my hands behind me.

"Hi," she smiled at me, "Thanks for this,"

"You haven't recieved the best part yet," I handed her the box. 

"What's this?" she opened it, and her eyes widen with surprise, "Oh,"

Inside are five knives, each with intricate carvings in the handles and wicked sharp blades. I had my brother engrave Clove's name into each one, and my name in the other side of the handle.

"Cato, you shouldn't have," she takes out on knife and looks at the handle.

"Well, I did it already didn't I?" I said as she put down the knife and the box and hugs me tight.

After Clove and her family went home, Fausto pulled me aside and I find myself locked with his green eyes.

"She's changed you," he says simply.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I ask. 

"No, because you'll be in that arena less than a year from now," he says with such intensity I look away, "Every time something happens to you, she'll be hurt,"

I look at him again, and break away from his grasp.

"Then I'll make sure nothing happens to me," I say, remembering her wide smile and warm eyes, "I'll make sure I win the Games. I'll make sure I'll win for her,"

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